const subManager = new SubsManager(); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ mixins() { return [Mixins.PerfectScrollbar]; }, openForm(options) { options = options || {}; options.position = options.position || 'top'; const forms = this.childComponents('inlinedForm'); let form = forms.find((component) => { return === options.position; }); if (!form && forms.length > 0) { form = forms[0]; }; }, addCard(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); const firstCardDom = this.find('.js-minicard:first'); const lastCardDom = this.find('.js-minicard:last'); const textarea = $(evt.currentTarget).find('textarea'); const position = this.currentData().position; const title = textarea.val().trim(); const formComponent = this.childComponents('addCardForm')[0]; let sortIndex; if (position === 'top') { sortIndex = Utils.calculateIndex(null, firstCardDom).base; } else if (position === 'bottom') { sortIndex = Utils.calculateIndex(lastCardDom, null).base; } const members = formComponent.members.get(); const labelIds = formComponent.labels.get(); const customFields = formComponent.customFields.get(); const boardId =; let swimlaneId = ''; const boardView = Meteor.user().profile.boardView; if (boardView === 'board-view-swimlanes') swimlaneId = this.parentComponent().parentComponent().data()._id; else if ((boardView === 'board-view-lists') || (boardView === 'board-view-cal')) swimlaneId = boardId.getDefaultSwimline()._id; if (title) { const _id = Cards.insert({ title, members, labelIds, customFields, listId:, boardId: boardId._id, sort: sortIndex, swimlaneId, type: 'cardType-card', }); // In case the filter is active we need to add the newly inserted card in // the list of exceptions -- cards that are not filtered. Otherwise the // card will disappear instantly. // See Filter.addException(_id); // We keep the form opened, empty it, and scroll to it. textarea.val('').focus(); autosize.update(textarea); if (position === 'bottom') { this.scrollToBottom(); } formComponent.reset(); } }, scrollToBottom() { const container = this.firstNode(); $(container).animate({ scrollTop: container.scrollHeight, }); }, clickOnMiniCard(evt) { if (MultiSelection.isActive() || evt.shiftKey) { evt.stopImmediatePropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); const methodName = evt.shiftKey ? 'toggleRange' : 'toggle'; MultiSelection[methodName](this.currentData()._id); // If the card is already selected, we want to de-select it. // XXX We should probably modify the minicard href attribute instead of // overwriting the event in case the card is already selected. } else if (Session.equals('currentCard', this.currentData()._id)) { evt.stopImmediatePropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); Utils.goBoardId(Session.get('currentBoard')); } }, cardIsSelected() { return Session.equals('currentCard', this.currentData()._id); }, toggleMultiSelection(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); MultiSelection.toggle(this.currentData()._id); }, idOrNull(swimlaneId) { const currentUser = Meteor.user(); if (currentUser.profile.boardView === 'board-view-swimlanes') return swimlaneId; return undefined; }, canSeeAddCard() { return !this.reachedWipLimit() && Meteor.user() && Meteor.user().isBoardMember() && !Meteor.user().isCommentOnly(); }, reachedWipLimit() { const list = Template.currentData(); return !list.getWipLimit('soft') && list.getWipLimit('enabled') && list.getWipLimit('value') <=; }, events() { return [{ 'click .js-minicard': this.clickOnMiniCard, 'click .js-toggle-multi-selection': this.toggleMultiSelection, 'click .open-minicard-composer': this.scrollToBottom, submit: this.addCard, }]; }, }).register('listBody'); function toggleValueInReactiveArray(reactiveValue, value) { const array = reactiveValue.get(); const valueIndex = array.indexOf(value); if (valueIndex === -1) { array.push(value); } else { array.splice(valueIndex, 1); } reactiveValue.set(array); } BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ onCreated() { this.labels = new ReactiveVar([]); this.members = new ReactiveVar([]); this.customFields = new ReactiveVar([]); }, reset() { this.labels.set([]); this.members.set([]); this.customFields.set([]); }, getLabels() { const currentBoardId = Session.get('currentBoard'); return Boards.findOne(currentBoardId).labels.filter((label) => { return this.labels.get().indexOf(label._id) > -1; }); }, pressKey(evt) { // Pressing Enter should submit the card if (evt.keyCode === 13) { evt.preventDefault(); const $form = $(evt.currentTarget).closest('form'); // XXX For some reason $form.submit() does not work (it's probably a bug // of blaze-component related to the fact that the submit event is non- // bubbling). This is why we click on the submit button instead -- which // work. $form.find('button[type=submit]').click(); // Pressing Tab should open the form of the next column, and Maj+Tab go // in the reverse order } else if (evt.keyCode === 9) { evt.preventDefault(); const isReverse = evt.shiftKey; const list = $(`#js-list-${}`); const listSelector = '.js-list:not(.js-list-composer)'; let nextList = list[isReverse ? 