import { Cookies } from 'meteor/ostrio:cookies'; const cookies = new Cookies(); Sidebar = null; const defaultView = 'home'; const MCB = '.materialCheckBox'; const CKCLS = 'is-checked'; const viewTitles = { filter: 'filter-cards', search: 'search-cards', multiselection: 'multi-selection', customFields: 'custom-fields', archives: 'archives', }; BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ mixins() { return [Mixins.InfiniteScrolling, Mixins.PerfectScrollbar]; }, onCreated() { this._isOpen = new ReactiveVar(false); this._view = new ReactiveVar(defaultView); Sidebar = this; }, onDestroyed() { Sidebar = null; }, isOpen() { return this._isOpen.get(); }, open() { if (!this._isOpen.get()) { this._isOpen.set(true); EscapeActions.executeUpTo('detailsPane'); } }, hide() { if (this._isOpen.get()) { this._isOpen.set(false); } }, toggle() { this._isOpen.set(!this._isOpen.get()); }, calculateNextPeak() { const sidebarElement = this.find('.js-board-sidebar-content'); if (sidebarElement) { const altitude = sidebarElement.scrollHeight; this.callFirstWith(this, 'setNextPeak', altitude); } }, reachNextPeak() { const activitiesComponent = this.childComponents('activities')[0]; activitiesComponent.loadNextPage(); }, isTongueHidden() { return this.isOpen() && this.getView() !== defaultView; }, scrollTop() { this.$('.js-board-sidebar-content').scrollTop(0); }, getView() { return this._view.get(); }, setView(view) { view = _.isString(view) ? view : defaultView; if (this._view.get() !== view) { this._view.set(view); this.scrollTop(); EscapeActions.executeUpTo('detailsPane'); }; }, isDefaultView() { return this.getView() === defaultView; }, getViewTemplate() { return `${this.getView()}Sidebar`; }, getViewTitle() { return TAPi18n.__(viewTitles[this.getView()]); }, showTongueTitle() { if (this.isOpen()) return `${TAPi18n.__('sidebar-close')}`; else return `${TAPi18n.__('sidebar-open')}`; }, events() { return [ { 'click .js-hide-sidebar': this.hide, 'click .js-toggle-sidebar': this.toggle, 'click .js-back-home': this.setView, 'click .js-toggle-minicard-label-text'() { currentUser = Meteor.user(); if (currentUser) {'toggleMinicardLabelText'); } else { if (cookies.has('hiddenMinicardLabelText')) { cookies.remove('hiddenMinicardLabelText'); } else { cookies.set('hiddenMinicardLabelText', 'true'); } } }, 'click .js-shortcuts'() { FlowRouter.go('shortcuts'); }, }, ]; }, }).register('sidebar'); Blaze.registerHelper('Sidebar', () => Sidebar); Template.homeSidebar.helpers({ hiddenMinicardLabelText() { currentUser = Meteor.user(); if (currentUser) { return (currentUser.profile || {}).hiddenMinicardLabelText; } else { if (cookies.has('hiddenMinicardLabelText')) { return true; } else { return false; } } }, }); EscapeActions.register( 'sidebarView', () => { Sidebar.setView(defaultView); }, () => { return Sidebar && Sidebar.getView() !== defaultView; }, ); Template.memberPopup.helpers({ user() { return Users.findOne(this.userId); }, memberType() { const type = Users.findOne(this.userId).isBoardAdmin() ? 'admin' : 'normal'; if (type === 'normal') { const currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); const commentOnly = currentBoard.hasCommentOnly(this.userId); const noComments = currentBoard.hasNoComments(this.userId); if (commentOnly) { return TAPi18n.__('comment-only').toLowerCase(); } else if (noComments) { return TAPi18n.__('no-comments').toLowerCase(); } else { return TAPi18n.__(type).toLowerCase(); } } else { return TAPi18n.