import _sanitizeXss from 'xss'; const sanitizeXss = (input, options) => { const defaultAllowedIframeSrc = /^(https:){0,1}\/\/.*?(youtube|vimeo|dailymotion|youku)/i; const allowedIframeSrcRegex = (function() { let reg = defaultAllowedIframeSrc; const SAFE_IFRAME_SRC_PATTERN = Meteor.settings.public.SAFE_IFRAME_SRC_PATTERN; try { if (SAFE_IFRAME_SRC_PATTERN !== undefined) { reg = new RegExp(SAFE_IFRAME_SRC_PATTERN, 'i'); } } catch (e) { /*eslint no-console: ["error", { allow: ["warn", "error"] }] */ console.error('Wrong pattern specified', SAFE_IFRAM_SRC_PATTERN, e); } return reg; })(); const targetWindow = '_blank'; options = { onTag(tag, html, options) { if (tag === 'iframe') { const clipCls = 'note-vide-clip'; if (!options.isClosing) { const srcp = /src=(['"]{0,1})(\S*)(\1)/; let safe = html.indexOf(`class="${clipCls}"`) > -1; if (srcp.exec(html)) { const src = RegExp.$2; if (allowedIframeSrcRegex.exec(src)) { safe = true; } if (safe) return ``; } } else { return ''; } } else if (tag === 'a') { if (!options.isClosing) { if (/href=(['"]{0,1})(\S*)(\1)/.exec(html)) { const href = RegExp.$2; if (href.match(/^((http(s){0,1}:){0,1}\/\/|\/)/)) { // a valid url return ``; } } } } else if (tag === 'img') { if (!options.isClosing) { if (new RegExp('src=([\'"]{0,1})(\\S*)(\\1)').exec(html)) { const src = RegExp.$2; return ``; } } } return undefined; }, onTagAttr(tag, name, value) { if (tag === 'img' && name === 'src') { if (value && value.substr(0, 5) === 'data:') { // allow image with dataURI src return `${name}='${value}'`; } } else if (tag === 'a' && name === 'target') { return `${name}='${targetWindow}'`; // always change a href target to a new window } return undefined; }, ...options, }; return _sanitizeXss(input, options); }; Template.editor.onRendered(() => { const textareaSelector = 'textarea'; const mentions = [ // User mentions { match: /\B@([\w.]*)$/, search(term, callback) { const currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); callback( currentBoard .activeMembers() .map(member => { const username = Users.findOne(member.userId).username; return username.includes(term) ? username : null; }) .filter(Boolean), ); }, template(value) { return value; }, replace(username) { return `@${username} `; }, index: 1, }, ]; const enableTextarea = function() { const $textarea = this.$(textareaSelector); autosize($textarea); $textarea.escapeableTextComplete(mentions); }; if (Meteor.settings.public.RICHER_CARD_COMMENT_EDITOR !== false) { const isSmall = Utils.isMiniScreen(); const toolbar = isSmall ? [ ['view', ['fullscreen']], ['table', ['table']], ['font', ['bold', 'underline']], //['fontsize', ['fontsize']], ['color', ['color']], ] : [ ['style', ['style']], ['font', ['bold', 'underline', 'clear']], ['fontsize', ['fontsize']], ['fontname', ['fontname']], ['color', ['color']], ['para', ['ul', 'ol', 'paragraph']], ['table', ['table']], ['insert', ['link', 'picture', 'video']], // iframe tag will be sanitized TODO if iframe[class=note-video-clip] can be added into safe list, insert video can be enabled //['insert', ['link', 'picture']], // modal popup has issue somehow :( ['view', ['fullscreen', 'help']], ]; const cleanPastedHTML = sanitizeXss; const editor = '.editor'; const selectors = [ `.js-new-comment-form ${editor}`, `.js-edit-comment ${editor}`, ].join(','); // only new comment and edit comment const inputs = $(selectors); if (inputs.length === 0) { // only enable richereditor to new comment or edit comment no others enableTextarea(); } else { const placeholder = inputs.attr('placeholder') || ''; const mSummernotes = []; const getSummernote = function(input) { const idx = inputs.index(input); if (idx > -1) { return mSummernotes[idx]; } return undefined; }; inputs.each(function(idx, input) { mSummernotes[idx] = $(input).summernote({ placeholder, callbacks: { onInit(object) { const originalInput = this; $(originalInput).on('submitted', function() { // resetCommentInput has been called if (!this.value) { const sn = getSummernote(this); sn && sn.summernote('reset'); object && object.editingArea.find('.note-placeholder').show(); } }); const jEditor = object && object.editable; const toolbar = object && object.toolbar; if (jEditor !== undefined) { jEditor.escapeableTextComplete(mentions); } if (toolbar !