{ "accept": "Acceptar", "act-activity-notify": "Notificacion d'activitat", "act-addAttachment": "as apondut una pèça joncha __astacament__ de la carta __card__ a la tièra __list__ del corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__", "act-deleteAttachment": "as tirat una pèça joncha __astacament__ de la carta __card__ de la tièra __list__ del corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__", "act-addSubtask": "as apondut una jos-tasca __subtask__ de la carta __card__ de la tièra __list__ del corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__", "act-addLabel": "as apondut una etiqueta__label__ de la carta __card__ a la tièra __list__ del corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__", "act-addedLabel": "as apondut una etiqueta__label__ de la carta __card__ a la tièra __list__ del corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__", "act-removeLabel": "as tirat l'etiqueta__label__ de la carta __card__ de la tièra __list__ del corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__", "act-removedLabel": "as tirat l'etiqueta__label__ de la carta __card__ de la tièra __list__ del corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__", "act-addChecklist": "as apondut la checklist __checklist__ de la carta __card__ de la tièra __list__ del corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__", "act-addChecklistItem": " as apondut l'element __checklistItem__ de la checklist __checklist__ de la carta __card__ de la tièra __list__ del corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__", "act-removeChecklist": "as tirat la checklist __checklist__ de la carta __card__ de la tièra __list__ del corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__", "act-removeChecklistItem": " as tirat l'element __checklistItem__ de la checklist __checklist__ de la carta __card__ de la tièra __list__ del corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__", "act-checkedItem": "as croiat __checklistItem__ de la checklist __checklist__ de la carta __card__ de la tièra __list__ del corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__", "act-uncheckedItem": "as descroiar __checklistItem__ de la checklist __checklist__ de la carta __card__ de la tièra __list__ del corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__", "act-completeChecklist": "as completat la checklist __checklist__ de la carta __card__ de la tièra __list__ del corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__", "act-uncompleteChecklist": "as rendut incomplet la checklist __checklist__ de la carta __card__ de la tièra __list__ del corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__", "act-addComment": "as comentat la carta __card__: __comment__ de la tièra __list__ del corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__", "act-editComment": "edited comment on card __card__: __comment__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__", "act-deleteComment": "deleted comment on card __card__: __comment__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__", "act-createBoard": "as creat lo tablèu __board__", "act-createSwimlane": "created swimlane __swimlane__ to board __board__", "act-createCard": "as creat la carta __card__ de la tièra __list__ del corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__", "act-createCustomField": "created custom field __customField__ at board __board__", "act-deleteCustomField": "deleted custom field __customField__ at board __board__", "act-setCustomField": "edited custom field __customField__: __customFieldValue__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__", "act-createList": "as apondut la tièra __list__ al tablèu __board__", "act-addBoardMember": "as apondut un participant __member__ al tablèu __board__", "act-archivedBoard": "Lo tablèu __board__ es estat desplaçar cap a Archius", "act-archivedCard": "La carta __card__ de la tièra __list__ del corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__ es estat desplaçar cap a Archiu", "act-archivedList": "La tièra __list__ del corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__ es estat desplaçar cap a Archius", "act-archivedSwimlane": "Lo corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__ es estat desplaçar cap a Archius", "act-importBoard": "as importat lo tablèu __board__", "act-importCard": "as importat la carta __card__ de la tièra __list__ del corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__", "act-importList": "as importat la tièra __list__ del corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__", "act-joinMember": "as apondut un participant __member__ a la carta __card__ de la tièra __list__ del corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__", "act-moveCard": "moved card __card__ at board __board__ from list __oldList__ at swimlane __oldSwimlane__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__", "act-moveCardToOtherBoard": "as desplaçat la carta __card__ de la tièra __oldList__ del corredor __oldSwimlane__ del tablèu __oldBoard__ cap a la tièra __list__ del corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__", "act-removeBoardMember": "as tirat lo participant __member__ del tablèu __board__", "act-restoredCard": "as restorat la carta __card__ de la tièra __list__ del corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__", "act-unjoinMember": "as tirat lo participant __member__ de la carta __card__ de la tièra __list__ del corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__", "act-withBoardTitle": "__tablèu__", "act-withCardTitle": "[__board__] __card__", "actions": "Accions", "activities": "Activitats", "activity": "Activitat", "activity-added": "as apondut %s a %s", "activity-archived": "%s desplaçat cap a Archius", "activity-attached": "as ligat %s a %s", "activity-created": "as creat %s", "activity-customfield-created": "as creat lo camp personalizat %s", "activity-excluded": "as exclús %s de %s", "activity-imported": "as importat %s cap a %s dempuèi %s", "activity-imported-board": "as importat %s dempuèi %s", "activity-joined": "as rejonch %s", "activity-moved": "as desplaçat %s dempuèi %s cap a %s", "activity-on": "sus %s", "activity-removed": "as tirat %s de %s", "activity-sent": "as mandat %s cap a %s", "activity-unjoined": "as quitat %s", "activity-subtask-added": "as apondut una jos-tasca a %s", "activity-checked-item": "as croiat %s dins la checklist %s de %s", "activity-unchecked-item": "as descroiat %s dins la checklist %s de %s", "activity-checklist-added": "as apondut a checklist a %s", "activity-checklist-removed": "as tirat la checklist de %s", "activity-checklist-completed": "completed checklist %s of %s", "activity-checklist-uncompleted": "as rendut incomplet la checklist %s de %s", "activity-checklist-item-added": "as apondut un element a la checklist '%s' dins %s", "activity-checklist-item-removed": "as tirat un element a la checklist '%s' dins %s", "add": "Apondre", "activity-checked-item-card": "as croiat %s dins la checklist %s", "activity-unchecked-item-card": "as descroiat %s dins la checklist %s", "activity-checklist-completed-card": "as acabat la checklist__checklist__ de la carta __card__ de la tièra __list__ del corredor __swimlane__ del tablèu __board__", "activity-checklist-uncompleted-card": "as rendut incomplet la checklist %s", "activity-editComment": "edited comment %s", "activity-deleteComment": "deleted comment %s", "add-attachment": "Apondre una pèça joncha", "add-board": "Apondre un tablèu", "add-card": "Apondre una carta", "add-swimlane": "Apondre un corredor", "add-subtask": "Apondre una jos-tasca", "add-checklist": "Apondre una checklist", "add-checklist-item": "Apondre un element a la checklist", "add-cover": "Apondre una cobèrta", "add-label": "Apondre una etiqueta", "add-list": "Apondre una tièra", "add-members": "Apondre un participant", "added": "Apondut lo", "addMemberPopup-title": "Participants", "admin": "Administartor", "admin-desc": "As lo drech de legir e modificar las cartas, tirar de participants, e modificar las opcions del tablèu.", "admin-announcement": "Anóncia", "admin-announcement-active": "Activar l'anóncia globala", "admin-announcement-title": "Anóncia de l'administrator", "all-boards": "Totes los tablèus", "and-n-other-card": "E __comptar__ carta de mai", "and-n-other-card_plural": "E __comptar__ cartas de mai", "apply": "Aplicar", "app-is-offline": "Cargament, vos cal esperar. Refrescar la pagina vos va far perdre vòstre trabalh. Se lo cargament es tròp long, vos cal agachar se lo servidor es pas blocat/arrestat.", "archive": "Archivar", "archive-all": "Archivar