// Edit start & due dates const EditCardDate = BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ template() { return 'editCardDate'; }, onCreated() { this.error = new ReactiveVar(''); this.card = this.data(); this.date = new ReactiveVar(moment.invalid()); }, onRendered() { const $picker = this.$('.js-datepicker').datepicker({ todayHighlight: true, todayBtn: 'linked', language: TAPi18n.getLanguage(), }).on('changeDate', function(evt) { this.find('#date').value = moment(evt.date).format('L'); this.error.set(''); this.find('#time').focus(); }.bind(this)); if (this.date.get().isValid()) { $picker.datepicker('update', this.date.get().toDate()); } }, showDate() { if (this.date.get().isValid()) return this.date.get().format('L'); return ''; }, showTime() { if (this.date.get().isValid()) return this.date.get().format('LT'); return ''; }, dateFormat() { return moment.localeData().longDateFormat('L'); }, timeFormat() { return moment.localeData().longDateFormat('LT'); }, events() { return [{ 'keyup .js-date-field'() { // parse for localized date format in strict mode const dateMoment = moment(this.find('#date').value, 'L', true); if (dateMoment.isValid()) { this.error.set(''); this.$('.js-datepicker').datepicker('update', dateMoment.toDate()); } }, 'keyup .js-time-field'() { // parse for localized time format in strict mode const dateMoment = moment(this.find('#time').value, 'LT', true); if (dateMoment.isValid()) { this.error.set(''); } }, 'submit .edit-date'(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); // if no time was given, init with 12:00 const time = evt.target.time.value || moment(new Date().setHours(12, 0, 0)).format('LT'); const dateString = `${evt.target.date.value} ${time}`; const newDate = moment(dateString, 'L LT', true); if (newDate.isValid()) { this._storeDate(newDate.toDate()); Popup.close(); } else { this.error.set('invalid-date'); evt.target.date.focus(); } }, 'click .js-delete-date'(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); this._deleteDate(); Popup.close(); }, }]; }, }); // editCardStartDatePopup (class extends EditCardDate { onCreated() { super.onCreated(); this.data().startAt && this.date.set(moment(this.data().startAt)); } _storeDate(date) { this.card.setStart(date); } _deleteDate() { this.card.unsetStart(); } }).register('editCardStartDatePopup'); // editCardDueDatePopup (class extends EditCardDate { onCreated() { super.onCreated(); this.data().dueAt && this.date.set(moment(this.data().dueAt)); } onRendered() { super.onRendered(); if (moment.isDate(this.card.startAt)) { this.$('.js-datepicker').datepicker('setStartDate', this.card.startAt); } } _storeDate(date) { this.card.setDue(date); } _deleteDate() { this.card.unsetDue(); } }).register('editCardDueDatePopup'); // Display start & due dates const CardDate = BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ template() { return 'dateBadge'; }, onCreated() { const self = this; self.date = ReactiveVar(); self.now = ReactiveVar(moment()); Meteor.setInterval(() => { self.now.set(moment()); }, 60000); }, showDate() { // this will start working once mquandalle:moment // is updated to at least moment.js 2.10.5 // until then, the date is displayed in the "L" format return this.date.get().calendar(null, { sameElse: 'llll', }); }, showISODate() { return this.date.get().toISOString(); }, }); class CardStartDate extends CardDate { onCreated() { super.onCreated(); const self = this; self.autorun(() => { self.date.set(moment(self.data().startAt)); }); } classes() { if (this.date.get().isBefore(this.now.get(), 'minute') && this.now.get().isBefore(this.data().dueAt)) { return 'current'; } return ''; } showTitle() { return `${TAPi18n.__('card-start-on')} ${this.date.get().format('LLLL')}`; } events() { return super.events().concat({ 'click .js-edit-date': Popup.open('editCardStartDate'), }); } } CardStartDate.register('cardStartDate'); class CardDueDate extends CardDate { onCreated() { super.onCreated(); const self = this; self.autorun(() => { self.date.set(moment(self.data().dueAt)); }); } classes() { if (this.now.get().diff(this.date.get(), 'days') >= 2) return 'long-overdue'; else if (this.now.get().diff(this.date.get(), 'minute') >= 0) return 'due'; else if (this.now.get().diff(this.date.get(), 'days') >= -1) return 'almost-due'; return ''; } showTitle() { return `${TAPi18n.__('card-due-on')} ${this.date.get().format('LLLL')}`; } events() { return super.events().concat({ 'click .js-edit-date': Popup.open('editCardDueDate'), }); } } CardDueDate.register('cardDueDate'); (class extends CardStartDate { showDate() { return this.date.get().format('l'); } }).register('minicardStartDate'); (class extends CardDueDate { showDate() { return this.date.get().format('l'); } }).register('minicardDueDate');