const subManager = new SubsManager(); const { calculateIndexData } = Utils; let cardColors; Meteor.startup(() => { cardColors = Cards.simpleSchema()._schema.color.allowedValues; }); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ mixins() { return [Mixins.InfiniteScrolling, Mixins.PerfectScrollbar]; }, calculateNextPeak() { const cardElement = this.find('.js-card-details'); if (cardElement) { const altitude = cardElement.scrollHeight; this.callFirstWith(this, 'setNextPeak', altitude); } }, reachNextPeak() { const activitiesComponent = this.childComponents('activities')[0]; activitiesComponent.loadNextPage(); }, onCreated() { this.currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); this.isLoaded = new ReactiveVar(false); const boardBody = this.parentComponent().parentComponent(); //in Miniview parent is Board, not BoardBody. if (boardBody !== null) { boardBody.showOverlay.set(true); boardBody.mouseHasEnterCardDetails = false; } this.calculateNextPeak(); Meteor.subscribe('unsaved-edits'); }, voteState() { const card = this.currentData(); const userId = Meteor.userId(); let state; if ( { if ( { state = _.contains(, userId); if (state === true) return true; } if ( { state = _.contains(, userId); if (state === true) return false; } } return null; }, isWatching() { const card = this.currentData(); return card.findWatcher(Meteor.userId()); }, hiddenSystemMessages() { return Meteor.user().hasHiddenSystemMessages(); }, canModifyCard() { return ( Meteor.user() && Meteor.user().isBoardMember() && !Meteor.user().isCommentOnly() && !Meteor.user().isWorker() ); }, scrollParentContainer() { const cardPanelWidth = 510; const bodyBoardComponent = this.parentComponent().parentComponent(); //On Mobile View Parent is Board, Not Board Body. I cant see how this funciton should work then. if (bodyBoardComponent === null) return; const $cardView = this.$(this.firstNode()); const $cardContainer = bodyBoardComponent.$('.js-swimlanes'); const cardContainerScroll = $cardContainer.scrollLeft(); const cardContainerWidth = $cardContainer.width(); const cardViewStart = $cardView.offset().left; const cardViewEnd = cardViewStart + cardPanelWidth; let offset = false; if (cardViewStart < 0) { offset = cardViewStart; } else if (cardViewEnd > cardContainerWidth) { offset = cardViewEnd - cardContainerWidth; } if (offset) { bodyBoardComponent.scrollLeft(cardContainerScroll + offset); } //Scroll top const cardViewStartTop = $cardView.offset().top; const cardContainerScrollTop = $cardContainer.scrollTop(); let topOffset = false; if (cardViewStartTop !== 100) { topOffset = cardViewStartTop - 100; } if (topOffset !== false) { bodyBoardComponent.scrollTop(cardContainerScrollTop + topOffset); } }, presentParentTask() { let result = this.currentBoard.presentParentTask; if (result === null || result === undefined) { result = 'no-parent'; } return result; }, linkForCard() { const card = this.currentData(); let result = '#'; if (card) { const board = Boards.findOne(card.boardId); if (board) { result = FlowRouter.url('card', { boardId: card.boardId, slug: board.slug, cardId: card._id, }); } } return result; }, showVotingButtons() { const card = this.currentData(); return ( (currentUser.isBoardMember() || (currentUser && card.voteAllowNonBoardMembers())) && !card.expiredVote() ); }, onRendered() { if (Meteor.settings.public.CARD_OPENED_WEBHOOK_ENABLED) { // Send Webhook but not create Activities records --- const card = this.currentData(); const userId = Meteor.userId(); const params = { userId, cardId: card._id, boardId: card.boardId, listId: card.listId, user: Meteor.user().username, url: '', }; const integrations = Integrations.find({ boardId: { $in: [card.boardId, Integrations.Const.GLOBAL_WEBHOOK_ID] }, enabled: true, activities: { $in: ['CardDetailsRendered', 'all'] }, }).fetch(); if (integrations.length > 0) { integrations.forEach(integration => { 'outgoingWebhooks', integration, 'CardSelected', params, () => { return; }, ); }); } //------------- } if (!Utils.isMiniScreen()) { Meteor.setTimeout(() => { $('.card-details').mCustomScrollbar({ theme: 'minimal-dark', setWidth: false, setLeft: 0, scrollbarPosition: 'outside', mouseWheel: true, }); this.scrollParentContainer(); }, 500); } const $checklistsDom = this.