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"Email sent", "email-verifyEmail-subject": "Verify your email address on __siteName__", "email-verifyEmail-text": "नमस्ते __user __, \n\n अपना खाता ईमेल सत्यापित करने के लिए, बस नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करें। \n\n__url __ \n\n धन्यवाद।", "enable-wip-limit": "Enable WIP Limit", "error-board-doesNotExist": "यह बोर्ड does not exist", "error-board-notAdmin": "You need तक be व्यवस्थापक of यह बोर्ड तक do that", "error-board-notAMember": "You need तक be एक सदस्य of यह बोर्ड तक do that", "error-json-malformed": "Your text is not valid JSON", "error-json-schema": "आपके JSON डेटा में सही प्रारूप में सही जानकारी शामिल नहीं है", "error-list-doesNotExist": "यह सूची does not exist", "error-user-doesNotExist": "यह user does not exist", "error-user-notAllowSelf": "You can not invite yourself", "error-user-notCreated": "यह user is not created", "error-username-taken": "यह username is already taken", "error-email-taken": "Email has already been taken", "export-board": "Export बोर्ड", "filter": "Filter", "filter-cards": "Filter कार्ड", "filter-clear": "Clear filter", "filter-no-label": "No label", "filter-no-member": "No सदस्य", "filter-no-custom-fields": "No प्रचलन क्षेत्र", "filter-on": "Filter is on", "filter-on-desc": "You are filtering कार्ड इस पर बोर्ड. Click here तक संपादित करें filter.", "filter-to-selection": "Filter तक selection", "advanced-filter-label": "Advanced Filter", "advanced-filter-description": "Advanced Filter allows तक write एक string containing following operators: == != <= >= && || ( ) एक space is used as एक separator between the Operators. You can filter for संपूर्ण प्रचलन क्षेत्र by typing their names और values. For Example: Field1 == Value1. Note: If fields or values contains spaces, you need तक encapsulate them के अंदर single quotes. For Example: 'Field 1' == 'Value 1'. For single control characters (' \\/) तक be skipped, you can use \\. For example: Field1 == I\\'m. Also you can combine multiple conditions. For Example: F1 == V1 || F1 == V2. Normally संपूर्ण operators are interpreted से left तक right. You can change the order by placing brackets. For Example: F1 == V1 && ( F2 == V2 || F2 == V3 ). Also you can search text fields using regex: F1 == /Tes.*/i", "fullname": "Full Name", "header-logo-title": "Go back तक your बोर्डों page.", "hide-system-messages": "Hide system messages", "headerBarCreateBoardPopup-title": "Create बोर्ड", "home": "Home", "import": "Import", "link": "Link", "import-board": "import बोर्ड", "import-board-c": "Import बोर्ड", "import-board-title-trello": "Import बोर्ड से Trello", "import-board-title-wekan": "Import बोर्ड से Wekan", "import-sandstorm-warning": "सूचित कर बोर्ड will मिटाएँ संपूर्ण existing data on बोर्ड और replace it साथ में सूचित कर बोर्ड.", "from-trello": "From Trello", "from-wekan": "From Wekan", "import-board-instruction-trello": "In your Trello बोर्ड, go तक 'Menu', then 'More', 'Print और Export', 'Export JSON', और copy the resulting text.", "import-board-instruction-wekan": "In your Wekan बोर्ड, go तक 'Menu', then 'Export बोर्ड', और copy the text अंदर में the downloaded file.", "import-json-placeholder": "Paste your valid JSON data here", "import-map-members": "Map सदस्य", "import-members-map": "Your सूचित कर बोर्ड has some सदस्य. Please map the सदस्य you want तक import तक Wekan users", "import-show-user-mapping": "Re आलोकन सदस्य mapping", "import-user-select": "Pick