tot", "archive-board": "Archivar lo tablèu", "archive-card": "Archivar la carta", "archive-list": "Archivar la tièra", "archive-swimlane": "Archivar lo corredor", "archive-selection": "Archivar la seleccion", "archiveBoardPopup-title": "Archivar lo tablèu?", "archived-items": "Archius", "archived-boards": "Tablèu archivat", "restore-board": "Restaurar lo tablèu", "no-archived-boards": "Pas de tablèu archivat.", "archives": "Archivar", "template": "Modèl", "templates": "Modèls", "assign-member": "Affectar un participant", "attached": "jónher", "attachment": "pèça joncha", "attachment-delete-pop": "Tirar una pèça joncha es defenitiu.", "attachmentDeletePopup-title": "Tirar la pèça joncha ?", "attachments": "Pèças jonchas", "auto-watch": "Survelhar automaticament lo tablèu un còp creat", "avatar-too-big": "L'imatge es tròp pesuc (70KB max)", "back": "Tornar", "board-change-color": "Cambiar de color", "board-nb-stars": "%s estèla", "board-not-found": "Tablèu pas trapat", "board-private-info": "Aqueste tablèu serà privat.", "board-public-info": "Aqueste tablèu serà public.", "boardChangeColorPopup-title": "Cambiar lo fons del tablèu", "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "Tornar nomenar lo tablèu", "boardChangeVisibilityPopup-title": "Cambiar la visibilitat", "boardChangeWatchPopup-title": "Cambiar lo seguit", "boardMenuPopup-title": "Opcions del tablèu", "boardChangeViewPopup-title": "Presentacion del tablèu", "boards": "Tablèus", "board-view": "Presentacion del tablèu", "board-view-cal": "Calendièr", "board-view-swimlanes": "Corredor", "board-view-collapse": "Collapse", "board-view-lists": "Tièras", "bucket-example": "Coma \"Tota la tièra\" per exemple", "cancel": "Tornar", "card-archived": "Aquesta carta es desplaçada dins Archius.", "board-archived": "Aqueste tablèu esdesplaçat dins Archius.", "card-comments-title": "Aquesta carta a %s comentari(s).", "card-delete-notice": "Un còp tirat, pas de posibilitat de tornar enrè", "card-delete-pop": "Totes las accions van èsser quitadas del seguit d'activitat e poiretz pas mai utilizar aquesta carta.", "card-delete-suggest-archive": "Podètz desplaçar una carta dins Archius per la quitar del tablèu e gardar las activitats.", "card-due": "Esperat", "card-due-on": "Esperat lo", "card-spent": "Temps passat", "card-edit-attachments": "Cambiar las pèças jonchas", "card-edit-custom-fields": "Cambiar los camps personalizats", "card-edit-labels": "Cambiar los labèls", "card-edit-members": "Cambiar los participants", "card-labels-title": "Cambiar l'etiqueta de la carta.", "card-members-title": "Apondre o quitar de participants a la carta. ", "card-start": "Debuta", "card-start-on": "Debuta lo", "cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "Apondut dempuèi", "cardCustomField-datePopup-title": "Cambiar la data", "cardCustomFieldsPopup-title": "Cambiar los camps personalizats", "cardStartVotingPopup-title": "Start a vote", "positiveVoteMembersPopup-title": "Proponents", "negativeVoteMembersPopup-title": "Opponents", "card-edit-voting": "Edit voting", "editVoteEndDatePopup-title": "Change vote end date", "allowNonBoardMembers": "Allow all logged in users", "vote-question": "Voting question", "vote-public": "Show who voted what", "vote-for-it": "for it", "vote-against": "against", "deleteVotePopup-title": "Delete vote?", "vote-delete-pop": "Deleting is permanent. You will lose all actions associated with this vote.", "cardDeletePopup-title": "Suprimir la carta?", "cardDetailsActionsPopup-title": "Accions sus la carta", "cardLabelsPopup-title": "Etiquetas", "cardMembersPopup-title": "Participants", "cardMorePopup-title": "Mai", "cardTemplatePopup-title": "Crear un modèl", "cards": "Cartas", "cards-count": "Cartas", "casSignIn": "Vos connectar amb CAS", "cardType-card": "Carta", "cardType-linkedCard": "Carta ligada", "cardType-linkedBoard": "Tablèu ligat", "change": "Cambiar", "change-avatar": "Cambiar la fòto", "change-password": "Cambiar lo mot de Santa-Clara", "change-permissions": "Cambiar las permissions", "change-settings": "Cambiar los paramètres", "changeAvatarPopup-title": "Cambiar la fòto", "changeLanguagePopup-title": "Cambiar la lenga", "changePasswordPopup-title": "Cambiar lo mot de Santa-Clara", "changePermissionsPopup-title": "Cambiar las permissions", "changeSettingsPopup-title": "Cambiar