BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ canModifyCard() { return Meteor.user() && Meteor.user().isBoardMember() && !Meteor.user().isCommentOnly(); }, }).register('subtasksDetail'); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ addSubtask(event) { event.preventDefault(); const textarea = this.find('textarea.js-add-subtask-item'); const title = textarea.value.trim(); const cardId = this.currentData().cardId; const card = Cards.findOne(cardId); if (title) { Subtasks.insert({ cardId, title, sort: card.subtasks().count(), }); setTimeout(() => { this.$('.add-subtask-item').last().click(); }, 100); } textarea.value = ''; textarea.focus(); }, canModifyCard() { return Meteor.user() && Meteor.user().isBoardMember() && !Meteor.user().isCommentOnly(); }, deleteSubtask() { const subtasks = this.currentData().subtasks; if (subtasks && subtasks._id) { Subtasks.remove(subtasks._id); this.toggleDeleteDialog.set(false); } }, editSubtask(event) { event.preventDefault(); const textarea = this.find('textarea.js-edit-subtasks-item'); const title = textarea.value.trim(); const subtasks = this.currentData().subtasks; subtasks.setTitle(title); }, onCreated() { this.toggleDeleteDialog = new ReactiveVar(false); this.subtasksToDelete = null; //Store data context to pass to subtaskDeleteDialog template }, pressKey(event) { //If user press enter key inside a form, submit it //Unless the user is also holding down the 'shift' key if (event.keyCode === 13 && !event.shiftKey) { event.preventDefault(); const $form = $(event.currentTarget).closest('form'); $form.find('button[type=submit]').click(); } }, events() { const events = { 'click .toggle-delete-subtasks-dialog'(event) { if($('js-delete-subtasks')){ this.subtasksToDelete = this.currentData().subtasks; //Store data context } this.toggleDeleteDialog.set(!this.toggleDeleteDialog.get()); }, }; return [{, 'submit .js-add-subtask': this.addSubtask, 'submit .js-edit-subtasks-title': this.editSubtask, 'click .confirm-subtasks-delete': this.deleteSubtask, keydown: this.pressKey, }]; }, }).register('subtasks'); Template.subtaskDeleteDialog.onCreated(() => { const $cardDetails = this.$('.card-details'); this.scrollState = { position: $cardDetails.scrollTop(), //save current scroll position top: false, //required for smooth scroll animation }; //Callback's purpose is to only prevent scrolling after animation is complete $cardDetails.animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 500, () => { = true; }); //Prevent scrolling while dialog is open $cardDetails.on('scroll', () => { if( { //If it's already in position, keep it there. Otherwise let animation scroll $cardDetails.scrollTop(0); } }); }); Template.subtaskDeleteDialog.onDestroyed(() => { const $cardDetails = this.$('.card-details'); $'scroll'); //Reactivate scrolling $cardDetails.animate( { scrollTop: this.scrollState.position }); }); Template.subtaskItemDetail.helpers({ canModifyCard() { return Meteor.user() && Meteor.user().isBoardMember() && !Meteor.user().isCommentOnly(); }, }); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ // ... }).register('subtaskItemDetail');