$('.card-checklist-items'); $checklistsDom.sortable({ tolerance: 'pointer', helper: 'clone', handle: '.checklist-title', items: '.js-checklist', placeholder: 'checklist placeholder', distance: 7, start(evt, ui) { ui.placeholder.height(ui.helper.height()); EscapeActions.executeUpTo('popup-close'); }, stop(evt, ui) { let prevChecklist = ui.item.prev('.js-checklist').get(0); if (prevChecklist) { prevChecklist = Blaze.getData(prevChecklist).checklist; } let nextChecklist ='.js-checklist').get(0); if (nextChecklist) { nextChecklist = Blaze.getData(nextChecklist).checklist; } const sortIndex = calculateIndexData(prevChecklist, nextChecklist, 1); $checklistsDom.sortable('cancel'); const checklist = Blaze.getData(ui.item.get(0)).checklist; Checklists.update(checklist._id, { $set: { sort: sortIndex.base, }, }); }, }); const $subtasksDom = this.$('.card-subtasks-items'); $subtasksDom.sortable({ tolerance: 'pointer', helper: 'clone', handle: '.subtask-title', items: '.js-subtasks', placeholder: 'subtasks placeholder', distance: 7, start(evt, ui) { ui.placeholder.height(ui.helper.height()); EscapeActions.executeUpTo('popup-close'); }, stop(evt, ui) { let prevChecklist = ui.item.prev('.js-subtasks').get(0); if (prevChecklist) { prevChecklist = Blaze.getData(prevChecklist).subtask; } let nextChecklist ='.js-subtasks').get(0); if (nextChecklist) { nextChecklist = Blaze.getData(nextChecklist).subtask; } const sortIndex = calculateIndexData(prevChecklist, nextChecklist, 1); $subtasksDom.sortable('cancel'); const subtask = Blaze.getData(ui.item.get(0)).subtask; Subtasks.update(subtask._id, { $set: { subtaskSort: sortIndex.base, }, }); }, }); function userIsMember() { return Meteor.user() && Meteor.user().isBoardMember(); } // Disable sorting if the current user is not a board member this.autorun(() => { const disabled = !userIsMember() || Utils.isMiniScreen(); if ( $'uiSortable') || $'sortable') ) { $checklistsDom.sortable('option', 'disabled', disabled); } if ($'uiSortable') || $'sortable')) { $subtasksDom.sortable('option', 'disabled', disabled); } }); }, onDestroyed() { const parentComponent = this.parentComponent().parentComponent(); //on mobile view parent is Board, not board body. if (parentComponent === null) return; parentComponent.showOverlay.set(false); }, events() { const events = { [`${CSSEvents.transitionend} .js-card-details`]() { this.isLoaded.set(true); }, [`${CSSEvents.animationend} .js-card-details`]() { this.isLoaded.set(true); }, }; return [ {, 'click .js-close-card-details'() { Utils.goBoardId(; }, 'click .js-copy-link'() { StringToCopyElement = document.getElementById('cardURL_copy');; if (document.execCommand('copy')) { StringToCopyElement.blur(); } else { document.getElementById('cardURL_copy').selectionStart = 0; document.getElementById('cardURL_copy').selectionEnd = 999; document.execCommand('copy'); if (window.getSelection) { if (window.getSelection().empty) { // Chrome window.getSelection().empty(); } else if (window.getSelection().removeAllRanges) { // Firefox window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } } else if (document.selection) { // IE? document.selection.empty(); } } }, 'click .js-open-card-details-menu':'cardDetailsActions'), 'submit .js-card-description'(event) { event.preventDefault(); const description = this.currentComponent().getValue();; }, 'submit .js-card-details-title'(event) { event.preventDefault(); const title = this.currentComponent() .getValue() .trim(); if (title) {; } else {''); } }, 'submit .js-card-details-assigner'(event) { event.preventDefault(); const