let previousPath; FlowRouter.triggers.exit([({path}) => { previousPath = path; }]); FlowRouter.route('/', { name: 'home', triggersEnter: [AccountsTemplates.ensureSignedIn], action() { Session.set('currentBoard', null); Session.set('currentCard', null); Filter.reset(); EscapeActions.executeAll(); BlazeLayout.render('defaultLayout', { content: 'boardList' }); }, }); FlowRouter.route('/b/:id/:slug', { name: 'board', action(params) { const currentBoard = params.id; const previousBoard = Session.get('currentBoard'); Session.set('currentBoard', currentBoard); Session.set('currentCard', null); // If we close a card, we'll execute again this route action but we don't // want to excape every current actions (filters, etc.) if (previousBoard !== currentBoard) { EscapeActions.executeAll(); } BlazeLayout.render('defaultLayout', { content: 'board' }); }, }); FlowRouter.route('/b/:boardId/:slug/:cardId', { name: 'card', action(params) { Session.set('currentBoard', params.boardId); Session.set('currentCard', params.cardId); EscapeActions.executeUpTo('inlinedForm'); BlazeLayout.render('defaultLayout', { content: 'board' }); }, }); FlowRouter.route('/shortcuts', { name: 'shortcuts', action() { const shortcutsTemplate = 'keyboardShortcuts'; EscapeActions.executeUpTo('popup-close'); if (previousPath) { Modal.open(shortcutsTemplate, { onCloseGoTo: previousPath, }); } else { // XXX There is currently no way to escape this page on Sandstorm BlazeLayout.render('defaultLayout', { content: shortcutsTemplate }); } }, }); FlowRouter.notFound = { action() { BlazeLayout.render('defaultLayout', { content: 'notFound' }); }, }; // We maintain a list of redirections to ensure that we don't break old URLs // when we change our routing scheme. const redirections = { '/boards': '/', '/boards/:id/:slug': '/b/:id/:slug', '/boards/:id/:slug/:cardId': '/b/:id/:slug/:cardId', }; _.each(redirections, (newPath, oldPath) => { FlowRouter.route(oldPath, { triggersEnter: [(context, redirect) => { redirect(FlowRouter.path(newPath, context.params)); }], }); });