var Helpers = { error: function() { return Session.get('error'); }, toLowerCase: function(text) { return text && text.toLowerCase(); }, toUpperCase: function(text) { return text && text.toUpperCase(); }, firstChar: function(text) { return text && text[0].toUpperCase(); }, session: function(prop) { return Session.get(prop); }, getUser: function(userId) { return Users.findOne(userId); } }; // Register all Helpers _.each(Helpers, function(fn, name) { Blaze.registerHelper(name, fn); }); // XXX I believe we should compute a HTML rendered field on the server that // would handle markdown, emojies and user mentions. We can simply have two // fields, one source, and one compiled version (in HTML) and send only the // compiled version to most users -- who don't need to edit. // In the meantime, all the transformation are done on the client using the // Blaze API. var at = HTML.CharRef({html: '@', str: '@'}); Blaze.Template.registerHelper('mentions', new Template('mentions', function() { var view = this; var content = Blaze.toHTML(view.templateContentBlock); var currentBoard = Session.get('currentBoard'); var knowedUsers =, function(member) { member.username = Users.findOne(member.userId).username; return member; }); var mentionRegex = /\B@(\w*)/gi; var currentMention, knowedUser, href, linkClass, linkValue, link; while (currentMention = mentionRegex.exec(content)) { knowedUser = _.findWhere(knowedUsers, { username: currentMention[1] }); if (! knowedUser) continue; linkValue = [' ', at, knowedUser.username]; href = Router.url('Profile', { username: knowedUser.username }); linkClass = 'atMention' + (knowedUser.userId === Meteor.userId() ? ' me' : ''); link = HTML.A({ href: href, 'class': linkClass }, linkValue); content = content.replace(currentMention[0], Blaze.toHTML(link)); } return HTML.Raw(content); }));