assigner = this.currentComponent() .getValue() .trim(); if (assigner) {; } else {''); } }, 'submit .js-card-details-requester'(event) { event.preventDefault(); const requester = this.currentComponent() .getValue() .trim(); if (requester) {; } else {''); } }, 'click .js-go-to-linked-card'() { Utils.goCardId(; }, 'click .js-member':'cardMember'), 'click .js-add-members':'cardMembers'), 'click .js-assignee':'cardAssignee'), 'click .js-add-assignees':'cardAssignees'), 'click .js-add-labels':'cardLabels'), 'click .js-received-date':'editCardReceivedDate'), 'click .js-start-date':'editCardStartDate'), 'click .js-due-date':'editCardDueDate'), 'click .js-end-date':'editCardEndDate'), 'click .js-show-positive-votes':'positiveVoteMembers'), 'click .js-show-negative-votes':'negativeVoteMembers'), 'mouseenter .js-card-details'() { const parentComponent = this.parentComponent().parentComponent(); //on mobile view parent is Board, not BoardBody. if (parentComponent === null) return; parentComponent.showOverlay.set(true); parentComponent.mouseHasEnterCardDetails = true; }, 'mousedown .js-card-details'() { Session.set('cardDetailsIsDragging', false); Session.set('cardDetailsIsMouseDown', true); }, 'mousemove .js-card-details'() { if (Session.get('cardDetailsIsMouseDown')) { Session.set('cardDetailsIsDragging', true); } }, 'mouseup .js-card-details'() { Session.set('cardDetailsIsDragging', false); Session.set('cardDetailsIsMouseDown', false); }, 'click #toggleButton'() {'toggleSystemMessages'); }, 'click .js-vote'(e) { const forIt = $('js-vote-positive'); let newState = null; if ( this.voteState() === null || (this.voteState() === false && forIt) || (this.voteState() === true && !forIt) ) { newState = forIt; }, newState); }, }, ]; }, }).register('cardDetails'); Template.cardDetails.helpers({ userData() { // We need to handle a special case for the search results provided by the // `matteodem:easy-search` package. Since these results gets published in a // separate collection, and not in the standard Meteor.Users collection as // expected, we use a component parameter ("property") to distinguish the // two cases. const userCollection = this.esSearch ? ESSearchResults : Users; return userCollection.findOne(this.userId, { fields: { profile: 1, username: 1, }, }); }, receivedSelected() { if (this.getReceived().length === 0) { return false; } else { return true; } }, startSelected() { if (this.getStart().length === 0) { return false; } else { return true; } }, endSelected() { if (this.getEnd().length === 0) { return false; } else { return true; } }, dueSelected() { if (this.getDue().length === 0) { return false; } else { return true; } }, memberSelected() { if (this.getMembers().length === 0) { return false; } else { return true; } }, labelSelected() { if (this.getLabels().length === 0) { return false; } else { return true; } }, assigneeSelected() { if (this.getAssignees().length === 0) { return false; } else { return true; } }, requestBySelected() { if (this.getRequestBy().length === 0) { return false; } else { return true; } }, assigneeBySelected() { if (this.getAssigneeBy().length === 0) { return false; } else { return true; } }, memberType() { const user = Users.findOne(this.userId); return user && user.isBoardAdmin() ? 'admin' : 'normal'; }, presenceStatusClassName() { const user = Users.findOne(this.userId); const userPresence = presences.findOne({ userId: this.userId }); if (user && user.isInvitedTo(Session.get('currentBoard'))) return 'pending'; else if (!userPresence) return 'disconnected'; else if (Session.equals('currentBoard', userPresence.state.currentBoardId)) return 'active'; else return 'idle'; }, }); Template.userAvatarAssigneeInitials.helpers({ initials() { const user = Users.findOne(this.userId); return user && user.getInitials(); }, viewPortWidth() { const user = Users.findOne(this.userId); return ((user && user.getInitials().length) || 1) * 12; }, }); // We extends the normal InlinedForm component to support UnsavedEdits draft // feature. (class extends InlinedForm { _getUnsavedEditKey() { return { fieldName: 'cardDescription', // XXX Recovering the currentCard identifier form a session variable is // fragile because this variable may change for instance if the route // change. We should use some component props instead. docId: Session.get('currentCard'), }; } close(isReset = false) { if (this.isOpen.get() && !isReset) { const draft = this.getValue().trim(); if ( draft !