'prev' : 'next'](listSelector).get(0); // If there is no next list, loop back to the beginning. if (!nextList) { nextList = $(listSelector + (isReverse ? ':last' : ':first')).get(0); } BlazeComponent.getComponentForElement(nextList).openForm({, }); } }, events() { return [{ keydown: this.pressKey, 'click .js-import':'importCard'), }]; }, onRendered() { const editor = this; const $textarea = this.$('textarea'); autosize($textarea); $textarea.escapeableTextComplete([ // User mentions { match: /\B@([\w.]*)$/, search(term, callback) { const currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); callback($.map(currentBoard.activeMembers(), (member) => { const user = Users.findOne(member.userId); return user.username.indexOf(term) === 0 ? user : null; })); }, template(user) { return user.username; }, replace(user) { toggleValueInReactiveArray(editor.members, user._id); return ''; }, index: 1, }, // Labels { match: /\B#(\w*)$/, search(term, callback) { const currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); callback($.map(currentBoard.labels, (label) => { if ( > -1 || label.color.indexOf(term) > -1) { return label; } return null; })); }, template(label) { return Blaze.toHTMLWithData(Template.autocompleteLabelLine, { hasNoName: !, colorName: label.color, labelName: || label.color, }); }, replace(label) { toggleValueInReactiveArray(editor.labels, label._id); return ''; }, index: 1, }, ], { // When the autocomplete menu is shown we want both a press of both `Tab` // or `Enter` to validation the auto-completion. We also need to stop the // event propagation to prevent the card from submitting (on `Enter`) or // going on the next column (on `Tab`). onKeydown(evt, commands) { if (evt.keyCode === 9 || evt.keyCode === 13) { evt.stopPropagation(); return commands.KEY_ENTER; } return null; }, }); }, }).register('addCardForm'); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ onCreated() { subManager.subscribe('board', Session.get('currentBoard')); this.selectedBoardId = new ReactiveVar(Session.get('currentBoard')); }, boards() { const boards = Boards.find({ archived: false, 'members.userId': Meteor.userId(), }, { sort: ['title'], }); return boards; }, swimlanes() { const board = Boards.findOne(this.selectedBoardId.get()); return board.swimlanes(); }, lists() { const board = Boards.findOne(this.selectedBoardId.get()); return board.lists(); }, cards() { const board = Boards.findOne(this.selectedBoardId.get()); return; }, events() { return [{ 'change .js-select-boards'(evt) { this.selectedBoardId.set($(evt.currentTarget).val()); subManager.subscribe('board', this.selectedBoardId.get()); }, 'submit .js-done' (evt) { // IMPORT CARD evt.preventDefault(); // XXX We should *not* get the currentCard from the global state, but // instead from a “component” state. const card = Cards.findOne(Session.get('currentCard')); const lSelect = $('.js-select-lists')[0]; const newListId = lSelect.options[lSelect.selectedIndex].value; const slSelect = $('.js-select-swimlanes')[0]; card.swimlaneId = slSelect.options[slSelect.selectedIndex].value; Popup.close(); }, 'submit .js-import-board' (evt) { //IMPORT BOARD evt.preventDefault(); Popup.close(); }, 'click .js-search':'searchCard'), }]; }, }).register('importCardPopup'); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ mixins() { return [Mixins.PerfectScrollbar]; }, onCreated() { const boardId = Boards.findOne({ archived: false, 'members.userId': Meteor.userId(), _id: {$ne: Session.get('currentBoard')}, })._id; subManager.subscribe('board', boardId); this.selectedBoardId = new ReactiveVar(boardId); this.term = new ReactiveVar(''); }, boards() { const boards = Boards.find({ archived: false, 'members.userId': Meteor.userId(), _id: {$ne: Session.get('currentBoard')}, }, { sort: ['title'], }); return boards; }, results() { const board = Boards.findOne(this.selectedBoardId.get()); return board.searchCards(this.term.get()); }, events() { return [{ 'change .js-select-boards'(evt) { this.selectedBoardId.set($(evt.currentTarget).val()); subManager.subscribe('board', this.selectedBoardId.get()); }, 'submit .js-search-term-form'(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); this.term.set(; }, 'click .js-minicard'(evt) { // IMPORT CARD }, }]; }, }).register('searchCardPopup');