Template.userAvatar.helpers({ userData() { // We need to handle a special case for the search results provided by the // `matteodem:easy-search` package. Since these results gets published in a // separate collection, and not in the standard Meteor.Users collection as // expected, we use a component parameter ("property") to distinguish the // two cases. const userCollection = this.esSearch ? ESSearchResults : Users; return userCollection.findOne(this.userId, { fields: { profile: 1, username: 1, }, }); }, memberType() { const user = Users.findOne(this.userId); return user && user.isBoardAdmin() ? 'admin' : 'normal'; }, presenceStatusClassName() { const user = Users.findOne(this.userId); const userPresence = presences.findOne({ userId: this.userId }); if (user && user.isInvitedTo(Session.get('currentBoard'))) return 'pending'; else if (!userPresence) return 'disconnected'; else if (Session.equals('currentBoard', userPresence.state.currentBoardId)) return 'active'; else return 'idle'; }, }); Template.userAvatar.events({ 'click .js-change-avatar': Popup.open('changeAvatar'), }); Template.userAvatarInitials.helpers({ initials() { const user = Users.findOne(this.userId); return user && user.getInitials(); }, viewPortWidth() { const user = Users.findOne(this.userId); return ((user && user.getInitials().length) || 1) * 12; }, }); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ onCreated() { this.error = new ReactiveVar(''); Meteor.subscribe('my-avatars'); }, avatarUrlOptions() { return { auth: false, brokenIsFine: true, }; }, uploadedAvatars() { return Avatars.find({ userId: Meteor.userId() }); }, isSelected() { const userProfile = Meteor.user().profile; const avatarUrl = userProfile && userProfile.avatarUrl; const currentAvatarUrl = this.currentData().url(this.avatarUrlOptions()); return avatarUrl === currentAvatarUrl; }, noAvatarUrl() { const userProfile = Meteor.user().profile; const avatarUrl = userProfile && userProfile.avatarUrl; return !avatarUrl; }, setAvatar(avatarUrl) { Meteor.user().setAvatarUrl(avatarUrl); }, setError(error) { this.error.set(error); }, events() { return [ { 'click .js-upload-avatar'() { this.$('.js-upload-avatar-input').click(); }, 'change .js-upload-avatar-input'(event) { let file, fileUrl; FS.Utility.eachFile(event, f => { try { file = Avatars.insert(new FS.File(f)); fileUrl = file.url(this.avatarUrlOptions()); } catch (e) { this.setError('avatar-too-big'); } }); if (fileUrl) { this.setError(''); const fetchAvatarInterval = window.setInterval(() => { $.ajax({ url: fileUrl, success: () => { this.setAvatar(file.url(this.avatarUrlOptions())); window.clearInterval(fetchAvatarInterval); }, }); }, 100); } }, 'click .js-select-avatar'() { const avatarUrl = this.currentData().url(this.avatarUrlOptions()); this.setAvatar(avatarUrl); }, 'click .js-select-initials'() { this.setAvatar(''); }, 'click .js-delete-avatar'() { Avatars.remove(this.currentData()._id); }, }, ]; }, }).register('changeAvatarPopup'); Template.cardMembersPopup.helpers({ isCardMember() { const card = Template.parentData(); const cardMembers = card.getMembers(); return _.contains(cardMembers, this.userId); }, isCardAssignee() { const card = Template.parentData(); const cardAssignees = card.getAssignees(); return _.contains(cardAssignees, this.userId); }, user() { return Users.findOne(this.userId); }, }); Template.cardMembersPopup.events({ 'click .js-select-member'(event) { const card = Cards.findOne(Session.get('currentCard')); const memberId = this.userId; card.toggleMember(memberId); event.preventDefault(); }, }); Template.cardMemberPopup.helpers({ user() { return Users.findOne(this.userId); }, }); Template.cardMemberPopup.events({ 'click .js-remove-member'() { Cards.findOne(this.cardId).unassignMember(this.userId); Popup.close(); }, 'click .js-edit-profile': Popup.open('editProfile'), }); Template.cardAssigneesPopup.events({ 'click .js-select-assignee'(event) { const card = Cards.findOne(Session.get('currentCard')); const assigneeId = this.userId; card.toggleAssignee(assigneeId); event.preventDefault(); }, }); Template.cardAssigneePopup.helpers({ user() { return Users.findOne(this.userId); }, }); Template.cardAssigneePopup.events({ 'click .js-remove-assignee'() { Cards.findOne(this.cardId).unassignAssignee(this.userId); Popup.close(); }, 'click .js-edit-profile': Popup.open('editProfile'), });