== Cards.findOne(Session.get('currentCard')).getDescription() ) { UnsavedEdits.set(this._getUnsavedEditKey(), this.getValue()); } } super.close(); } reset() { UnsavedEdits.reset(this._getUnsavedEditKey()); this.close(true); } events() { const parentEvents =[0]; return [ { ...parentEvents, 'click .js-close-inlined-form': this.reset, }, ]; } }.register('inlinedCardDescription')); Template.cardDetailsActionsPopup.helpers({ isWatching() { return this.findWatcher(Meteor.userId()); }, canModifyCard() { return ( Meteor.user() && Meteor.user().isBoardMember() && !Meteor.user().isCommentOnly() ); }, });{ 'click .js-members':'cardMembers'), 'click .js-assignees':'cardAssignees'), 'click .js-labels':'cardLabels'), 'click .js-attachments':'cardAttachments'), 'click .js-start-voting':'cardStartVoting'), 'click .js-custom-fields':'cardCustomFields'), 'click .js-received-date':'editCardReceivedDate'), 'click .js-start-date':'editCardStartDate'), 'click .js-due-date':'editCardDueDate'), 'click .js-end-date':'editCardEndDate'), 'click .js-spent-time':'editCardSpentTime'), 'click .js-move-card':'moveCard'), 'click .js-copy-card':'copyCard'), 'click .js-copy-checklist-cards':'copyChecklistToManyCards'), 'click .js-set-card-color':'setCardColor'), 'click .js-move-card-to-top'(event) { event.preventDefault(); const minOrder = _.min( this.list() .cards(this.swimlaneId) .map(c => c.sort), ); this.move(this.boardId, this.swimlaneId, this.listId, minOrder - 1); }, 'click .js-move-card-to-bottom'(event) { event.preventDefault(); const maxOrder = _.max( this.list() .cards(this.swimlaneId) .map(c => c.sort), ); this.move(this.boardId, this.swimlaneId, this.listId, maxOrder + 1); }, 'click .js-archive'(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.archive(); Popup.close(); }, 'click .js-more':'cardMore'), 'click .js-toggle-watch-card'() { const currentCard = this; const level = currentCard.findWatcher(Meteor.userId()) ? null : 'watching';'watch', 'card', currentCard._id, level, (err, ret) => { if (!err && ret) Popup.close(); }); }, }); Template.editCardTitleForm.onRendered(function() { autosize(this.$('.js-edit-card-title')); });{ 'keydown .js-edit-card-title'(event) { // If enter key was pressed, submit the data // Unless the shift key is also being pressed if (event.keyCode === 13 && !event.shiftKey) { $('.js-submit-edit-card-title-form').click(); } }, }); Template.editCardRequesterForm.onRendered(function() { autosize(this.$('.js-edit-card-requester')); });{ 'keydown .js-edit-card-requester'(event) { // If enter key was pressed, submit the data if (event.keyCode === 13) { $('.js-submit-edit-card-requester-form').click(); } }, }); Template.editCardAssignerForm.onRendered(function() { autosize(this.$('.js-edit-card-assigner')); });{ 'keydown .js-edit-card-assigner'(event) { // If enter key was pressed, submit the data if (event.keyCode === 13) { $('.js-submit-edit-card-assigner-form').click(); } }, });{ 'click .js-done'() { // XXX We should *not* get the currentCard from the global state, but // instead from a “component” state. const card = Cards.findOne(Session.get('currentCard')); const bSelect = $('.js-select-boards')[0]; const boardId = bSelect.options[bSelect.selectedIndex].value; const lSelect = $('.js-select-lists')[0]; const listId = lSelect.options[lSelect.selectedIndex].value; const slSelect = $('.js-select-swimlanes')[0]; const swimlaneId = slSelect.options[slSelect.selectedIndex].value; card.move(boardId, swimlaneId, listId, 0); Popup.close(); }, }); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ onCreated() { subManager.subscribe('board', Session.get('currentBoard'), false); this.selectedBoardId = new ReactiveVar(Session.get('currentBoard')); }, boards() { const boards = Boards.find( { archived: false, 'members.userId': Meteor.userId(), _id: { $ne: Meteor.user().getTemplatesBoardId() }, }, { sort: { sort: 1 /* boards default sorting */ }, }, ); return boards; }, swimlanes() { const board = Boards.findOne(this.selectedBoardId.get()); return board.swimlanes(); }, aBoardLists() { const board = Boards.findOne(this.selectedBoardId.get()); return board.lists(); }, events() { return [ { 'change .js-select-boards'(event) { this.selectedBoardId.set($(event.currentTarget).val()); subManager.subscribe('board', this.selectedBoardId.get(), false); }, }, ]; }, }).register('boardsAndLists');{ 'click .js-done'() { const card = Cards.findOne(Session.get('currentCard')); const lSelect = $('.js-select-lists')[0]; listId = lSelect.options[lSelect.selectedIndex].value; const slSelect = $('.js-select-swimlanes')[0]; const swimlaneId = slSelect.options[slSelect.selectedIndex].value; const bSelect = $('.js-select-boards')[0]; const boardId = bSelect.options[bSelect.selectedIndex].value; const textarea = $('#copy-card-title'); const title = textarea.val().trim(); // insert new card to the bottom of new list card.sort = Lists.findOne(card.listId) .cards() .count(); if (title) { card.title = title; card.coverId = ''; const _id = card.copy(boardId, swimlaneId, listId); // In case the filter is active we need to add the newly inserted card in // the list of exceptions -- cards that are not filtered. Otherwise the // card will disappear instantly. // See Filter.addException(_id); Popup.close(); } }, });{ 'click .js-done'() { const card = Cards.findOne(Session.get('currentCard')); const oldId = card._id; card._id = null; const lSelect = $('.js-select-lists')[0]; card.listId = lSelect.options[lSelect.selectedIndex].value; const slSelect = $('.js-select-swimlanes')[0]; card.swimlaneId = slSelect.options[slSelect.selectedIndex].value; const bSelect = $('.js-select-boards')[0]; card.boardId = bSelect.options[bSelect.selectedIndex].value; const textarea = $('#copy-card-title'); const titleEntry = textarea.val().trim(); // insert new card to the bottom of new list card.sort = Lists.findOne(card.listId) .cards() .count(); if (titleEntry) { const titleList = JSON.parse(titleEntry); for (let i = 0; i < titleList.length; i++) { const obj = titleList[i]; card.title = obj.title; card.description = obj.description; card.coverId = ''; const _id = Cards.insert(card); // In case the filter is active we need to add the newly inserted card in // the list of exceptions -- cards that are not filtered. Otherwise the // card will disappear instantly. // See Filter.addException(_id); // copy checklists Checklists.find({ cardId: oldId }).forEach(ch => { ch.copy(_id); }); // copy subtasks cursor = Cards.find({ parentId: oldId }); cursor.forEach(cur => { 'use strict'; const subtask = cur; subtask.parentId = _id; subtask._id = null; /* const newSubtaskId = */ Cards.insert(subtask); }); // copy card comments CardComments.find({ cardId: oldId }).forEach(cmt => { cmt.copy(_id); }); } Popup.close(); } }, }); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ onCreated() { this.currentCard = this.currentData(); this.currentColor = new ReactiveVar(this.currentCard.color); }, colors() { return => ({ color, name: '' })); }, isSelected(color) { if (this.currentColor.get() === null) { return color === 'white'; } return this.currentColor.get() === color; }, events() { return [ { 'click .js-palette-color'() { this.currentColor.set(this.currentData().color); }, 'click .js-submit'() { this.currentCard.setColor(this.currentColor.get()); Popup.close(); }, 'click .js-remove-color'() { this.currentCard.setColor(null); Popup.close(); }, }, ]; }, }).register('setCardColorPopup'); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ onCreated() { this.currentCard = this.currentData(); this.parentBoard = new ReactiveVar(null); this.parentCard = this.currentCard.parentCard(); if (this.parentCard) { const list = $('.js-field-parent-card'); list.val(this.parentCard._id); this.parentBoard.set(this.parentCard.board()._id); } else { this.parentBoard.set(null); } }, boards() { const boards = Boards.find( { archived: false, 'members.userId': Meteor.userId(), _id: { $ne: Meteor.user().getTemplatesBoardId(), }, }, { sort: { sort: 1 /* boards default sorting */ }, }, ); return boards; }, cards() { const currentId = Session.get('currentCard'); if (this.parentBoard.get()) { return Cards.find({ boardId: this.parentBoard.get(), _id: { $ne: currentId }, }); } else { return []; } }, isParentBoard() { const board = this.currentData(); if (this.parentBoard.get()) { return board._id === this.parentBoard.get(); } return false; }, isParentCard() { const card = this.currentData(); if (this.parentCard) { return card._id === this.parentCard; } return false; }, setParentCardId(cardId) { if (cardId) { this.parentCard = Cards.findOne(cardId); } else { this.parentCard = null; } this.currentCard.setParentId(cardId); }, events() { return [ { 'click .js-copy-card-link-to-clipboard'() { // Clipboard code from: // const StringToCopyElement = document.getElementById('cardURL');; if (document.execCommand('copy')) { StringToCopyElement.blur(); } else { document.getElementById('cardURL').selectionStart = 0; document.getElementById('cardURL').selectionEnd = 999; document.execCommand('copy'); if (window.getSelection) { if (window.getSelection().empty) { // Chrome window.getSelection().empty(); } else if (window.getSelection().removeAllRanges) { // Firefox window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } } else if (document.selection) { // IE? document.selection.empty(); } } }, 'click .js-delete': Popup.afterConfirm('cardDelete', function() { Popup.close(); // verify that there are no linked cards if (Cards.find({ linkedId: this._id }).count() === 0) { Cards.remove(this._id); } else { // TODO: Maybe later we can list where the linked cards are. // Now here is popup with a hint that the card cannot be deleted // as there are linked cards. // Related: // client/components/lists/listHeader.js about line 248 // const message = `${TAPi18n.__( 'delete-linked-card-before-this-card', )} linkedId: ${ this._id } at client/components/cards/cardDetails.js and`; alert(message); } Utils.goBoardId(this.boardId); }), 'change .js-field-parent-board'(event) { const selection = $(event.currentTarget).val(); const list = $('.js-field-parent-card'); if (selection === 'none') { this.parentBoard.set(null); } else { subManager.subscribe('board', $(event.currentTarget).val(), false); this.parentBoard.set(selection); list.prop('disabled', false); } this.setParentCardId(null); }, 'change .js-field-parent-card'(event) { const selection = $(event.currentTarget).val(); this.setParentCardId(selection); }, }, ]; }, }).register('cardMorePopup'); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ onCreated() { this.currentCard = this.currentData(); this.voteQuestion = new ReactiveVar(this.currentCard.voteQuestion); }, events() { return [ { 'click .js-end-date':'editVoteEndDate'), 'submit .edit-vote-question'(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); const voteQuestion =; const publicVote = $('#vote-public').hasClass('is-checked'); const allowNonBoardMembers = $('#vote-allow-non-members').hasClass( 'is-checked', ); const endString = this.currentCard.getVoteEnd(); this.currentCard.setVoteQuestion( voteQuestion, publicVote, allowNonBoardMembers, ); if (endString) { this.currentCard.setVoteEnd(endString); } Popup.close(); }, 