version: '2' services: # 1) Create a dedicated user for Wekan, for example: # sudo useradd -d /home/wekan -m -s /bin/bash wekan # 2) Add this user to the docker group, then logout+login or reboot: # sudo usermod -aG docker wekan # 3) Then login as user wekan. # 4) Create this file /home/wekan/docker-compose.yml with your modifications. # 5a) Running Docker as service, on Systemd like Debian 9, Ubuntu 16.04, CentOS 7: # sudo systemctl enable docker # sudo systemctl start docker # 5b) Running Docker as service, on init.d like Debian 8, Ubuntu 14.04, CentOS 6: # sudo update-rc.d docker defaults # sudo service docker start # 6) For seeing does Wekan work, try this and check with your webbroser: # docker-compose up # 7) Stop Wekan and start Wekan in background: # docker-compose stop # docker-compose up -d # 8) See running Docker containers: # docker ps # 9) See stopped Docker containers: # docker ps -a # Upgrading Wekan to new version: # 1) Stop Wekan: # docker-compose stop # 2) Download new version: # docker-compose pull wekan # 3) If you have more networks for VPN etc as described at bottom of # this config, download for them too: # docker-compose pull wekan2 # 4) Start Wekan: # docker-compose start wekandb: # All Wekan data is stored in MongoDB. For backup and restore, see: # image: mongo:3.2.19 container_name: wekan-db restart: always command: mongod --smallfiles --oplogSize 128 networks: - wekan-tier expose: - 27017 volumes: - wekan-db:/data/db - wekan-db-dump:/dump wekan: # Wekan container only has Node.js and related code, # there is no data stored here. # # Docker Hub, usually broken: #image: wekanteam/wekan:latest # # Quay, usually works, updates faster: image: container_name: wekan-app restart: always networks: - wekan-tier #--------------------------------------------------------------- # == BUILDING WEKAN FROM SOURCE IN DOCKER == # docker-compose up -d --build build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile args: - NODE_VERSION=${NODE_VERSION} - METEOR_RELEASE=${METEOR_RELEASE} - NPM_VERSION=${NPM_VERSION} - ARCHITECTURE=${ARCHITECTURE} - SRC_PATH=${SRC_PATH} - METEOR_EDGE=${METEOR_EDGE} - USE_EDGE=${USE_EDGE} #--------------------------------------------------------------- # For running Wekan in different port like 3000, use: 3000:80 ports: - 80:80 environment: #--------------------------------------------------------------- # == ROOT_URL SETTING == # Change ROOT_URL to your real Wekan URL, for example: # # # #--------------------------------------------------------------- - ROOT_URL= #--------------------------------------------------------------- # == PORT SETTING == # Not needed on Docker, but if you had installed from source, # you could also have setup Wekan Node.js port at localhost # with setting: PORT=3001 # and have Nginx proxy to port 3001, see Wekan wiki. #--------------------------------------------------------------- # - PORT=3001 #--------------------------------------------------------------- # == MONGO URL AND OPLOG SETTINGS == # # We've fixed our CPU usage problem today with an environment # change around Wekan. I wasn't aware during implementation # that if you're using more than 1 instance of Wekan # (or any MeteorJS based tool) you're supposed to set # MONGO_OPLOG_URL as an environment variable. # Without setting it, Meteor will perform a pull-and-diff # update of it's dataset. With it, Meteor will update from # the OPLOG. See here # # After setting # MONGO_OPLOG_URL=mongodb://:@/local?authSource=admin&replicaSet=rsWekan # the CPU usage for all Wekan instances dropped to an average # of less than 10% with only occasional spikes to high usage # (I guess when someone is doing a lot of work) #--------------------------------------------------------------- - MONGO_URL=mongodb://wekandb:27017/wekan #--------------------------------------------------------------- # - MONGO_OPLOG_URL=mongodb://:@/local?authSource=admin&replicaSet=rsWekan #--------------------------------------------------------------- # == EMAIL SETTINGS == # Email settings are required in both MAIL_URL and Admin Panel, # see # For SSL in email, change smtp:// to smtps:// # NOTE: Special characters need to be url-encoded in MAIL_URL. #--------------------------------------------------------------- - MAIL_URL=smtp:// - MAIL_FROM='Example Wekan Support ' depends_on: - wekandb #------------------------------------------------------------------ # When using Wekan both at office LAN and remote VPN: # 1) Have above Wekan docker container config with LAN IP address # 2) Copy all of above Wekan config below, change name to different # like wekan2 or wekanvpn, and change ROOT_URL to server VPN IP # address. # 3) This way both Wekan containers can use same MongoDB database # and see the same Wekan boards. # 4) You could also add 3rd Wekan container for 3rd network etc. #------------------------------------------------------------------ # wekan2: # ....COPY CONFIG FROM ABOVE TO HERE... # environment: # - ROOT_URL='' # ...COPY CONFIG FROM ABOVE TO HERE... volumes: wekan-db: driver: local wekan-db-dump: driver: local networks: wekan-tier: driver: bridge