const subManager = new SubsManager(); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ onCreated() { // Here is the only place that boards data needed, all boards data will stop sync when leaving this template. Meteor.subscribe('boards'); Meteor.subscribe('setting'); Meteor.subscribe('user-admin'); }, boards() { return Boards.find({ archived: false, 'members.userId': Meteor.userId(), }, { sort: ['title'], }); }, isStarred() { const user = Meteor.user(); return user && user.hasStarred(this.currentData()._id); }, hasOvertimeCards() { subManager.subscribe('board', this.currentData()._id); return this.currentData().hasOvertimeCards(); }, hasSpentTimeCards() { subManager.subscribe('board', this.currentData()._id); return this.currentData().hasSpentTimeCards(); }, isInvited() { const user = Meteor.user(); return user && user.isInvitedTo(this.currentData()._id); }, events() { return [{ 'click .js-add-board':'createBoard'), 'click .js-star-board'(evt) { const boardId = this.currentData()._id; Meteor.user().toggleBoardStar(boardId); evt.preventDefault(); }, 'click .js-accept-invite'() { const boardId = this.currentData()._id; Meteor.user().removeInvite(boardId); }, 'click .js-decline-invite'() { const boardId = this.currentData()._id;'quitBoard', boardId, (err, ret) => { if (!err && ret) { Meteor.user().removeInvite(boardId); FlowRouter.go('home'); } }); }, }]; }, }).register('boardList');