BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ editTitle(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); const newTitle = this.childComponents('inlinedForm')[0].getValue().trim(); const list = this.currentData(); if (newTitle) { list.rename(newTitle.trim()); } }, isWipLimitEnabled() { const limit = this.currentData().wipLimit return limit.enabled && limit.value > 0; }, isWatching() { const list = this.currentData(); return list.findWatcher(Meteor.userId()); }, limitToShowCardsCount() { return Meteor.user().getLimitToShowCardsCount(); }, showCardsCountForList(count) { return count > this.limitToShowCardsCount(); }, events() { return [{ 'click .js-open-list-menu':'listAction'), 'click .js-add-card' () { const listDom = document.getElementById(`js-list-${this.currentData()._id}`); const listComponent = BlazeComponent.getComponentForElement(listDom); listComponent.openForm({ position: 'top', }); }, submit: this.editTitle, }]; }, }).register('listHeader'); Template.listActionPopup.helpers({ isWipLimitEnabled() { const prevState = Template.parentData(4).stack[0].dataContext.wipEnableState; // If user was already inside setWipLimitPopup, return previous state. Popup stack not reacting to database mutations if(typeof prevState !== "undefined") { return prevState; } return Template.currentData().wipLimit.enabled; }, isWatching() { return this.findWatcher(Meteor.userId()); }, });{ 'click .js-list-subscribe' () {}, 'click .js-select-cards' () { const cardIds = this.allCards().map((card) => card._id); MultiSelection.add(cardIds); Popup.close(); }, 'click .js-toggle-watch-list' () { const currentList = this; const level = currentList.findWatcher(Meteor.userId()) ? null : 'watching';'watch', 'list', currentList._id, level, (err, ret) => { if (!err && ret) Popup.close(); }); }, 'click .js-close-list' (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); this.archive(); Popup.close(); }, 'click .js-set-wip-limit':'setWipLimit'), 'click .js-more':'listMore'), }); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ onCreated() { const prevState = Template.parentData(4).stack[0].dataContext.wipEnableState; // Check if the user as already opened this popup before and retrieve previous state // This check is necessary due to the fact that database mutations inside popups are not reactive inside the popup stack. //The use of ReactiveVar is due to the same reason. if(typeof prevState !== "undefined") { this.wipEnabled = new ReactiveVar(prevState) } else { this.wipEnabled = new ReactiveVar(Template.currentData().wipLimit.enabled); } }, onDestroyed() { // Save current wipEnabled state in the first element of the popup stack to maintain UI coherence if user returns to popup Template.parentData(4).stack[0].dataContext.wipEnableState = this.wipEnabled.get(); }, applyWipLimit() { const list = Template.currentData(); const limit = Template.instance().$('.wip-limit-value').val(); if(limit <{ Template.instance().$('.wip-limit-error').click(); } else { list.setWipLimit(limit); } }, enableWipLimit() { const list = Template.currentData(); // Prevent user from using previously stored wipLimit.value if it is less than the current number of cards in the list if(!list.wipLimit.enabled && list.wipLimit.value <{ list.setWipLimit(; } this.wipEnabled.set(!this.wipEnabled.get()); //If wipLimit.enabled is not yet definied, the negation of "undefined" is "true" list.toggleWipLimit(this.wipEnabled.get()); }, events() { return [{ 'click .js-enable-wip-limit': this.enableWipLimit, 'click .wip-limit-apply': this.applyWipLimit, 'click .wip-limit-error':'wipLimitError'), }]; }, }).register('setWipLimitPopup');{ 'click .js-delete': Popup.afterConfirm('listDelete', function () { Popup.close(); this.allCards().map((card) => Cards.remove(card._id)); Lists.remove(this._id); Utils.goBoardId(this.boardId); }), });