Template.attachmentsGalery.events({ 'click .js-add-attachment': Popup.open('cardAttachments'), 'click .js-confirm-delete': Popup.afterConfirm('attachmentDelete', function() { Attachments.remove(this._id); Popup.close(); } ), // If we let this event bubble, FlowRouter will handle it and empty the page // content, see #101. 'click .js-download'(event) { event.stopPropagation(); }, 'click .js-add-cover'() { Cards.findOne(this.cardId).setCover(this._id); }, 'click .js-remove-cover'() { Cards.findOne(this.cardId).unsetCover(); }, 'click .js-preview-image'(evt) { Popup.open('previewAttachedImage').call(this, evt); // when multiple thumbnails, if click one then another very fast, // we might get a wrong width from previous img. // when popup reused, onRendered() won't be called, so we cannot get there. // here make sure to get correct size when this img fully loaded. const img = $('img.preview-large-image')[0]; if (!img) return; const rePosPopup = () => { const w = img.width; const h = img.height; // if the image is too large, we resize & center the popup. if (w > 300) { $('div.pop-over').css({ width: (w + 20), position: 'absolute', left: (window.innerWidth - w)/2, top: (window.innerHeight - h)/2, }); } }; const url = $(evt.currentTarget).attr('src'); if (img.src === url && img.complete) rePosPopup(); else img.onload = rePosPopup; }, }); Template.previewAttachedImagePopup.events({ 'click .js-large-image-clicked'(){ Popup.close(); }, }); Template.cardAttachmentsPopup.events({ 'change .js-attach-file'(evt) { const card = this; FS.Utility.eachFile(evt, (f) => { const file = new FS.File(f); if (card.isLinkedCard()) { file.boardId = Cards.findOne(card.linkedId).boardId; file.cardId = card.linkedId; } else { file.boardId = card.boardId; file.swimlaneId = card.swimlaneId; file.listId = card.listId; file.cardId = card._id; } file.userId = Meteor.userId(); const attachment = Attachments.insert(file); if (attachment && attachment._id && attachment.isImage()) { card.setCover(attachment._id); } Popup.close(); }); }, 'click .js-computer-upload'(evt, tpl) { tpl.find('.js-attach-file').click(); evt.preventDefault(); }, 'click .js-upload-clipboard-image': Popup.open('previewClipboardImage'), }); let pastedResults = null; Template.previewClipboardImagePopup.onRendered(() => { // we can paste image from clipboard $(document.body).pasteImageReader((results) => { if (results.dataURL.startsWith('data:image/')) { $('img.preview-clipboard-image').attr('src', results.dataURL); pastedResults = results; } }); // we can also drag & drop image file to it $(document.body).dropImageReader((results) => { if (results.dataURL.startsWith('data:image/')) { $('img.preview-clipboard-image').attr('src', results.dataURL); pastedResults = results; } }); }); Template.previewClipboardImagePopup.events({ 'click .js-upload-pasted-image'() { const results = pastedResults; if (results && results.file) { const card = this; const file = new FS.File(results.file); if (!results.name) { // if no filename, it's from clipboard. then we give it a name, with ext name from MIME type if (typeof results.file.type === 'string') { file.name(results.file.type.replace('image/', 'clipboard.')); } } file.updatedAt(new Date()); file.boardId = card.boardId; file.cardId = card._id; file.userId = Meteor.userId(); const attachment = Attachments.insert(file); if (attachment && attachment._id && attachment.isImage()) { card.setCover(attachment._id); } pastedResults = null; $(document.body).pasteImageReader(() => {}); Popup.close(); } }, });