/* const DOWNCLS = 'fa-sort-down'; const UPCLS = 'fa-sort-up'; */ Template.boardMenuPopup.events({ 'click .js-rename-board': Popup.open('boardChangeTitle'), 'click .js-custom-fields'() { Sidebar.setView('customFields'); Popup.close(); }, 'click .js-open-archives'() { Sidebar.setView('archives'); Popup.close(); }, 'click .js-change-board-color': Popup.open('boardChangeColor'), 'click .js-change-language': Popup.open('changeLanguage'), 'click .js-archive-board ': Popup.afterConfirm('archiveBoard', function() { const currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); currentBoard.archive(); // XXX We should have some kind of notification on top of the page to // confirm that the board was successfully archived. FlowRouter.go('home'); }), 'click .js-delete-board': Popup.afterConfirm('deleteBoard', function() { const currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); Popup.close(); Boards.remove(currentBoard._id); FlowRouter.go('home'); }), 'click .js-outgoing-webhooks': Popup.open('outgoingWebhooks'), 'click .js-import-board': Popup.open('chooseBoardSource'), 'click .js-subtask-settings': Popup.open('boardSubtaskSettings'), }); Template.boardMenuPopup.helpers({ exportUrl() { const params = { boardId: Session.get('currentBoard'), }; const queryParams = { authToken: Accounts._storedLoginToken(), }; return FlowRouter.path('/api/boards/:boardId/export', params, queryParams); }, exportFilename() { const boardId = Session.get('currentBoard'); return `wekan-export-board-${boardId}.json`; }, }); Template.boardChangeTitlePopup.events({ submit(event, templateInstance) { const newTitle = templateInstance .$('.js-board-name') .val() .trim(); const newDesc = templateInstance .$('.js-board-desc') .val() .trim(); if (newTitle) { this.rename(newTitle); this.setDescription(newDesc); Popup.close(); } event.preventDefault(); }, }); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ watchLevel() { const currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); return currentBoard && currentBoard.getWatchLevel(Meteor.userId()); }, isStarred() { const boardId = Session.get('currentBoard'); const user = Meteor.user(); return user && user.hasStarred(boardId); }, // Only show the star counter if the number of star is greater than 2 showStarCounter() { const currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); return currentBoard && currentBoard.stars >= 2; }, /* showSort() { return Meteor.user().hasSortBy(); }, directionClass() { return this.currentDirection() === -1 ? DOWNCLS : UPCLS; }, changeDirection() { const direction = 0 - this.currentDirection() === -1 ? '-' : ''; Meteor.call('setListSortBy', direction + this.currentListSortBy()); }, currentDirection() { return Meteor.user().getListSortByDirection(); }, currentListSortBy() { return Meteor.user().getListSortBy(); }, listSortShortDesc() { return `list-label-short-${this.currentListSortBy()}`; }, */ events() { return [ { 'click .js-edit-board-title': Popup.open('boardChangeTitle'), 'click .js-star-board'() { Meteor.user().toggleBoardStar(Session.get('currentBoard')); }, 'click .js-open-board-menu': Popup.open('boardMenu'), 'click .js-change-visibility': Popup.open('boardChangeVisibility'), 'click .js-watch-board': Popup.open('boardChangeWatch'), 'click .js-open-archived-board'() { Modal.open('archivedBoards'); }, 'click .js-toggle-board-view': Popup.open('boardChangeView'), 'click .js-toggle-sidebar'() { Sidebar.toggle(); }, 'click .js-open-filter-view'() { Sidebar.setView('filter'); }, /* 'click .js-open-sort-view'(evt) { const target = evt.target; if (target.tagName === 'I') { // click on the text, popup choices this.changeDirection(); } else { // change the sort order Popup.open('listsort')(evt); } }, */ 'click .js-filter-reset'(event) { event.stopPropagation(); Sidebar.setView(); Filter.reset(); }, 'click .js-open-search-view'() { Sidebar.setView('search'); }, 'click .js-multiselection-activate'() { const currentCard = Session.get('currentCard'); MultiSelection.activate(); if (currentCard) { MultiSelection.add(currentCard); } }, 'click .js-multiselection-reset'(event) { event.stopPropagation(); MultiSelection.disable(); }, 'click .js-log-in'() { FlowRouter.go('atSignIn'); }, }, ]; }, }).register('boardHeaderBar'); Template.boardHeaderBar.helpers({ canModifyBoard() { return ( Meteor.user() && Meteor.user().isBoardMember() && !Meteor.user().isCommentOnly() ); }, boardView() { import { Cookies } from 'meteor/ostrio:cookies'; const cookies = new Cookies(); if (cookies.get('boardView') === 'board-view-lists') { return 'board-view-lists'; } else if (cookies.get('boardView') === 'board-view-swimlanes') { return 'board-view-swimlanes'; } else if (cookies.get('boardView') === 'board-view-collapse') { return 'board-view-collapse'; } else if (cookies.get('boardView') === 'board-view-cal') { return 'board-view-cal'; } else { return false; } }, collapseSwimlane() { import { Cookies } from 'meteor/ostrio:cookies'; const cookies = new Cookies(); if (cookies.has('collapseSwimlane')) { return true; } else { return false; } }, }); Template.boardChangeViewPopup.events({ 'click .js-open-lists-view'() { import { Cookies } from 'meteor/ostrio:cookies'; const cookies = new Cookies(); if (cookies.get('boardView') !