los paramètres", "subtasks": "Jos-tasca", "checklists": "Checklists", "click-to-star": "Apondre lo tablèu als favorits", "click-to-unstar": "Quitar lo tablèu dels favorits", "clipboard": "Copiar o far limpar", "close": "Tampar", "close-board": "Tampar lo tablèu", "close-board-pop": "Podètz tornar activar lo tablèu dempuèi la pagina d'acuèlh.", "color-black": "negre", "color-blue": "blau", "color-crimson": "purple clar", "color-darkgreen": "verd fonçat", "color-gold": "aur", "color-gray": "gris", "color-green": "verd", "color-indigo": "indi", "color-lime": "jaune clar", "color-magenta": "magenta", "color-mistyrose": "ròse clar", "color-navy": "blau marin", "color-orange": "irange", "color-paleturquoise": "turqués", "color-peachpuff": "persèc", "color-pink": "ròsa", "color-plum": "pruna", "color-purple": "violet", "color-red": "roge", "color-saddlebrown": "castanh", "color-silver": "argent", "color-sky": "blau clar", "color-slateblue": "blau lausa", "color-white": "blanc", "color-yellow": "jaune", "unset-color": "pas reglat", "comment": "Comentari", "comment-placeholder": "Escrire un comentari", "comment-only": "Comentari solament", "comment-only-desc": "Comentari sus las cartas solament.", "no-comments": "Pas cap de comentari", "no-comments-desc": "Podèts pas veire ni los comentaris ni las activitats", "worker": "Worker", "worker-desc": "Can only move cards, assign itself to card and comment.", "computer": "Ordenator", "confirm-subtask-delete-dialog": "Sètz segur de voler quitar aquesta jos-tasca?", "confirm-checklist-delete-dialog": "Sètz segur de voler quitar aquesta checklist?", "copy-card-link-to-clipboard": "Còpia del ligam de la carta", "linkCardPopup-title": "Ligam de la carta", "searchElementPopup-title": "Cèrca", "copyCardPopup-title": "Còpia de la carta", "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-title": "Còpia del modèl de checklist cap a mai d'una carta", "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-instructions": "Un compte es estat creat per vos sus ", "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-format": "[ {\"title\": \"Títol de la primièra carta\", \"description\":\"Descripcion de la primièra carta\"}, {\"title\":\"Títol de la segonda carta\",\"description\":\"Descripcion de la segonda carta\"},{\"title\":\"Títol de la darrièra carta\",\"description\":\"Descripcion de la darrièra carta\"} ]", "create": "Crear", "createBoardPopup-title": "Crear un tablèu", "chooseBoardSourcePopup-title": "Importar un tablèu", "createLabelPopup-title": "Crear una etiqueta", "createCustomField": "Crear un camp", "createCustomFieldPopup-title": "Crear un camp", "current": "actual", "custom-field-delete-pop": "There is no undo. This will remove this custom field from all cards and destroy its history.", "custom-field-checkbox": "Casa de croiar", "custom-field-date": "Data", "custom-field-dropdown": "Tièra de causidas", "custom-field-dropdown-none": "(pas res)", "custom-field-dropdown-options": "Opcions de la tièra", "custom-field-dropdown-options-placeholder": "Apiejar sus \"Enter\" per apondre d'opcions", "custom-field-dropdown-unknown": "(desconegut)", "custom-field-number": "Nombre", "custom-field-text": "Tèxte", "custom-fields": "Camps personalizats", "date": "Data", "decline": "Refusar", "default-avatar": "Fòto per defaut", "delete": "Suprimir", "deleteCustomFieldPopup-title": "Tirar lo camp personalizat?", "deleteLabelPopup-title": "Tirar l'etiqueta?", "description": "Descripcion", "disambiguateMultiLabelPopup-title": "Precisar l'accion de l'etiqueta", "disambiguateMultiMemberPopup-title": "Precisar l'accion del participant", "discard": "Botar dins l'escobilha", "done": "Acabat", "download": "Telecargar", "edit": "Modificar", "edit-avatar": "Cambiar la fòto", "edit-profile": "Modificar lo perfil", "edit-wip-limit": "Modificar la WIP limit", "soft-wip-limit": "Leugièr WIP limit", "editCardStartDatePopup-title": "Cambiar la data de debuta", "editCardDueDatePopup-title": "Cambiar la data de fin", "editCustomFieldPopup-title": "Modificar los camps", "editCardSpentTimePopup-title": "Cambiar lo temp passat", "editLabelPopup-title": "Cambiar l'etiqueta", "editNotificationPopup-title": "Modificar la notificacion", "editProfilePopup-title": "Modificar lo perfil", "email": "Corrièl", "email-enrollAccount-subject": "Vòstre compte es ara activat pel sit __siteName__", "email-enrollAccount-text": "Adieu __user__,\n\nPer comença d'utilizar lo servici, vos cal clicar sul ligam.