the Wekan user you want तक use as यह सदस्य", "importMapMembersAddPopup-title": "Select Wekan सदस्य", "info": "Version", "initials": "Initials", "invalid-date": "Invalid date", "invalid-time": "Invalid time", "invalid-user": "Invalid user", "joined": "joined", "just-invited": "You are just invited तक यह बोर्ड", "keyboard-shortcuts": "Keyबोर्ड shortcuts", "label-create": "Create Label", "label-default": "%s label (default)", "label-delete-pop": "There is no undo. यह will हटा यह label से संपूर्ण कार्ड और destroy its history.", "labels": "नामपत्र", "language": "Language", "last-admin-desc": "You can’t change roles because there must be at least one admin.", "leave-board": "Leave बोर्ड", "leave-board-pop": "Are you sure you want तक leave __boardTitle__? You हो जाएगा हटा दिया से संपूर्ण कार्ड इस पर बोर्ड.", "leaveBoardPopup-title": "Leave बोर्ड ?", "link-card": "Link तक यह कार्ड", "list-archive-cards": "स्थानांतरित संपूर्ण कार्ड अंदर में यह सूची तक पुनः चक्र", "list-archive-cards-pop": "यह will हटा संपूर्ण the कार्ड अंदर में यह सूची से the बोर्ड. तक आलोकन कार्ड अंदर में पुनः चक्र और bring them back तक the बोर्ड, click “Menu” > “पुनः चक्र”.", "list-move-cards": "स्थानांतरित संपूर्ण कार्ड अंदर में यह list", "list-select-cards": "Select संपूर्ण कार्ड अंदर में यह list", "listActionPopup-title": "सूची Actions", "swimlaneActionPopup-title": "तैरन Actions", "listImportCardPopup-title": "Import एक Trello कार्ड", "listMorePopup-title": "More", "link-list": "Link तक यह list", "list-delete-pop": "All actions हो जाएगा हटा दिया से the activity feed और you won't be able तक recover the list. There is no undo.", "list-delete-suggest-archive": "You can स्थानांतरित एक सूची तक पुनः चक्र तक हटा it से the बोर्ड और preserve the activity.", "lists": "Lists", "swimlanes": "तैरन", "log-out": "Log Out", "log-in": "Log In", "loginPopup-title": "Log In", "memberMenuPopup-title": "सदस्य व्यवस्था", "members": "सदस्य", "menu": "Menu", "move-selection": "स्थानांतरित selection", "moveCardPopup-title": "स्थानांतरित कार्ड", "moveCardToBottom-title": "स्थानांतरित तक Bottom", "moveCardToTop-title": "स्थानांतरित तक Top", "moveSelectionPopup-title": "स्थानांतरित selection", "multi-selection": "Multi-Selection", "multi-selection-on": "Multi-Selection is on", "muted": "Muted", "muted-info": "आप किसी भी परिवर्तन के अधिसूचित नहीं किया जाएगा अंदर में यह बोर्ड", "my-boards": "My बोर्ड", "name": "Name", "no-archived-cards": "No कार्ड अंदर में पुनः चक्र .", "no-archived-lists": "No lists अंदर में पुनः चक्र .", "no-archived-swimlanes": "No swimlanes अंदर में पुनः चक्र .", "no-results": "No results", "normal": "Normal", "normal-desc": "Can आलोकन और संपादित करें कार्ड. Can't change व्यवस्था.", "not-accepted-yet": "Invitation not accepted yet", "notify-participate": "Receive updates तक any कार्ड you participate as creater or सदस्य", "notify-watch": "Receive updates तक any बोर्ड, lists, or कार्ड you’re watching", "optional": "optional", "or": "or", "page-maybe-private": "यह page may be private. You may be able तक आलोकन it by logging in.", "page-not-found": "Page नहीं मिला.", "password": "Password", "paste-or-dragdrop": "to paste, or drag & drop image file तक it (image only)", "participating": "Participating", "preview": "Preview", "previewAttachedImagePopup-title": "Preview", "previewClipboardImagePopup-title": "Preview", "private": "Private", "private-desc": "यह बोर्ड is private. Only people संकलित तक the बोर्ड can आलोकन और संपादित करें