Sidebar = null; var defaultView = 'home'; var viewTitles = { filter: 'filter-cards', multiselection: 'multi-selection' }; BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ template: function() { return 'sidebar'; }, mixins: function() { return [Mixins.InfiniteScrolling, Mixins.PerfectScrollbar]; }, onCreated: function() { this._isOpen = new ReactiveVar(! Session.get('currentCard')); this._view = new ReactiveVar(defaultView); Sidebar = this; }, onDestroyed: function() { Sidebar = null; }, isOpen: function() { return this._isOpen.get(); }, open: function() { if (! this._isOpen.get()) { this._isOpen.set(true); } }, hide: function() { if (this._isOpen.get()) { this._isOpen.set(false); } }, toogle: function() { this._isOpen.set(! this._isOpen.get()); }, calculateNextPeak: function() { var altitude = this.find('.js-board-sidebar-content').scrollHeight; this.callFirstWith(this, 'setNextPeak', altitude); }, reachNextPeak: function() { var activitiesComponent = this.componentChildren('activities')[0]; activitiesComponent.loadNextPage(); }, isTongueHidden: function() { return this.isOpen() && this.getView() !== defaultView; }, getView: function() { return this._view.get(); }, setView: function(view) { view = _.isString(view) ? view : defaultView; this._view.set(view);; }, isDefaultView: function() { return this.getView() === defaultView; }, getViewTemplate: function() { return this.getView() + 'Sidebar'; }, getViewTitle: function() { return TAPi18n.__(viewTitles[this.getView()]); }, // Board members can assign people or labels by drag-dropping elements from // the sidebar to the cards on the board. In order to re-initialize the // jquery-ui plugin any time a draggable member or label is modified or // removed we use a autorun function and register a dependency on the both // members and labels fields of the current board document. onRendered: function() { var self = this; if (! Meteor.userId() || ! Meteor.user().isBoardMember()) return; self.autorun(function() { var currentBoardId = Tracker.nonreactive(function() { return Session.get('currentBoard'); }); Boards.findOne(currentBoardId, { fields: { members: 1, labels: 1 } }); Tracker.afterFlush(function() { self.$('.js-member,.js-label').draggable({ appendTo: 'body', helper: 'clone', revert: 'invalid', revertDuration: 150, snap: false, snapMode: 'both', start: function() { EscapeActions.executeLowerThan('popup'); } }); }); }); }, events: function() { // XXX Hacky, we need some kind of `super` var mixinEvents = this.getMixin(Mixins.InfiniteScrolling).events(); return mixinEvents.concat([{ 'click .js-toogle-sidebar': this.toogle, 'click .js-back-home': this.setView }]); } }).register('sidebar'); EscapeActions.register('sidebarView', function() { Sidebar.setView(defaultView); }, function() { return Sidebar && Sidebar.getView() !== defaultView; } );