// Filtered view manager // We define local filter objects for each different type of field (SetFilter, // RangeFilter, dateFilter, etc.). We then define a global `Filter` object whose // goal is to filter complete documents by using the local filters for each // fields. function showFilterSidebar() { Sidebar.setView('filter'); } // Use a "set" filter for a field that is a set of documents uniquely // identified. For instance `{ labels: ['labelA', 'labelC', 'labelD'] }`. // use "subField" for searching inside object Fields. // For instance '{ 'customFields._id': ['field1','field2']} (subField would be: _id) class SetFilter { constructor(subField = '') { this._dep = new Tracker.Dependency(); this._selectedElements = []; this.subField = subField; } isSelected(val) { this._dep.depend(); return this._selectedElements.indexOf(val) > -1; } add(val) { if (this._indexOfVal(val) === -1) { this._selectedElements.push(val); this._dep.changed(); showFilterSidebar(); } } remove(val) { const indexOfVal = this._indexOfVal(val); if (this._indexOfVal(val) !== -1) { this._selectedElements.splice(indexOfVal, 1); this._dep.changed(); } } toggle(val) { if (this._indexOfVal(val) === -1) { this.add(val); } else { this.remove(val); } } reset() { this._selectedElements = []; this._dep.changed(); } _indexOfVal(val) { return this._selectedElements.indexOf(val); } _isActive() { this._dep.depend(); return this._selectedElements.length !== 0; } _getMongoSelector() { this._dep.depend(); return { $in: this._selectedElements, }; } _getEmptySelector() { this._dep.depend(); let includeEmpty = false; this._selectedElements.forEach(el => { if (el === undefined) { includeEmpty = true; } }); return includeEmpty ? { $eq: [], } : null; } } // Advanced filter forms a MongoSelector from a users String. // Build by: Ignatz 19.05.2018 (github feuerball11) class AdvancedFilter { constructor() { this._dep = new Tracker.Dependency(); this._filter = ''; this._lastValide = {}; } set(str) { this._filter = str; this._dep.changed(); } reset() { this._filter = ''; this._lastValide = {}; this._dep.changed(); } _isActive() { this._dep.depend(); return this._filter !== ''; } _filterToCommands() { const commands = []; let current = ''; let string = false; let regex = false; let wasString = false; let ignore = false; for (let i = 0; i < this._filter.length; i++) { const char = this._filter.charAt(i); if (ignore) { ignore = false; current += char; continue; } if (char === '/') { string = !string; if (string) regex = true; current += char; continue; } // eslint-disable-next-line quotes if (char === "'") { string = !string; if (string) wasString = true; continue; } if (char === '\\' && !string) { ignore = true; continue; } if (char === ' ' && !string) { commands.push({ cmd: current, string: wasString, regex, }); wasString = false; current = ''; continue; } current += char; } if (current !== '') { commands.push({ cmd: current, string: wasString, regex, }); } return commands; } _fieldNameToId(field) { const found = CustomFields.findOne({ name: field, }); return found._id; } _fieldValueToId(field, value) { const found = CustomFields.findOne({ name: field, }); if ( found.settings.dropdownItems && found.settings.dropdownItems.length > 0 ) { for (let i = 0; i < found.settings.dropdownItems.length; i++) { if (found.settings.dropdownItems[i].name === value) { return found.settings.dropdownItems[i]._id; } } } return value; } _arrayToSelector(commands) { try { //let changed = false; this._processSubCommands(commands); } catch (e) { return this._lastValide; } this._lastValide = { $or: commands, }; return { $or: commands, }; } _processSubCommands(commands) { const subcommands = []; let level = 0; let start = -1; for (let i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) { if (commands[i].cmd) { switch (commands[i].cmd) { case '(': { level++; if (start === -1) start = i; continue; } case ')': { level--; commands.splice(i, 1); i--; continue; } default: { if (level > 0) { subcommands.push(commands[i]); commands.splice(i, 1); i--; continue; } } } } } if (start !== -1) { this._processSubCommands(subcommands); if (subcommands.length === 1) commands.splice(start, 0, subcommands[0]); else commands.splice(start, 0, subcommands); } this._processConditions(commands); this._processLogicalOperators(commands); } _processConditions(commands) { for (let i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) { if (!commands[i].string && commands[i].cmd) { switch (commands[i].cmd) { case '=': case '==': case '===': { const field = commands[i - 1].cmd; const str = commands[i + 1].cmd; if (commands[i + 1].regex) { const match = str.match(new RegExp('^/(.*?)/([gimy]*)$')); let regex = null; if (match.length > 2) regex = new RegExp(match[1], match[2]); else regex = new RegExp(match[1]); commands[i] = { 'customFields._id': this._fieldNameToId(field), 'customFields.value': regex, }; } else { commands[i] = { 'customFields._id': this._fieldNameToId(field), 'customFields.value': { $in: [this._fieldValueToId(field, str), parseInt(str, 10)], }, }; } commands.splice(i - 1, 1); commands.splice(i, 1); //changed = true; i--; break; } case '!=': case '!==': { const field = commands[i - 1].cmd; const str = commands[i + 1].cmd; if (commands[i + 1].regex) { const match = str.match(new RegExp('^/(.*?)