it.", "profile": "Profile", "public": "Public", "public-desc": "यह बोर्ड is public. It's visible तक anyone साथ में the link और will show up अंदर में गूगल की तरह खोज इंजन । केवल लोग संकलित तक बोर्ड संपादित कर सकते हैं.", "quick-access-description": "Star एक बोर्ड तक जोड़ें एक shortcut अंदर में यह पट्टी .", "remove-cover": "हटाएँ Cover", "remove-from-board": "हटाएँ से बोर्ड", "remove-label": "हटाएँ Label", "listDeletePopup-title": "मिटाएँ सूची ?", "remove-member": "हटाएँ सदस्य", "remove-member-from-card": "हटाएँ से कार्ड", "remove-member-pop": "हटाएँ __name__ (__username__) से __boardTitle__? इस बोर्ड पर सभी कार्ड से सदस्य हटा दिया जाएगा। उन्हें एक अधिसूचना प्राप्त होगी।", "removeMemberPopup-title": "हटाएँ सदस्य?", "rename": "Rename", "rename-board": "Rename बोर्ड", "restore": "Restore", "save": "Save", "search": "Search", "rules": "Rules", "search-cards": "Search से कार्ड titles और descriptions इस पर बोर्ड", "search-example": "Text तक search for?", "select-color": "Select Color", "set-wip-limit-value": "Set एक limit for the maximum number of tasks अंदर में यह list", "setWipLimitPopup-title": "Set WIP Limit", "shortcut-assign-self": "Assign yourself तक current कार्ड", "shortcut-autocomplete-emoji": "Autocomplete emoji", "shortcut-autocomplete-members": "Autocomplete सदस्य", "shortcut-clear-filters": "Clear संपूर्ण filters", "shortcut-close-dialog": "Close Dialog", "shortcut-filter-my-cards": "Filter my कार्ड", "shortcut-show-shortcuts": "Bring up यह shortcuts list", "shortcut-toggle-filterbar": "Toggle Filter Sidebar", "shortcut-toggle-sidebar": "Toggle बोर्ड Sidebar", "show-cards-minimum-count": "Show कार्ड count if सूची contains more than", "sidebar-open": "Open Sidebar", "sidebar-close": "Close Sidebar", "signupPopup-title": "Create an Account", "star-board-title": "Click तक star यह बोर्ड. It will show up at top of your बोर्डों list.", "starred-boards": "Starred बोर्ड", "starred-boards-description": "Starred बोर्डों show up at the top of your बोर्डों list.", "subscribe": "Subscribe", "team": "Team", "this-board": "यह बोर्ड", "this-card": "यह कार्ड", "spent-time-hours": "Spent time (hours)", "overtime-hours": "Overtime (hours)", "overtime": "Overtime", "has-overtime-cards": "Has overtime कार्ड", "has-spenttime-cards": "Has spent time कार्ड", "time": "Time", "title": "Title", "tracking": "Tracking", "tracking-info": "You हो जाएगा notified of any changes तक those कार्ड you are involved as creator or सदस्य.", "type": "Type", "unassign-member": "Unassign सदस्य", "unsaved-description": "You have an unsaved description.", "unwatch": "Unwatch", "upload": "Upload", "upload-avatar": "Upload an avatar", "uploaded-avatar": "Uploaded an avatar", "username": "Username", "view-it": "आलोकन it", "warn-list-archived": "warning: यह कार्ड is अंदर में पुनः चक्र में एक सूची", "watch": "Watch", "watching": "Watching", "watching-info": "You हो जाएगा notified of any change अंदर में यह बोर्ड", "welcome-board": "Welcome बोर्ड", "welcome-swimlane": "Milestone 1", "welcome-list1": "Basics", "welcome-list2": "Advanced", "what-to-do": "What do you want तक do?", "wipLimitErrorPopup-title": "Invalid WIP Limit", "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt1": "The number of tasks अंदर में यह सूची is higher than the WIP limit you've defined.", "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt2": "Please स्थानांतरित some tasks out of यह list, or set एक higher WIP limit.", "admin-panel": "व्यवस्थापक