Template.cardMembersPopup.helpers({ isCardMember: function() { var cardId = Template.parentData()._id; var cardMembers = Cards.findOne(cardId).members || []; return _.contains(cardMembers, this.userId); }, user: function() { return Users.findOne(this.userId); } }); Template.cardLabelsPopup.helpers({ isLabelSelected: function(cardId) { return _.contains(Cards.findOne(cardId).labelIds, this._id); } }); var labelColors; Meteor.startup(function() { labelColors = Boards.simpleSchema()._schema['labels.$.color'].allowedValues; }); Template.createLabelPopup.helpers({ // This is the default color for a new label. We search the first color that // is not already used in the board (although it's not a problem if two // labels have the same color). defaultColor: function() { var labels = this.labels || this.card.board().labels; var usedColors = _.pluck(labels, 'color'); var availableColors = _.difference(labelColors, usedColors); return availableColors.length > 1 ? availableColors[0] : 'green'; } }); Template.formLabel.helpers({ labels: function() { return _.map(labelColors, function(color) { return { color: color, name: '' }; }); } }); Blaze.registerHelper('currentCard', function() { var cardId = Session.get('currentCard'); if (cardId) { return Cards.findOne(cardId); } });