/([gimy]*)$')); let regex = null; if (match.length > 2) regex = new RegExp(match[1], match[2]); else regex = new RegExp(match[1]); commands[i] = { 'customFields._id': this._fieldNameToId(field), 'customFields.value': { $not: regex, }, }; } else { commands[i] = { 'customFields._id': this._fieldNameToId(field), 'customFields.value': { $not: { $in: [this._fieldValueToId(field, str), parseInt(str, 10)], }, }, }; } commands.splice(i - 1, 1); commands.splice(i, 1); //changed = true; i--; break; } case '>': case 'gt': case 'Gt': case 'GT': { const field = commands[i - 1].cmd; const str = commands[i + 1].cmd; commands[i] = { 'customFields._id': this._fieldNameToId(field), 'customFields.value': { $gt: parseInt(str, 10), }, }; commands.splice(i - 1, 1); commands.splice(i, 1); //changed = true; i--; break; } case '>=': case '>==': case 'gte': case 'Gte': case 'GTE': { const field = commands[i - 1].cmd; const str = commands[i + 1].cmd; commands[i] = { 'customFields._id': this._fieldNameToId(field), 'customFields.value': { $gte: parseInt(str, 10), }, }; commands.splice(i - 1, 1); commands.splice(i, 1); //changed = true; i--; break; } case '<': case 'lt': case 'Lt': case 'LT': { const field = commands[i - 1].cmd; const str = commands[i + 1].cmd; commands[i] = { 'customFields._id': this._fieldNameToId(field), 'customFields.value': { $lt: parseInt(str, 10), }, }; commands.splice(i - 1, 1); commands.splice(i, 1); //changed = true; i--; break; } case '<=': case '<==': case 'lte': case 'Lte': case 'LTE': { const field = commands[i - 1].cmd; const str = commands[i + 1].cmd; commands[i] = { 'customFields._id': this._fieldNameToId(field), 'customFields.value': { $lte: parseInt(str, 10), }, }; commands.splice(i - 1, 1); commands.splice(i, 1); //changed = true; i--; break; } } } } } _processLogicalOperators(commands) { for (let i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) { if (!commands[i].string && commands[i].cmd) { switch (commands[i].cmd) { case 'or': case 'Or': case 'OR': case '|': case '||': { const op1 = commands[i - 1]; const op2 = commands[i + 1]; commands[i] = { $or: [op1, op2], }; commands.splice(i - 1, 1); commands.splice(i, 1); //changed = true; i--; break; } case 'and': case 'And': case 'AND': case '&': case '&&': { const op1 = commands[i - 1]; const op2 = commands[i + 1]; commands[i] = { $and: [op1, op2], }; commands.splice(i - 1, 1); commands.splice(i, 1); //changed = true; i--; break; } case 'not': case 'Not': case 'NOT': case '!': { const op1 = commands[i + 1]; commands[i] = { $not: op1, }; commands.splice(i + 1, 1); //changed = true; i--; break; } } } } } _getMongoSelector() { this._dep.depend(); const commands = this._filterToCommands(); return this._arrayToSelector(commands); } getRegexSelector() { // generate a regex for filter list this._dep.depend(); return new RegExp( `^.*${this._filter.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&')}.*$`, 'i', ); } } // The global Filter object. // XXX It would be possible to re-write this object more elegantly, and removing // the need to provide a list of `_fields`. We also should move methods into the // object prototype. Filter = { // XXX I would like to rename this field into `labels` to be consistent with // the rest of the schema, but we need to set some migrations architecture // before changing the schema. labelIds: new SetFilter(), members: new SetFilter(), archive: new SetFilter(), hideEmpty: new SetFilter(), customFields: new SetFilter('_id'), advanced: new AdvancedFilter(), lists: new AdvancedFilter(), // we need the ability to filter list by name as well _fields: ['labelIds', 'members', 'archive', 'hideEmpty', 'customFields'], // We don't filter cards that have been added after the last filter change. To // implement this we keep the id of these cards in this `_exceptions` fields // and use a `$or` condition in the mongo selector we return. _exceptions: [], _exceptionsDep: new Tracker.Dependency(), isActive() { return ( _.any(this._fields, fieldName => { return this[fieldName]._isActive(); }) || this.advanced._isActive() ); }, _getMongoSelector() { if (!this.isActive()) return {}; const filterSelector = {}; const emptySelector = {}; let includeEmptySelectors = false; this._fields.forEach(fieldName => { const filter = this[fieldName]; if (filter._isActive()) { if (filter.subField !== '') { filterSelector[ `${fieldName}.${filter.subField}` ] = filter._getMongoSelector(); } else { filterSelector[fieldName] = filter._getMongoSelector(); } emptySelector[fieldName] = filter._getEmptySelector(); if (emptySelector[fieldName] !== null) { includeEmptySelectors = true; } } }); const exceptionsSelector = { _id: { $in: this._exceptions, }, }; this._exceptionsDep.depend(); const selectors = [exceptionsSelector]; if ( _.any(this._fields, fieldName => { return this[fieldName]._isActive(); }) ) selectors.push(filterSelector); if (includeEmptySelectors) selectors.push(emptySelector); if (this.advanced._isActive()) selectors.push(this.advanced._getMongoSelector()); return { $or: selectors, }; }, mongoSelector(additionalSelector) { const filterSelector = this._getMongoSelector(); if (_.isUndefined(additionalSelector)) return filterSelector; else return { $and: [filterSelector, additionalSelector], }; }, reset() { this._fields.forEach(fieldName => { const filter = this[fieldName]; filter.reset(); }); this.lists.reset(); this.advanced.reset(); this.resetExceptions(); }, addException(_id) { if (this.isActive()) { this._exceptions.push(_id); this._exceptionsDep.changed(); Tracker.flush(); } }, resetExceptions() { this._exceptions = []; this._exceptionsDep.changed(); }, }; Blaze.registerHelper('Filter', Filter);