// We define a set of six board colors that we took from the FlatUI palette. // http://flatuicolors.com // // XXX Centralizing all these properties in a single file just because their // value is derived from the same color, doesn't make any sense. We should // create a mixin/macro that would generate 6 versions of a given property and // dispatch this list in the other stylus files. setBoardColor(color) &#header, &.sk-spinner div, .board-backgrounds-list &.background-box, .board-list & a background-color: color .is-selected .minicard border-left: 3px solid color button[type=submit].primary, input[type=submit].primary background-color: darken(color, 20%) &.pop-over .pop-over-list li a:not(.disabled):hover, .sidebar .sidebar-content .sidebar-btn:hover, .sidebar-list li a:hover background-color: lighten(color, 10%) &#header ul li.current, &#header-quick-access ul li.current border-bottom: 2px solid lighten(color, 10%) &#header-quick-access background: darken(color, 10%) color: white &#header #header-main-bar .board-header-btn.emphasis background: complement(color) &:hover, .board-header-btn-close background: darken(complement(color), 10%) &:hover .board-header-btn-close background: darken(complement(color), 20%) .materialCheckBox.is-checked border-bottom: 2px solid color border-right: 2px solid color .is-multiselection-active .multi-selection-checkbox &.is-checked + .minicard background: lighten(color, 90%) &:not(.is-checked) + .minicard:hover:not(.minicard-composer) background: lighten(color, 97%) @media screen and (max-width: 800px) &.pop-over .header background: color color: white .board-color-nephritis setBoardColor(#27AE60) .board-color-pomegranate setBoardColor(#C0392B) .board-color-belize setBoardColor(#2980B9) .board-color-wisteria setBoardColor(#8E44AD) .board-color-midnight setBoardColor(#2C3E50) .board-color-pumpkin setBoardColor(#E67E22)