== 'board-view-lists') { cookies.set('boardView', 'board-view-lists'); const currentUser = Meteor.user(); if (currentUser) { Meteor.user().setBoardView('board-view-lists'); } } Popup.close(); }, 'click .js-open-swimlanes-view'() { import { Cookies } from 'meteor/ostrio:cookies'; const cookies = new Cookies(); if (cookies.get('boardView') !== 'board-view-swimlanes') { cookies.set('boardView', 'board-view-swimlanes'); cookies.remove('collapseSwimlane'); const currentUser = Meteor.user(); if (currentUser) { Meteor.user().setBoardView('board-view-swimlanes'); } } Popup.close(); }, 'click .js-open-collapse-view'() { import { Cookies } from 'meteor/ostrio:cookies'; const cookies = new Cookies(); if (cookies.get('boardView') !== 'board-view-swimlanes') { cookies.set('boardView', 'board-view-swimlanes'); cookies.set('collapseSwimlane', 'true'); const currentUser = Meteor.user(); if (currentUser) { Meteor.user().setBoardView('board-view-swimlanes'); } } Popup.close(); }, 'click .js-open-cal-view'() { import { Cookies } from 'meteor/ostrio:cookies'; const cookies = new Cookies(); cookies.set('boardView', 'board-view-cal'); const currentUser = Meteor.user(); if (currentUser) { Meteor.user().setBoardView('board-view-cal'); } Popup.close(); }, 'click .js-open-rules-view'() { Modal.openWide('rulesMain'); Popup.close(); }, }); const CreateBoard = BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ template() { return 'createBoard'; }, onCreated() { this.visibilityMenuIsOpen = new ReactiveVar(false); this.visibility = new ReactiveVar('private'); this.boardId = new ReactiveVar(''); }, visibilityCheck() { return this.currentData() === this.visibility.get(); }, setVisibility(visibility) { this.visibility.set(visibility); this.visibilityMenuIsOpen.set(false); }, toggleVisibilityMenu() { this.visibilityMenuIsOpen.set(!this.visibilityMenuIsOpen.get()); }, onSubmit(event) { event.preventDefault(); const title = this.find('.js-new-board-title').value; const visibility = this.visibility.get(); this.boardId.set( Boards.insert({ title, permission: visibility, }), ); Swimlanes.insert({ title: 'Default', boardId: this.boardId.get(), }); Utils.goBoardId(this.boardId.get()); }, events() { return [ { 'click .js-select-visibility'() { this.setVisibility(this.currentData()); }, 'click .js-change-visibility': this.toggleVisibilityMenu, 'click .js-import': Popup.open('boardImportBoard'), submit: this.onSubmit, 'click .js-import-board': Popup.open('chooseBoardSource'), 'click .js-board-template': Popup.open('searchElement'), }, ]; }, }).register('createBoardPopup'); (class HeaderBarCreateBoard extends CreateBoard { onSubmit(event) { super.onSubmit(event); // Immediately star boards crated with the headerbar popup. Meteor.user().toggleBoardStar(this.boardId.get()); } }.register('headerBarCreateBoardPopup')); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ visibilityCheck() { const currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); return this.currentData() === currentBoard.permission; }, selectBoardVisibility() { const currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); const visibility = this.currentData(); currentBoard.setVisibility(visibility); Popup.close(); }, events() { return [ { 'click .js-select-visibility': this.selectBoardVisibility, }, ]; }, }).register('boardChangeVisibilityPopup'); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ watchLevel() { const currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); return currentBoard.getWatchLevel(Meteor.userId()); }, watchCheck() { return this.currentData() === this.watchLevel(); }, events() { return [ { 'click .js-select-watch'() { const level = this.currentData(); Meteor.call( 'watch', 'board', Session.get('currentBoard'), level, (err, ret) => { if (!err && ret) Popup.close(); }, ); }, }, ]; }, }).register('boardChangeWatchPopup'); /* BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ onCreated() { //this.sortBy = new ReactiveVar(); ////this.sortDirection = new ReactiveVar(); //this.setSortBy(); this.downClass = DOWNCLS; this.upClass = UPCLS; }, allowedSortValues() { const types = []; const pushed = {}; Meteor.user() .getListSortTypes() .forEach(type => { const key = type.replace(/^-/, ''); if (pushed[key] === undefined) { types.push({ name: key, label: `list-label-${key}`, shortLabel: `list-label-short-${key}`, }); pushed[key] = 1; } }); return types; }, Direction() { return Meteor.user().getListSortByDirection() === -1 ? this.downClass : this.upClass; }, sortby() { return Meteor.user().getListSortBy(); }, setSortBy(type = null) { const user = Meteor.user(); if (type === null) { type = user._getListSortBy(); } else { let value = ''; if (type.map) { // is an array value = (type[1] === -1 ? '-' : '') + type[0]; } Meteor.call('setListSortBy', value); } //this.sortBy.set(type[0]); //this.sortDirection.set(type[1]); }, events() { return [ { 'click .js-sort-by'(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); const target = evt.target; const sortby = target.getAttribute('name'); const down = !!target.querySelector(`.${this.upClass}`); const direction = down ? -1 : 1; this.setSortBy([sortby, direction]); if (Utils.isMiniScreen) { Popup.close(); } }, }, ]; }, }).register('listsortPopup'); */