BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ template: function() { return 'archivesSidebar'; }, tabs: function() { return [ { name: 'Cards', slug: 'cards' }, { name: 'Lists', slug: 'lists' } ] }, archivedCards: function() { return Cards.find({ archived: true }); }, archivedLists: function() { return Lists.find({ archived: true }); }, cardIsInArchivedList: function() { return this.currentData().list().archived; }, onRendered: function() { //XXX We should support dragging a card from the sidebar to the board }, events: function() { return [{ 'click .js-restore-card': function() { var cardId = this.currentData()._id; Cards.update(cardId, {$set: {archived: false}}); }, 'click .js-delete-card': Popup.afterConfirm('cardDelete', function() { var cardId = this._id; Cards.remove(cardId); Popup.close(); }), 'click .js-restore-list': function() { var listId = this.currentData()._id; Lists.update(listId, {$set: {archived: false}}); } }]; } }).register('archivesSidebar');