Panel", "settings": "Settings", "people": "People", "registration": "Registration", "disable-self-registration": "Disable Self-Registration", "invite": "Invite", "invite-people": "Invite People", "to-boards": "To बोर्ड(s)", "email-addresses": "Email Addresses", "smtp-host-description": "The address of the SMTP server that handles your emails.", "smtp-port-description": "The port your SMTP server uses for outgoing emails.", "smtp-tls-description": "Enable TLS support for SMTP server", "smtp-host": "SMTP Host", "smtp-port": "SMTP Port", "smtp-username": "Username", "smtp-password": "Password", "smtp-tls": "TLS support", "send-from": "From", "send-smtp-test": "Send एक test email तक yourself", "invitation-code": "Invitation Code", "email-invite-register-subject": "__inviter__ प्रेषित you an invitation", "email-invite-register-text": "Dear __user__,\n\n__inviter__ invites you तक Wekan for collaborations.\n\nPlease follow the link below:\n__url__\n\nऔर your invitation code is: __icode__\n\nThanks.", "email-smtp-test-subject": "SMTP Test Email से Wekan", "email-smtp-test-text": "You have successfully प्रेषित an email", "error-invitation-code-not-exist": "Invitation code doesn't exist", "error-notAuthorized": "You are not authorized तक आलोकन यह page.", "outgoing-webhooks": "Outgoing Webhooks", "outgoingWebhooksPopup-title": "Outgoing Webhooks", "new-outgoing-webhook": "New Outgoing Webhook", "no-name": "(Unknown)", "Wekan_version": "Wekan version", "Node_version": "Node version", "OS_Arch": "OS Arch", "OS_Cpus": "OS CPU Count", "OS_Freemem": "OS Free Memory", "OS_Loadavg": "OS Load Average", "OS_Platform": "OS Platform", "OS_Release": "OS Release", "OS_Totalmem": "OS Total Memory", "OS_Type": "OS Type", "OS_Uptime": "OS Uptime", "hours": "hours", "minutes": "minutes", "seconds": "seconds", "show-field-on-card": "Show यह field on कार्ड", "yes": "Yes", "no": "No", "accounts": "Accounts", "accounts-allowEmailChange": "Allow Email Change", "accounts-allowUserNameChange": "Allow Username Change", "createdAt": "Created at", "verified": "Verified", "active": "Active", "card-received": "Received", "card-received-on": "Received on", "card-end": "End", "card-end-on": "Ends on", "editCardReceivedDatePopup-title": "Change received date", "editCardEndDatePopup-title": "Change end date", "assigned-by": "Assigned By", "requested-by": "Requested By", "board-delete-notice": "Deleting is permanent. You will lose संपूर्ण lists, कार्ड और actions associated साथ में यह बोर्ड.", "delete-board-confirm-popup": "All lists, कार्ड,नामपत्र , और activities हो जाएगा deleted और you won't be able तक recover the बोर्ड contents. There is no undo.", "boardDeletePopup-title": "मिटाएँ बोर्ड?", "delete-board": "मिटाएँ बोर्ड", "default-subtasks-board": "Subtasks for __board__ बोर्ड", "default": "Default", "queue": "Queue", "subtask-settings": "Subtasks व्यवस्था", "boardSubtaskSettingsPopup-title": "बोर्ड Subtasks व्यवस्था", "show-subtasks-field": "Cards can have subtasks", "deposit-subtasks-board": "Deposit subtasks तक यह बोर्ड:", "deposit-subtasks-list": "Landing सूची for subtasks deposited here:", "show-parent-in-minicard": "Show parent अंदर में minicard:", "prefix-with-full-path": "Prefix साथ में full path", "prefix-with-parent": "Prefix साथ में parent", "subtext-with-full-path": "Subtext साथ में full path", "subtext-with-parent": "Subtext साथ में parent", "change-card-parent": "Change कार्ड's parent", "parent-card": "Parent कार्ड", "source-board": "Source