version: '2' services: wekandb: image: mongo:3.2.20 container_name: wekan-db restart: always command: mongod --smallfiles --oplogSize 128 networks: - wekan-tier expose: - 27017 volumes: - wekan-db:/data/db - wekan-db-dump:/dump wekan: image: container_name: wekan-app restart: always networks: - wekan-tier build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile args: - NODE_VERSION=${NODE_VERSION} - METEOR_RELEASE=${METEOR_RELEASE} - NPM_VERSION=${NPM_VERSION} - ARCHITECTURE=${ARCHITECTURE} - SRC_PATH=${SRC_PATH} - METEOR_EDGE=${METEOR_EDGE} - USE_EDGE=${USE_EDGE} ports: - 80:8080 environment: - MONGO_URL=mongodb://wekandb:27017/wekan - ROOT_URL=http://localhost # Wekan Export Board works when WITH_API='true'. # If you disable Wekan API with 'false', Export Board does not work. - WITH_API=true # Optional: Integration with Matomo that is installed to your server # The address of the server where Matomo is hosted: # - MATOMO_ADDRESS='' # The value of the site ID given in Matomo server for Wekan # - MATOMO_SITE_ID='123456789' # The option do not track which enables users to not be tracked by matomo" # - MATOMO_DO_NOT_TRACK='false' # The option that allows matomo to retrieve the username: # - MATOMO_WITH_USERNAME='true' # Enable browser policy and allow one trusted URL that can have iframe that has Wekan embedded inside. # Setting this to false is not recommended, it also disables all other browser policy protections # and allows all iframing etc. See wekan/server/policy.js - BROWSER_POLICY_ENABLED=true # When browser policy is enabled, HTML code at this Trusted URL can have iframe that embeds Wekan inside. - TRUSTED_URL= depends_on: - wekandb volumes: wekan-db: driver: local wekan-db-dump: driver: local networks: wekan-tier: driver: bridge