\n\n__url__\n\nMercé.", "email-fail": "Pas possible de mandar lo corrièl", "email-fail-text": "Error per mandar lo corrièl", "email-invalid": "L'adreça corrièl es pas valida", "email-invite": "Convidar per corrièl", "email-invite-subject": "__inviter__ vos as mandat un convit", "email-invite-text": "Car __user__,\n\n__inviter__ vos a convidat per jónher lo tablèu \"__board__\".\n\nVos cal clicar sul ligam:\n\n__url__\n\nMercé.", "email-resetPassword-subject": "Tornar inicializar vòstre mot de Santa-Clara de sit __siteName__", "email-resetPassword-text": "Adieu __user__,\n\nPer tornar inicializar vòstre mot de Santa-Clara vos cal clicar sul ligam :\n\n__url__\n\nMercé.", "email-sent": "Mail mandat", "email-verifyEmail-subject": "Vos cal verificar vòstra adreça corrièl del sit __siteName__", "email-verifyEmail-text": "Adieu __user__,\n\nPer verificar vòstra adreça corrièl, vos cal clicar sul ligam :\n\n__url__\n\nMercé.", "enable-wip-limit": "Activar la WIP limit", "error-board-doesNotExist": "Aqueste tablèu existís pas", "error-board-notAdmin": "Devètz èsser un administrator del tablèu per far aquò ", "error-board-notAMember": "Devètz èsser un participant del tablèu per far aquò", "error-json-malformed": "Vòstre tèxte es pas valid JSON", "error-json-schema": "Vòstre JSON es pas al format correct ", "error-csv-schema": "Your CSV(Comma Separated Values)/TSV (Tab Separated Values) does not include the proper information in the correct format", "error-list-doesNotExist": "Aqueste tièra existís pas", "error-user-doesNotExist": "Aqueste utilizator existís pas", "error-user-notAllowSelf": "Vos podètz pas convidar vautres meteisses", "error-user-notCreated": "Aqueste utilizator es pas encara creat", "error-username-taken": "Lo nom es ja pres", "error-email-taken": "Lo corrièl es ja pres ", "export-board": "Exportar lo tablèu", "export-board-json": "Export board to JSON", "export-board-csv": "Export board to CSV", "export-board-tsv": "Export board to TSV", "exportBoardPopup-title": "Exportar lo tablèu", "sort": "Sort", "sort-desc": "Click to Sort List", "list-sort-by": "Sort the List By:", "list-label-modifiedAt": "Last Access Time", "list-label-title": "Name of the List", "list-label-sort": "Your Manual Order", "list-label-short-modifiedAt": "(L)", "list-label-short-title": "(N)", "list-label-short-sort": "(M)", "filter": "Filtre", "filter-cards": "Filter Cards or Lists", "list-filter-label": "Filter List by Title", "filter-clear": "Escafar lo filtre", "filter-no-label": "Pas cap d'etiqueta", "filter-no-member": "Pas cap de participant", "filter-no-assignee": "No assignee", "filter-no-custom-fields": "Pas de camp personalizat", "filter-show-archive": "Show archived lists", "filter-hide-empty": "Hide empty lists", "filter-on": "Lo filtre es activat", "filter-on-desc": "Filtratz las cartas dins aqueste tablèu. Picar aquí per editar los filtres", "filter-to-selection": "Filtrar la seleccion", "advanced-filter-label": "Filtre avançat", "advanced-filter-description": "Advanced Filter allows to write a string containing following operators: == != <= >= && || ( ) A space is used as a separator between the Operators. You can filter for all Custom Fields by typing their names and values. For Example: Field1 == Value1. Note: If fields or values contains spaces, you need to encapsulate them into single quotes. For Example: 'Field 1' == 'Value 1'. For single control characters (' \\/) to be skipped, you can use \\. For example: Field1 == I\\'m. Also you can combine multiple conditions. For Example: F1 == V1 || F1 == V2. Normally all operators are interpreted from left to right. You can change the order by placing brackets. For Example: F1 == V1 && ( F2 == V2 || F2 == V3 ). Also you can search text fields using regex: F1 == /Tes.