__(type).toLowerCase(); } }, isInvited() { return Users.findOne(this.userId).isInvitedTo(Session.get('currentBoard')); }, });{ 'click .js-rename-board':'boardChangeTitle'), 'click .js-custom-fields'() { Sidebar.setView('customFields'); Popup.close(); }, 'click .js-open-archives'() { Sidebar.setView('archives'); Popup.close(); }, 'click .js-change-board-color':'boardChangeColor'), 'click .js-change-language':'changeLanguage'), 'click .js-archive-board ': Popup.afterConfirm('archiveBoard', function() { const currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); currentBoard.archive(); // XXX We should have some kind of notification on top of the page to // confirm that the board was successfully archived. FlowRouter.go('home'); }), 'click .js-delete-board': Popup.afterConfirm('deleteBoard', function() { const currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); Popup.close(); Boards.remove(currentBoard._id); FlowRouter.go('home'); }), 'click .js-outgoing-webhooks':'outgoingWebhooks'), 'click .js-import-board':'chooseBoardSource'), 'click .js-subtask-settings':'boardSubtaskSettings'), }); Template.boardMenuPopup.helpers({ exportUrl() { const params = { boardId: Session.get('currentBoard'), }; const queryParams = { authToken: Accounts._storedLoginToken(), }; return FlowRouter.path('/api/boards/:boardId/export', params, queryParams); }, exportFilename() { const boardId = Session.get('currentBoard'); return `wekan-export-board-${boardId}.json`; }, });{ 'click .js-filter-member'() { Filter.members.toggle(this.userId); Popup.close(); }, 'click .js-change-role':'changePermissions'), 'click .js-remove-member': Popup.afterConfirm('removeMember', function() { const boardId = Session.get('currentBoard'); const memberId = this.userId; Cards.find({ boardId, members: memberId }).forEach(card => { card.unassignMember(memberId); }); Boards.findOne(boardId).removeMember(memberId); Popup.close(); }), 'click .js-leave-member': Popup.afterConfirm('leaveBoard', () => { const boardId = Session.get('currentBoard');'quitBoard', boardId, () => { Popup.close(); FlowRouter.go('home'); }); }), }); Template.removeMemberPopup.helpers({ user() { return Users.findOne(this.userId); }, board() { return Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); }, }); Template.leaveBoardPopup.helpers({ board() { return Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); }, }); Template.membersWidget.helpers({ isInvited() { const user = Meteor.user(); return user && user.isInvitedTo(Session.get('currentBoard')); }, });{ 'click .js-member':'member'), 'click .js-open-board-menu':'boardMenu'), 'click .js-manage-board-members':'addMember'), 'click .js-import':'boardImportBoard'), submit: this.onSubmit, 'click .js-import-board':'chooseBoardSource'), 'click .js-open-archived-board'() {'archivedBoards'); }, 'click .sandstorm-powerbox-request-identity'() { window.sandstormRequestIdentity(); }, 'click .js-member-invite-accept'() { const boardId = Session.get('currentBoard'); Meteor.user().removeInvite(boardId); }, 'click .js-member-invite-decline'() { const boardId = Session.get('currentBoard');'quitBoard', boardId, (err, ret) => { if (!err && ret) { Meteor.user().removeInvite(boardId); FlowRouter.go('home'); } }); }, }); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ boardId() { return Session.get('currentBoard') || Integrations.Const.GLOBAL_WEBHOOK_ID; }, integrations() { const boardId = this.boardId(); return Integrations.find({ boardId: `${boardId}` }).fetch(); }, types() { return Integrations.Const.WEBHOOK_TYPES; }, integration(cond) { const boardId = this.boardId(); const condition = { boardId, ...cond }; for (const k in condition) { if (!condition[k]) delete condition[k]; } return Integrations.findOne(condition); }, onCreated() { this.disabled = new ReactiveVar(false); }, events() { return [ { 'click a.flex'(evt) { this.disabled.set(!this.disabled.get()); $(, this.disabled.get()); }, submit(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); const url =; const boardId = this.boardId(); let id = null; let integration = null; const title =; const token =; const type =; const enabled = !this.disabled.get(); let remove = false; const values = { url, type, token, title, enabled, }; if ( { id =; integration = this.integration({ _id: id }); remove = !url; } else if (url) { integration = this.integration({ url, token }); } if (remove) { Integrations.remove(integration._id); } else if (integration && integration._id) { Integrations.update(integration._id, { $set: values, }); } else if (url) { Integrations.insert({ ...values, userId: Meteor.userId(), enabled: true, boardId, activities: ['all'], }); } Popup.close(); }, }, ]; }, }).register('outgoingWebhooksPopup'); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ template() { return 'chooseBoardSource'; }, }).register('chooseBoardSourcePopup');{ 'click .js-label':'editLabel'), 'click .js-add-label':'createLabel'), }); // Board members can assign people or labels by drag-dropping elements from the // sidebar to the cards on the board. In order to re-initialize the jquery-ui // plugin any time a draggable member or label is modified or removed we use a // autorun function and register a dependency on the both members and labels // fields of the current board document. function draggableMembersLabelsWidgets() { this.autorun(() => { const currentBoardId = Tracker.nonreactive(() => { return Session.get('currentBoard'); }); Boards.findOne(currentBoardId, { fields: { members: 1, labels: 1, }, }); Tracker.afterFlush(() => { const $draggables = this.$('.js-member,.js-label'); $draggables.draggable({ appendTo: 'body', helper: 'clone', revert: 'invalid', revertDuration: 150, snap: false, snapMode: 'both', start() { EscapeActions.executeUpTo('popup-back'); }, }); function userIsMember() { return Meteor.user() && Meteor.user().isBoardMember(); } this.autorun(() => { $draggables.draggable('option', 'disabled', !userIsMember()); }); }); }); } Template.membersWidget.onRendered(draggableMembersLabelsWidgets); Template.labelsWidget.onRendered(draggableMembersLabelsWidgets); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ backgroundColors() { return Boards.simpleSchema()._schema.color.allowedValues; }, isSelected() { const currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); return currentBoard.color === this.currentData().toString(); }, events() { return [ { 'click .js-select-background'(evt) { const currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); const newColor = this.currentData().toString(); currentBoard.setColor(newColor); evt.preventDefault(); }, }, ]; }, }).register('boardChangeColorPopup'); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ onCreated() { this.currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); }, allowsSubtasks() { return this.currentBoard.allowsSubtasks; }, isBoardSelected() { return this.currentBoard.subtasksDefaultBoardId === this.currentData()._id; }, isNullBoardSelected() { return ( this.currentBoard.subtasksDefaultBoardId === null || this.currentBoard.subtasksDefaultBoardId === undefined ); }, boards() { return Boards.find( { archived: false, 'members.userId': Meteor.userId(), }, { sort: ['title'], }, ); }, lists() { return Lists.find( { boardId: this.currentBoard._id, archived: false, }, { sort: ['title'], }, ); }, hasLists() { return this.lists().count() > 0; }, isListSelected() { return this.currentBoard.subtasksDefaultBoardId === this.currentData()._id; }, presentParentTask() { let result = this.currentBoard.presentParentTask; if (result === null || result === undefined) { result = 'no-parent'; } return result; }, events() { return [ { 'click .js-field-has-subtasks'(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); this.currentBoard.allowsSubtasks = !this.currentBoard.allowsSubtasks; this.currentBoard.setAllowsSubtasks(this.currentBoard.allowsSubtasks); $(`.js-field-has-subtasks ${MCB}`).toggleClass( CKCLS, this.currentBoard.allowsSubtasks, ); $('.js-field-has-subtasks').toggleClass( CKCLS, this.currentBoard.allowsSubtasks, ); $('.js-field-deposit-board').prop( 