let listsColors; Meteor.startup(() => { listsColors = Lists.simpleSchema()._schema.color.allowedValues; }); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ canSeeAddCard() { const list = Template.currentData(); return ( !list.getWipLimit('enabled') || list.getWipLimit('soft') || !this.reachedWipLimit() ); }, isBoardAdmin() { return Meteor.user().isBoardAdmin(); }, starred(check = undefined) { const list = Template.currentData(); const status = list.isStarred(); if (check === undefined) { // just check return status; } else { list.star(!status); return !status; } }, editTitle(event) { event.preventDefault(); const newTitle = this.childComponents('inlinedForm')[0] .getValue() .trim(); const list = this.currentData(); if (newTitle) { list.rename(newTitle.trim()); } }, isWatching() { const list = this.currentData(); return list.findWatcher(Meteor.userId()); }, limitToShowCardsCount() { const currentUser = Meteor.user(); if (currentUser) { return Meteor.user().getLimitToShowCardsCount(); } }, cardsCount() { const list = Template.currentData(); let swimlaneId = ''; if (Utils.boardView() === 'board-view-swimlanes') swimlaneId = this.parentComponent() .parentComponent() .data()._id; return list.cards(swimlaneId).count(); }, reachedWipLimit() { const list = Template.currentData(); return ( list.getWipLimit('enabled') && list.getWipLimit('value') <= list.cards().count() ); }, showCardsCountForList(count) { const limit = this.limitToShowCardsCount(); return limit > 0 && count > limit; }, events() { return [ { 'click .js-list-star'(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.starred(!this.starred()); }, 'click .js-open-list-menu': Popup.open('listAction'), 'click .js-add-card'(event) { const listDom = $(event.target).parents( `#js-list-${this.currentData()._id}`, )[0]; const listComponent = BlazeComponent.getComponentForElement(listDom); listComponent.openForm({ position: 'top', }); }, 'click .js-unselect-list'() { Session.set('currentList', null); }, submit: this.editTitle, }, ]; }, }).register('listHeader'); Template.listHeader.helpers({ showDesktopDragHandles() { import { Cookies } from 'meteor/ostrio:cookies'; const cookies = new Cookies(); if (cookies.has('showDesktopDragHandles')) { return true; } else { return false; } }, }); Template.listActionPopup.helpers({ isWipLimitEnabled() { return Template.currentData().getWipLimit('enabled'); }, isWatching() { return this.findWatcher(Meteor.userId()); }, }); Template.listActionPopup.events({ 'click .js-list-subscribe'() {}, 'click .js-set-color-list': Popup.open('setListColor'), 'click .js-select-cards'() { const cardIds = this.allCards().map(card => card._id); MultiSelection.add(cardIds); Popup.close(); }, 'click .js-toggle-watch-list'() { const currentList = this; const level = currentList.findWatcher(Meteor.userId()) ? null : 'watching'; Meteor.call('watch', 'list', currentList._id, level, (err, ret) => { if (!err && ret) Popup.close(); }); }, 'click .js-close-list'(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.archive(); Popup.close(); }, 'click .js-set-wip-limit': Popup.open('setWipLimit'), 'click .js-more': Popup.open('listMore'), }); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ applyWipLimit() { const list = Template.currentData(); const limit = parseInt( Template.instance() .$('.wip-limit-value') .val(), 10, ); if (limit < list.cards().count() && !list.getWipLimit('soft')) { Template.instance() .$('.wip-limit-error') .click(); } else { Meteor.call('applyWipLimit', list._id, limit); Popup.back(); } }, enableSoftLimit() { const list = Template.currentData(); if ( list.getWipLimit('soft') && list.getWipLimit('value') < list.cards().count() ) { list.setWipLimit(list.cards().count()); } Meteor.call('enableSoftLimit', Template.currentData()._id); }, enableWipLimit() { const list = Template.currentData(); // Prevent user from using previously stored wipLimit.value if it is less than the current number of cards in the list if ( !list.getWipLimit('enabled') && list.getWipLimit('value') < list.cards().count() ) { list.setWipLimit(list.cards().count()); } Meteor.call('enableWipLimit', list._id); }, isWipLimitSoft() { return Template.currentData().getWipLimit('soft'); }, isWipLimitEnabled() { return Template.currentData().getWipLimit('enabled'); }, wipLimitValue() { return Template.currentData().getWipLimit('value'); }, events() { return [ { 'click .js-enable-wip-limit': this.enableWipLimit, 'click .wip-limit-apply': this.applyWipLimit, 'click .wip-limit-error': Popup.open('wipLimitError'), 'click .materialCheckBox': this.enableSoftLimit, }, ]; }, }).register('setWipLimitPopup'); Template.listMorePopup.events({ 'click .js-delete': Popup.afterConfirm('listDelete', function() { Popup.close(); this.allCards().map(card => Cards.remove(card._id)); Lists.remove(this._id); Utils.goBoardId(this.boardId); }), }); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ onCreated() { this.currentList = this.currentData(); this.currentColor = new ReactiveVar(this.currentList.color); }, colors() { return listsColors.map(color => ({ color, name: '' })); }, isSelected(color) { return this.currentColor.get() === color; }, events() { return [ { 'click .js-palette-color'() { this.currentColor.set(this.currentData().color); }, 'click .js-submit'() { this.currentList.setColor(this.currentColor.get()); Popup.close(); }, 'click .js-remove-color'() { this.currentList.setColor(null); Popup.close(); }, }, ]; }, }).register('setListColorPopup');