'click .js-remove-vote': Popup.afterConfirm('deleteVote', () => { event.preventDefault(); this.currentCard.unsetVote(); Popup.close(); }), 'click a.js-toggle-vote-public'(event) { event.preventDefault(); $('#vote-public').toggleClass('is-checked'); }, 'click a.js-toggle-vote-allow-non-members'(event) { event.preventDefault(); $('#vote-allow-non-members').toggleClass('is-checked'); }, }, ]; }, }).register('cardStartVotingPopup'); // editVoteEndDatePopup (class extends DatePicker { onCreated() { super.onCreated(moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm')); &&; } events() { return [ { 'submit .edit-date'(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); // if no time was given, init with 12:00 const time = || moment(new Date().setHours(12, 0, 0)).format('LT'); const dateString = `${} ${time}`; const newDate = moment(dateString, 'L LT', true); if (newDate.isValid()) { // if active vote - store it if (this.currentData().getVoteQuestion()) { this._storeDate(newDate.toDate()); Popup.close(); } else { this.currentData().vote = { end: newDate.toDate() }; // set vote end temp Popup.back(); } } else { this.error.set('invalid-date');; } }, 'click .js-delete-date'(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); this._deleteDate(); Popup.close(); }, }, ]; } _storeDate(newDate) { this.card.setVoteEnd(newDate); } _deleteDate() { this.card.unsetVoteEnd(); } }.register('editVoteEndDatePopup')); // Close the card details pane by pressing escape EscapeActions.register( 'detailsPane', () => { if (Session.get('cardDetailsIsDragging')) { // Reset dragging status as the mouse landed outside the cardDetails template area and this will prevent a mousedown event from firing Session.set('cardDetailsIsDragging', false); Session.set('cardDetailsIsMouseDown', false); } else { // Prevent close card when the user is selecting text and moves the mouse cursor outside the card detail area Utils.goBoardId(Session.get('currentBoard')); } }, () => { return !Session.equals('currentCard', null); }, { noClickEscapeOn: '.js-card-details,.board-sidebar,#header', }, );{ 'click .js-select-assignee'(event) { const card = Cards.findOne(Session.get('currentCard')); const assigneeId = this.userId; card.toggleAssignee(assigneeId); event.preventDefault(); }, }); Template.cardAssigneesPopup.helpers({ isCardAssignee() { const card = Template.parentData(); const cardAssignees = card.getAssignees(); return _.contains(cardAssignees, this.userId); }, user() { return Users.findOne(this.userId); }, }); Template.cardAssigneePopup.helpers({ userData() { // We need to handle a special case for the search results provided by the // `matteodem:easy-search` package. Since these results gets published in a // separate collection, and not in the standard Meteor.Users collection as // expected, we use a component parameter ("property") to distinguish the // two cases. const userCollection = this.esSearch ? ESSearchResults : Users; return userCollection.findOne(this.userId, { fields: { profile: 1, username: 1, }, }); }, memberType() { const user = Users.findOne(this.userId); return user && user.isBoardAdmin() ? 'admin' : 'normal'; }, presenceStatusClassName() { const user = Users.findOne(this.userId); const userPresence = presences.findOne({ userId: this.userId }); if (user && user.isInvitedTo(Session.get('currentBoard'))) return 'pending'; else if (!userPresence) return 'disconnected'; else if (Session.equals('currentBoard', userPresence.state.currentBoardId)) return 'active'; else return 'idle'; }, isCardAssignee() { const card = Template.parentData(); const cardAssignees = card.getAssignees(); return _.contains(cardAssignees, this.userId); }, user() { return Users.findOne(this.userId); }, });{ 'click .js-remove-assignee'() { Cards.findOne(this.cardId).unassignAssignee(this.userId); Popup.close(); }, 'click .js-edit-profile':'editProfile'), });