//- XXX There is a *lot* of code duplication in the above templates and in the corresponding JavaScript components. We will probably need the upcoming #let and #each x in y constructors. template(name="filterSidebar") ul.sidebar-list each currentBoard.labels li a.name.js-toggle-label-filter span.card-label.square(class="card-label-{{color}}") span.sidebar-list-item-description if name = name else span.quiet {{_ "label-default" color}} if Filter.labelIds.isSelected _id i.fa.fa-check hr ul.sidebar-list each currentBoard.members if isActive with getUser userId li(class="{{#if Filter.members.isSelected _id}}active{{/if}}") a.name.js-toogle-member-filter +userAvatar(user=this size="small") span.sidebar-list-item-description = profile.name | ({{ username }}) if Filter.members.isSelected _id i.fa.fa-check hr a.js-clear-all(class="{{#unless Filter.isActive}}disabled{{/unless}}") | {{_ 'filter-clear'}} template(name="multiselectionSidebar") ul.sidebar-list each currentBoard.labels li a.name.js-toggle-label-multiselection span.card-label.square(class="card-label-{{color}}") span.sidebar-list-item-description if name = name else span.quiet {{_ "label-default" color}} if allSelectedElementHave 'label' _id i.fa.fa-check else if someSelectedElementHave 'label' _id i.fa.fa-ellipsis-h //- XXX We should be able to assign a member to the list of selected cards. template(name="disambiguateMultiLabelPopup") p What do you want to do? button.wide.js-remove-label Remove the label button.wide.js-add-label Add the label