बोर्ड", "no-parent": "Don't show parent", "activity-added-label": "संकलित label '%s' तक %s", "activity-removed-label": "हटा दिया label '%s' से %s", "activity-delete-attach": "deleted an संलग्नक से %s", "activity-added-label-card": "संकलित label '%s'", "activity-removed-label-card": "हटा दिया label '%s'", "activity-delete-attach-card": "deleted an संलग्नक", "r-rule": "Rule", "r-add-trigger": "जोड़ें trigger", "r-add-action": "जोड़ें action", "r-board-rules": "बोर्ड rules", "r-add-rule": "जोड़ें rule", "r-view-rule": "आलोकन rule", "r-delete-rule": "मिटाएँ rule", "r-new-rule-name": "New rule title", "r-no-rules": "No rules", "r-when-a-card-is": "जब एक कार्ड is", "r-added-to": "संकलित to", "r-removed-from": "हटा दिया from", "r-the-board": "the बोर्ड", "r-list": "list", "r-moved-to": "स्थानांतरित to", "r-moved-from": "स्थानांतरित from", "r-archived": "यह ले जाएँ और मिटाए", "r-unarchived": "पुनर्स्थापित से पुनः चक्र", "r-a-card": "a कार्ड", "r-when-a-label-is": "जब एक नामपत्र है", "r-when-the-label-is": "जब नामपत्र है", "r-list-name": "सूची name", "r-when-a-member": "जब एक सदस्य is", "r-when-the-member": "जब the सदस्य", "r-name": "name", "r-is": "is", "r-when-a-attach": "जब an संलग्नक", "r-when-a-checklist": "जब एक चिह्नांकन-सूची is", "r-when-the-checklist": "जब the checklist", "r-completed": "Completed", "r-made-incomplete": "Made incomplete", "r-when-a-item": "जब एक चिह्नांकन-सूची विषय is", "r-when-the-item": "जब the चिह्नांकन-सूची item", "r-checked": "Checked", "r-unchecked": "Unchecked", "r-move-card-to": "स्थानांतरित कार्ड to", "r-top-of": "Top of", "r-bottom-of": "Bottom of", "r-its-list": "its list", "r-archive": "स्थानांतरित तक पुनः चक्र", "r-unarchive": "Restore से पुनः चक्र", "r-card": "कार्ड", "r-add": "जोड़ें", "r-remove": "Remove", "r-label": "label", "r-member": "member", "r-remove-all": "हटाएँ संपूर्ण सदस्य से the कार्ड", "r-checklist": "checklist", "r-check-all": "Check all", "r-uncheck-all": "Uncheck all", "r-items-check": "items of checklist", "r-check": "Check", "r-uncheck": "Uncheck", "r-item": "item", "r-of-checklist": "of checklist", "r-send-email": "Send an email", "r-to": "to", "r-subject": "subject", "r-rule-details": "Rule details", "r-d-move-to-top-gen": "स्थानांतरित कार्ड तक top of its list", "r-d-move-to-top-spec": "स्थानांतरित कार्ड तक top of list", "r-d-move-to-bottom-gen": "स्थानांतरित कार्ड तक bottom of its list", "r-d-move-to-bottom-spec": "स्थानांतरित कार्ड तक bottom of list", "r-d-send-email": "Send email", "r-d-send-email-to": "to", "r-d-send-email-subject": "subject", "r-d-send-email-message": "message", "r-d-archive": "स्थानांतरित कार्ड तक पुनः चक्र", "r-d-unarchive": "Restore कार्ड से पुनः चक्र", "r-d-add-label": "जोड़ें label", "r-d-remove-label": "हटाएँ label", "r-d-add-member": "जोड़ें सदस्य", "r-d-remove-member": "हटाएँ सदस्य", "r-d-remove-all-member": "हटाएँ संपूर्ण सदस्य", "r-d-check-all": "Check संपूर्ण items of एक list", "r-d-uncheck-all": "Uncheck संपूर्ण items of एक list", "r-d-check-one": "Check item", "r-d-uncheck-one": "Uncheck item", "r-d-check-of-list": "of checklist", "r-d-add-checklist": "जोड़ें checklist", "r-d-remove-checklist": "हटाएँ checklist", "r-when-a-card-is-moved": "जब एक कार्ड is स्थानांतरित तक another list", "ldap": "LDAP", "oauth2": "OAuth2", "cas": "CAS", "authentication-method": "Authentication method", "authentication-type": "Authentication type", "custom-product-name": "Custom Product Name", "layout": "Layout" }