// XXX This event list must be abstracted somewhere else. var endTransitionEvents = [ 'webkitTransitionEnd', 'otransitionend', 'oTransitionEnd', 'msTransitionEnd', 'transitionend' ].join(' '); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ template: function() { return 'boardComponent'; }, onCreated: function() { this.draggingActive = new ReactiveVar(false); }, openNewListForm: function() { this.componentChildren('addListForm')[0].open(); }, setIsDragging: function(bool) { this.draggingActive.set(bool); }, scrollLeft: function(position) { position = position || 0; var $container = $(this.find('.js-lists')); var containerWidth = $container.width(); var currentScrollPosition = $container.scrollLeft(); if (position < currentScrollPosition) { $container.animate({ scrollLeft: position }); } else if (position > currentScrollPosition + containerWidth) { $container.animate({ scrollLeft: Math.max(0, position - containerWidth) }); } }, currentCardIsInThisList: function() { var currentCard = Cards.findOne(Session.get('currentCard')); var listId = this.currentData()._id; return currentCard && currentCard.listId === listId; }, onRendered: function() { var self = this; self.scrollLeft(); var lists = this.find('.js-lists'); // We want to animate the card details window closing. We rely on CSS // transition for the actual animation. lists._uihooks = { removeElement: function(node) { var removeNode = _.once(function() { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); }); if ($(node).hasClass('js-card-detail')) { $(node).css({ flex: '0 0 0', padding: 0 }); $(lists).one(endTransitionEvents, removeNode); } else { removeNode(); } } }; if (! Meteor.userId() || ! Meteor.user().isBoardMember()) return; self.$(lists).sortable({ tolerance: 'pointer', appendTo: '.js-lists', helper: 'clone', items: '.js-list:not(.js-list-composer)', placeholder: 'list placeholder', start: function(evt, ui) { ui.placeholder.height(ui.helper.height()); Popup.close(); }, stop: function() { self.$('.js-lists').find('.js-list:not(.js-list-composer)').each( function(i, list) { var data = Blaze.getData(list); Lists.update(data._id, { $set: { sort: i } }); } ); } }); // Disable drag-dropping while in multi-selection mode self.autorun(function() { self.$(lists).sortable('option', 'disabled', MultiSelection.isActive()); }); // If there is no data in the board (ie, no lists) we autofocus the list // creation form by clicking on the corresponding element. if (self.data().lists().count() === 0) { this.openNewListForm(); } }, sidebarSize: function() { var sidebar = this.componentChildren('sidebar')[0]; if (sidebar && sidebar.isOpen()) return 'next-sidebar'; } }).register('boardComponent'); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ template: function() { return 'addListForm'; }, // Proxy open: function() { this.componentChildren('inlinedForm')[0].open(); }, events: function() { return [{ submit: function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); var title = this.find('.list-name-input'); if ($.trim(title.value)) { Lists.insert({ title: title.value, boardId: Session.get('currentBoard'), sort: $('.list').length }); title.value = ''; } } }]; } }).register('addListForm');