BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ template: function() { return 'listBody'; }, mixins: function() { return [Mixins.PerfectScrollbar]; }, isSelected: function() { return Session.equals('currentCard', this.currentData()._id); }, openForm: function(options) { options = options || {}; options.position = options.position || 'top'; var forms = this.componentChildren('inlinedForm'); var form = _.find(forms, function(component) { return === options.position; }); if (! form && forms.length > 0) { form = forms[0]; }; }, addCard: function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); var textarea = $(evt.currentTarget).find('textarea'); var title = textarea.val(); var position = Blaze.getData(evt.currentTarget).position; var sortIndex; if (position === 'top') { sortIndex = Utils.getSortIndex(null, this.find('.js-minicard:first')); } else if (position === 'bottom') { sortIndex = Utils.getSortIndex(this.find('.js-minicard:last'), null); } // Clear the form in-memory cache // var inputCacheKey = "addCard-" + this.listId; // InputsCache.set(inputCacheKey, ''); // title trim if not empty then if ($.trim(title)) { Cards.insert({ title: title, listId:, boardId:, sort: sortIndex }, function(err, _id) { // In case the filter is active we need to add the newly // inserted card in the list of exceptions -- cards that are // not filtered. Otherwise the card will disappear instantly. // See Filter.addException(_id); }); // We keep the form opened, empty it, and scroll to it. textarea.val('').focus(); Utils.Scroll(this.find('.js-minicards')).top(1000, true); } }, showNewCardForm: function(value) { this.newCardFormIsVisible.set(value); }, scrollToBottom: function() { var $container = $(this.firstNode()); $container.animate({ scrollTop: $container.height() }); }, onCreated: function() { this.newCardFormIsVisible = new ReactiveVar(true); }, events: function() { return [{ submit: this.addCard, 'click .open-card-composer': this.scrollToBottom }]; } }).register('listBody'); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ template: function() { return 'addCardForm'; }, pressKey: function(evt) { // Pressing Enter should submit the card if (evt.keyCode === 13) { evt.preventDefault(); $(evt.currentTarget).parents('form:first').submit(); // Pressing Tab should open the form of the next column, and Maj+Tab go // in the reverse order } else if (evt.keyCode === 9) { evt.preventDefault(); var isReverse = evt.shiftKey; var list = $('#js-list-' +; var listSelector = '.js-list:not(.js-add-list)'; var nextList = list[isReverse ? 'prev' : 'next'](listSelector).get(0); // If there isn't no next list, loop back to the beginning. if (! nextList) { nextList = $(listSelector + (isReverse ? ':last' : ':first')).get(0); } BlazeComponent.getComponentForElement(nextList).openForm({ }); } }, events: function() { return [{ keydown: this.pressKey }]; } }).register('addCardForm');