BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ editTitle(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); const newTitle = this.childComponents('inlinedForm')[0].getValue().trim(); const swimlane = this.currentData(); if (newTitle) { swimlane.rename(newTitle.trim()); } }, events() { return [{ 'click .js-open-swimlane-menu':'swimlaneAction'), 'click .js-open-add-swimlane-menu':'swimlaneAdd'), submit: this.editTitle, }]; }, }).register('swimlaneHeader');{ 'click .js-close-swimlane' (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); this.archive(); Popup.close(); }, }); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ events() { return [{ submit(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); const titleInput = this.find('.swimlane-name-input'); const title = titleInput.value.trim(); if (title) { Swimlanes.insert({ title, boardId: Session.get('currentBoard'), // XXX we should insert the swimlane right after the caller sort: $('.swimlane').length, }); titleInput.value = ''; titleInput.focus(); } // XXX ideally, we should move the popup to the newly // created swimlane so a user can add more than one swimlane // with a minimum of interactions Popup.close(); }, }]; }, }).register('swimlaneAddPopup');