== undefined) { const fBtn = toolbar.find('.btn-fullscreen'); fBtn.on('click', function() { const $this = $(this), isActive = $this.hasClass('active'); $('.minicards').toggle(!isActive); // mini card is still showing when editor is in fullscreen mode, we hide here manually }); } }, onImageUpload(files) { const $summernote = getSummernote(this); if (files && files.length > 0) { const image = files[0]; const reader = new FileReader(); const MAX_IMAGE_PIXEL = Utils.MAX_IMAGE_PIXEL; const COMPRESS_RATIO = Utils.IMAGE_COMPRESS_RATIO; const processData = function(dataURL) { const img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = dataURL; img.setAttribute('width', '100%'); $summernote.summernote('insertNode', img); }; reader.onload = function(e) { const dataurl = e && &&; if (dataurl !== undefined) { if (MAX_IMAGE_PIXEL) { // need to shrink image Utils.shrinkImage({ dataurl, maxSize: MAX_IMAGE_PIXEL, ratio: COMPRESS_RATIO, callback(changed) { if (changed !== false && !!changed) { processData(changed); } }, }); } else { processData(dataurl); } } }; reader.readAsDataURL(image); } }, onPaste() { // clear up unwanted tag info when user pasted in text const thisNote = this; const updatePastedText = function(object) { const someNote = getSummernote(object); const original = someNote.summernote('code'); const cleaned = cleanPastedHTML(original); //this is where to call whatever clean function you want. I have mine in a different file, called CleanPastedHTML. someNote.summernote('reset'); //clear original someNote.summernote('pasteHTML', cleaned); //this sets the displayed content editor to the cleaned pasted code. }; setTimeout(function() { //this kinda sucks, but if you don't do a setTimeout, //the function is called before the text is really pasted. updatePastedText(thisNote); }, 10); }, }, dialogsInBody: true, disableDragAndDrop: true, toolbar, popover: { image: [ [ 'image', ['resizeFull', 'resizeHalf', 'resizeQuarter', 'resizeNone'], ], ['float', ['floatLeft', 'floatRight', 'floatNone']], ['remove', ['removeMedia']], ], table: [ ['add', ['addRowDown', 'addRowUp', 'addColLeft', 'addColRight']], ['delete', ['deleteRow', 'deleteCol', 'deleteTable']], ], air: [ ['color', ['color']], ['font', ['bold', 'underline', 'clear']], ], }, height: 200, }); }); } } else { enableTextarea(); } }); // XXX I believe we should compute a HTML rendered field on the server that // would handle markdown and user mentions. We can simply have two // fields, one source, and one compiled version (in HTML) and send only the // compiled version to most users -- who don't need to edit. // In the meantime, all the transformation are done on the client using the // Blaze API. const at = HTML.CharRef({ html: '@', str: '@' }); Blaze.Template.registerHelper( 'mentions', new Template('mentions', function() { const view = this; let content = Blaze.toHTML(view.templateContentBlock); const currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); if (!currentBoard) return HTML.Raw(sanitizeXss(content)); const knowedUsers = => { const u = Users.findOne(member.userId); if (u) { member.username = u.username; } return member; }); const mentionRegex = /\B@([\w.]*)/gi; let currentMention; while ((currentMention = mentionRegex.exec(content)) !== null) { const [fullMention, username] = currentMention; const knowedUser = _.findWhere(knowedUsers, { username }); if (!knowedUser) { continue; } const linkValue = [' ', at, knowedUser.username]; let linkClass = 'atMention js-open-member'; if (knowedUser.userId === Meteor.userId()) { linkClass += ' me'; } const link = HTML.A( { class: linkClass, // XXX Hack. Since we stringify this render function result below with // `Blaze.toHTML` we can't rely on blaze data contexts to pass the // `userId` to the popup as usual, and we need to store it in the DOM // using a data attribute. 'data-userId': knowedUser.userId, }, linkValue, ); content = content.replace(fullMention, Blaze.toHTML(link)); } return HTML.Raw(sanitizeXss(content)); }), );{ // Viewer sometimes have click-able wrapper around them (for instance to edit // the corresponding text). Clicking a link shouldn't fire these actions, stop // we stop these event at the viewer component level. 'click a'(event, templateInstance) { let prevent = true; const userId = event.currentTarget.dataset.userid; if (userId) {'member').call({ userId }, event, templateInstance); } else { const href = event.currentTarget.href; const child = event.currentTarget.firstElementChild; if (child && child.tagName === 'IMG') { prevent = false; } else if (href) {, '_blank'); } } if (prevent) { event.stopPropagation(); // XXX We hijack the build-in browser action because we currently don't have // `_blank` attributes in viewer links, and the transformer function is // handled by a third party package that we can't configure easily. Fix that // by using directly `_blank` attribute in the rendered HTML. event.preventDefault(); } }, });