'disabled', !this.currentBoard.allowsSubtasks, ); }, 'change .js-field-deposit-board'(evt) { let value =; if (value === 'null') { value = null; } this.currentBoard.setSubtasksDefaultBoardId(value); evt.preventDefault(); }, 'change .js-field-deposit-list'(evt) { this.currentBoard.setSubtasksDefaultListId(; evt.preventDefault(); }, 'click .js-field-show-parent-in-minicard'(evt) { const value = || $([0].id || $( .parent()[0] .parent()[0].id; const options = [ 'prefix-with-full-path', 'prefix-with-parent', 'subtext-with-full-path', 'subtext-with-parent', 'no-parent', ]; options.forEach(function(element) { if (element !== value) { $(`#${element} ${MCB}`).toggleClass(CKCLS, false); $(`#${element}`).toggleClass(CKCLS, false); } }); $(`#${value} ${MCB}`).toggleClass(CKCLS, true); $(`#${value}`).toggleClass(CKCLS, true); this.currentBoard.setPresentParentTask(value); evt.preventDefault(); }, }, ]; }, }).register('boardSubtaskSettingsPopup'); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ onCreated() { this.error = new ReactiveVar(''); this.loading = new ReactiveVar(false); }, onRendered() { this.find('.js-search-member input').focus(); this.setLoading(false); }, isBoardMember() { const userId = this.currentData()._id; const user = Users.findOne(userId); return user && user.isBoardMember(); }, isValidEmail(email) { return SimpleSchema.RegEx.Email.test(email); }, setError(error) { this.error.set(error); }, setLoading(w) { this.loading.set(w); }, isLoading() { return this.loading.get(); }, inviteUser(idNameEmail) { const boardId = Session.get('currentBoard'); this.setLoading(true); const self = this;'inviteUserToBoard', idNameEmail, boardId, (err, ret) => { self.setLoading(false); if (err) self.setError(err.error); else if ( self.setError('email-sent'); else Popup.close(); }); }, events() { return [ { 'keyup input'() { this.setError(''); }, 'click .js-select-member'() { const userId = this.currentData()._id; const currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); if (!currentBoard.hasMember(userId)) { this.inviteUser(userId); } }, 'click .js-email-invite'() { const idNameEmail = $('.js-search-member input').val(); if (idNameEmail.indexOf('@') < 0 || this.isValidEmail(idNameEmail)) { this.inviteUser(idNameEmail); } else this.setError('email-invalid'); }, }, ]; }, }).register('addMemberPopup');{ 'click .js-set-admin, click .js-set-normal, click .js-set-no-comments, click .js-set-comment-only'( event, ) { const currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); const memberId = this.userId; const isAdmin = $(event.currentTarget).hasClass('js-set-admin'); const isCommentOnly = $(event.currentTarget).hasClass( 'js-set-comment-only', ); const isNoComments = $(event.currentTarget).hasClass('js-set-no-comments'); currentBoard.setMemberPermission( memberId, isAdmin, isNoComments, isCommentOnly, ); Popup.back(1); }, }); Template.changePermissionsPopup.helpers({ isAdmin() { const currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); return currentBoard.hasAdmin(this.userId); }, isNormal() { const currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); return ( !currentBoard.hasAdmin(this.userId) && !currentBoard.hasNoComments(this.userId) && !currentBoard.hasCommentOnly(this.userId) ); }, isNoComments() { const currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); return ( !currentBoard.hasAdmin(this.userId) && currentBoard.hasNoComments(this.userId) ); }, isCommentOnly() { const currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); return ( !currentBoard.hasAdmin(this.userId) && currentBoard.hasCommentOnly(this.userId) ); }, isLastAdmin() { const currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); return ( currentBoard.hasAdmin(this.userId) && currentBoard.activeAdmins() === 1 ); }, });