var activitiesPerPage = 20; BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ template: function() { return 'activities'; }, onCreated: function() { var self = this; // XXX Should we use ReactiveNumber? = new ReactiveVar(1); self.loadNextPageLocked = false; var sidebar = self.componentParent(); // XXX for some reason not working sidebar.callFirstWith(null, 'resetNextPeak'); self.autorun(function() { var mode =; var capitalizedMode = Utils.capitalize(mode); var id = Session.get('current' + capitalizedMode); var limit = * activitiesPerPage; if (id === null) return; self.subscribe('activities', mode, id, limit, function() { self.loadNextPageLocked = false; // If the sibear peak hasn't increased, that mean that there are no more // activities, and we can stop calling new subscriptions. // XXX This is hacky! We need to know excatly and reactively how many // activities there are, we probably want to denormalize this number // dirrectly into card and board documents. var a = sidebar.callFirstWith(null, 'getNextPeak'); sidebar.calculateNextPeak(); var b = sidebar.callFirstWith(null, 'getNextPeak'); if (a === b) { sidebar.callFirstWith(null, 'resetNextPeak'); } }); }); }, loadNextPage: function() { if (this.loadNextPageLocked === false) { + 1); this.loadNextPageLocked = true; } }, boardLabel: function() { return TAPi18n.__('this-board'); }, cardLink: function() { var card = this.currentData().card(); return Blaze.toHTML(HTML.A({ href: card.absoluteUrl(), 'class': 'action-card' }, card.title)); }, memberLink: function() { return Blaze.toHTMLWithData(Template.memberName, { user: this.currentData().member() }); }, attachmentLink: function() { var attachment = this.currentData().attachment(); return Blaze.toHTML(HTML.A({ href: attachment.url(), 'class': 'js-open-attachment-viewer' },; } }).register('activities'); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ template: function() { return 'cardActivities'; }, cardLabel: function() { return TAPi18n.__('this-card'); }, events: function() { return [{ // XXX We should use Popup.afterConfirmation here 'click .js-delete-comment': function() { var commentId = this.currentData().commentId; CardComments.remove(commentId); }, 'submit .js-edit-comment': function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); var commentText = this.currentComponent().getValue(); var commentId = Template.parentData().commentId; if ($.trim(commentText)) { CardComments.update(commentId, { $set: { text: commentText } }); } } }]; } }).register('cardActivities');