*/i", "fullname": "Nom complet", "header-logo-title": "Retorn a vòstra pagina de tablèus", "hide-system-messages": "Amagar los messatges sistèm", "headerBarCreateBoardPopup-title": "Crear un tablèu", "home": "Acuèlh", "import": "Importar", "link": "Ligar", "import-board": "Importar un tablèu", "import-board-c": "Importar un tablèu", "import-board-title-trello": "Importar un tablèu dempuèi Trello", "import-board-title-wekan": "Importar un tablèu dempuèi un export passat", "import-board-title-csv": "Import board from CSV/TSV", "from-trello": "Dempuèi Trello", "from-wekan": "Dempuèi un export passat", "from-csv": "From CSV/TSV", "import-board-instruction-trello": "Dins vòstre tablèu Trello, vos cal anar dins \"Menut\", puèi \"Mai\", \"Export\", \"Export JSON\", e copiar lo tèxte balhat.", "import-board-instruction-csv": "Paste in your Comma Separated Values(CSV)/ Tab Separated Values (TSV) .", "import-board-instruction-wekan": "Dins vòstre tablèu, vos cal anar dins \"Menut\", puèi \"Exportar lo tablèu\", e de copiar lo tèxte del fichièr telecargat.", "import-board-instruction-about-errors": "Se avètz de errors al moment d'importar un tablèu, es possible que l'importacion as fonccionat, lo tablèu es belèu a la pagina \"Totes los tablèus\".", "import-json-placeholder": "Pegar las donadas del fichièr JSON aicí", "import-csv-placeholder": "Paste your valid CSV/TSV data here", "import-map-members": "Mapa dels participants", "import-members-map": "Lo tablèu qu'avètz importat as ja de participants, vos cal far la migracion amb los utilizators actual", "import-show-user-mapping": "Review members mapping", "import-user-select": "Pick your existing user you want to use as this member", "importMapMembersAddPopup-title": "Seleccionar un participant", "info": "Vesion", "initials": "Iniciala", "invalid-date": "Data invalida", "invalid-time": "Temps invalid", "invalid-user": "Participant invalid", "joined": "Jónher", "just-invited": "Sètz just convidat dins aqueste tablèu", "keyboard-shortcuts": "Keyboard shortcuts", "label-create": "Crear una etiqueta", "label-default": "%s label (default)", "label-delete-pop": "There is no undo. This will remove this label from all cards and destroy its history.", "labels": "Etiquetas", "language": "Lenga", "last-admin-desc": "You can’t change roles because there must be at least one admin.", "leave-board": "Leave Board", "leave-board-pop": "Are you sure you want to leave __boardTitle__? You will be removed from all cards on this board.", "leaveBoardPopup-title": "Leave Board ?", "link-card": "Ligam per aquesta carta", "list-archive-cards": "Mandar totas las cartas d'aquesta tièra dins Archius", "list-archive-cards-pop": "This will remove all the cards in this list from the board. To view cards in Archive and bring them back to the board, click “Menu” > “Archive”.", "list-move-cards": "Mandar totas las cartas dins aquesta tièra", "list-select-cards": "Seleccionar totas las cartas dins aquesta tièra", "set-color-list": "Set Color", "listActionPopup-title": "Tièra de las accions", "swimlaneActionPopup-title": "Swimlane Actions", "swimlaneAddPopup-title": "Add a Swimlane below", "listImportCardPopup-title": "Importar una carta de Trello", "listImportCardsTsvPopup-title": "Import Excel CSV/TSV", "listMorePopup-title": "Mai", "link-list": "Ligam d'aquesta tièra", "list-delete-pop": "All actions will be removed from the activity feed and you won't be able to recover the list. There is no undo.", "list-delete-suggest-archive": "You can move a list to Archive to remove it from the board and preserve the activity.", "lists": "Tièras", "swimlanes": "Corredor", "log-out": "Desconnexion", "log-in": "Connexion", "loginPopup-title": "Connexion", "memberMenuPopup-title": "Paramètres dels participants", "members": "Participants", "menu": "Menut", "move-selection": "Bolegar la seleccion", "moveCardPopup-title": "Bolegar la carta", "moveCardToBottom-title": "Bolegar cap al bas", "moveCardToTop-title": "Bolegar cap al naut", "moveSelectionPopup-title": "Bolegar la seleccion", "multi-selection": "Multi-seleccion", "multi-selection-on": "Multi-Selection is on", "muted": "Silenciós", "muted-info": "You will never be notified of any changes in this board", "my-boards": "Mon tablèu", "name": "Nom", "no-archived-cards": "Pas cap de carta dins Archius", "no-archived-lists": "Pas cap de tièra dins Archius", "no-archived-swimlanes": "Pas cap de corredor dins Archius", "no-results": "Pas brica de resultat", "normal": "Normal", "normal-desc": "Can view and edit cards. Can't change settings.", "not-accepted-yet": "Invitation not accepted yet", "notify-participate": "Receive updates to any cards you participate as