BlazeLayout.setRoot('body'); const i18nTagToT9n = (i18nTag) => { // t9n/i18n tags are same now, see: // but we keep this conversion function here, to be aware that that they are different system. return i18nTag; }; const validator = { set(obj, prop, value) { if (prop === 'state' && value !== 'signIn') { $('.at-form-authentication').hide(); } else if (prop === 'state' && value === 'signIn') { $('.at-form-authentication').show(); } // The default behavior to store the value obj[prop] = value; // Indicate success return true; }, }; Template.userFormsLayout.onCreated(function() { const instance = this; instance.currentSetting = new ReactiveVar(); Meteor.subscribe('setting', { onReady() { instance.currentSetting.set(Settings.findOne()); return this.stop(); }, }); }); Template.userFormsLayout.onRendered(() => { AccountsTemplates.state.form.keys = new Proxy(AccountsTemplates.state.form.keys, validator); const i18nTag = navigator.language; if (i18nTag) { T9n.setLanguage(i18nTagToT9n(i18nTag)); } EscapeActions.executeAll(); }); Template.userFormsLayout.helpers({ currentSetting() { return Template.instance().currentSetting.get(); }, afterBodyStart() { return currentSetting.customHTMLafterBodyStart; }, beforeBodyEnd() { return currentSetting.customHTMLbeforeBodyEnd; }, languages() { return, (lang, code) => { const tag = code; let name =; if ( === 'br') { name = 'Brezhoneg'; } else if ( === 'ig') { name = 'Igbo'; } return { tag, name }; }).sort(function(a, b) { if ( === { return 0; } else { return > ? 1 : -1; } }); }, isCurrentLanguage() { const t9nTag = i18nTagToT9n(this.tag); const curLang = T9n.getLanguage() || 'en'; return t9nTag === curLang; }, });{ 'change .js-userform-set-language'(evt) { const i18nTag = $(evt.currentTarget).val(); T9n.setLanguage(i18nTagToT9n(i18nTag)); evt.preventDefault(); }, 'click #at-btn'(event, instance) { if (FlowRouter.getRouteName() === 'atSignIn') { authentication(event, instance); } }, });{ 'click .js-close-modal': () => { Modal.close(); }, }); async function authentication(event, instance) { // If header login id is set, use it for login if (process.env.HEADER_LOGIN_ID) { // Header username = Email address const match = req.headers[process.env.HEADER_LOGIN_EMAIL]; // Header password = Login ID const password = req.headers[process.env.HEADER_LOGIN_ID]; //const headerLoginFirstname = req.headers[process.env.HEADER_LOGIN_FIRSTNAME]; //const headerLoginLastname = req.headers[process.env.HEADER_LOGIN_LASTNAME]; } else { const match = $('#at-field-username_and_email').val(); const password = $('#at-field-password').val(); } if (!match || !password) return; const result = await getAuthenticationMethod(instance.currentSetting.get(), match); if (result === 'password') return; // If header login id is not set, don't try to login automatically. if (!process.env.HEADER_LOGIN_ID) { // Stop submit #at-pwd-form event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } switch (result) { case 'ldap': Meteor.loginWithLDAP(match, password, function() { FlowRouter.go('/'); }); break; case 'cas': Meteor.loginWithCas(function() { FlowRouter.go('/'); }); break; default: break; } } function getAuthenticationMethod({displayAuthenticationMethod, defaultAuthenticationMethod}, match) { if (displayAuthenticationMethod) { return $('.select-authentication').val(); } return getUserAuthenticationMethod(defaultAuthenticationMethod, match); } function getUserAuthenticationMethod(defaultAuthenticationMethod, match) { return new Promise((resolve) => { try { Meteor.subscribe('user-authenticationMethod', match, { onReady() { const user = Users.findOne(); const authenticationMethod = user ? user.authenticationMethod : defaultAuthenticationMethod; resolve(authenticationMethod); }, }); } catch(error) { resolve(defaultAuthenticationMethod); } }); }