template(name="header") //- If the user is connected we display a small "quick-access" top bar that list all starred boards with a link to go there. This is inspired by the Reddit "subreddit" bar. The first link goes to the boards page. unless isSandstorm if currentUser #header-quick-access(class=currentBoard.colorClass) ul li a(href="{{pathFor 'home'}}") span.fa.fa-home | {{_ 'all-boards'}} each currentUser.starredBoards li.separator - li(class="{{#if $.Session.equals 'currentBoard' _id}}current{{/if}}") a(href="{{pathFor 'board' id=_id slug=slug}}") = title else li.current {{_ 'quick-access-description'}} a#header-new-board-icon.js-create-board i.fa.fa-plus(title="Create a new board") +headerUserBar #header(class=currentBoard.colorClass) //- The main bar is a colorful bar that provide all the meta-data for the current page. This bar is contextual based. If the user is not connected we display "sign in" and "log in" buttons. #header-main-bar(class="{{#if wrappedHeader}}wrapper{{/if}}") +Template.dynamic(template=headerBar) if wrappedHeader //- On sandstorm, the logo shouldn't be clickable, because we only have one page/document on it, and we don't want to see the home page containing the list of all boards. if isSandstorm .wekan-logo img(src="{{pathFor '/wekan-logo-header.png'}}" alt="Wekan") else a.wekan-logo(href="{{pathFor 'home'}}" title="{{_ 'header-logo-title'}}") img(src="{{pathFor '/wekan-logo-header.png'}}" alt="Wekan")