creater or member", "notify-watch": "Receive updates to any boards, lists, or cards you’re watching", "optional": "opcional", "or": "o", "page-maybe-private": "This page may be private. You may be able to view it by logging in.", "page-not-found": "Pagina pas trapada", "password": "Mot de Santa-Clara", "paste-or-dragdrop": "to paste, or drag & drop image file to it (image only)", "participating": "Participating", "preview": "Apercebut", "previewAttachedImagePopup-title": "Apercebut", "previewClipboardImagePopup-title": "Apercebut", "private": "Privat", "private-desc": "Aqueste tablèu es privat. Solament las personas apondudas a aquete tablèu lo pòdon veire e editar.", "profile": "Perfil", "public": "Public", "public-desc": "This board is public. It's visible to anyone with the link and will show up in search engines like Google. Only people added to the board can edit.", "quick-access-description": "Star a board to add a shortcut in this bar.", "remove-cover": "Remove Cover", "remove-from-board": "Quitar lo tablèu", "remove-label": "Quitar l'etiqueta", "listDeletePopup-title": "Quitar la tièra ?", "remove-member": "Quitar lo participant", "remove-member-from-card": "Quitar aquesta carta", "remove-member-pop": "Remove __name__ (__username__) from __boardTitle__? The member will be removed from all cards on this board. They will receive a notification.", "removeMemberPopup-title": "Remove Member?", "rename": "Tornar nomenar", "rename-board": "Tornar nomenar lo tablèu", "restore": "Restore", "save": "Salvar", "search": "Cèrca", "rules": "Règlas", "search-cards": "Search from card/list titles, descriptions and custom fields on this board", "search-example": "Text to search for?", "select-color": "Color causida", "set-wip-limit-value": "Set a limit for the maximum number of tasks in this list", "setWipLimitPopup-title": "Set WIP Limit", "shortcut-assign-self": "Assign yourself to current card", "shortcut-autocomplete-emoji": "Autocomplete emoji", "shortcut-autocomplete-members": "Autocomplete members", "shortcut-clear-filters": "Clear all filters", "shortcut-close-dialog": "Tampar lo dialòg", "shortcut-filter-my-cards": "Filter my cards", "shortcut-show-shortcuts": "Bring up this shortcuts list", "shortcut-toggle-filterbar": "Toggle Filter Sidebar", "shortcut-toggle-sidebar": "Toggle Board Sidebar", "show-cards-minimum-count": "Show cards count if list contains more than", "sidebar-open": "Open Sidebar", "sidebar-close": "Close Sidebar", "signupPopup-title": "Crear un compte", "star-board-title": "Click to star this board. It will show up at top of your boards list.", "starred-boards": "Starred Boards", "starred-boards-description": "Starred boards show up at the top of your boards list.", "subscribe": "Subscribe", "team": "Còla", "this-board": "Aqueste tablèu", "this-card": "aquesta carta", "spent-time-hours": "Spent time (hours)", "overtime-hours": "Overtime (hours)", "overtime": "Overtime", "has-overtime-cards": "Has overtime cards", "has-spenttime-cards": "Has spent time cards", "time": "Temps", "title": "Títol", "tracking": "Tracking", "tracking-info": "You will be notified of any changes to those cards you are involved as creator or member.", "type": "Mena", "unassign-member": "Unassign member", "unsaved-description": "You have an unsaved description.", "unwatch": "Unwatch", "upload": "Telecargar", "upload-avatar": "Telecargar un avatar", "uploaded-avatar": "Avatar telecargat", "username": "Nom d’utilizaire", "view-it": "View it", "warn-list-archived": "warning: this card is in an list at Archive", "watch": "Seguit", "watching": "Agachat", "watching-info": "You will be notified of any change in this board", "welcome-board": "Tablèu de benvenguda", "welcome-swimlane": "Milestone 1", "welcome-list1": "Basics", "welcome-list2": "Advanced", "card-templates-swimlane": "Card Templates", "list-templates-swimlane": "Lista dels modèls", "board-templates-swimlane": "Board Templates", "what-to-do": "Qué volètz far ?", "wipLimitErrorPopup-title": "Invalid WIP Limit", "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt1": "The number of tasks in this list is higher than the WIP limit you've defined.", "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt2": "Please move some tasks out of this list, or set a higher WIP limit.", "admin-panel": "Interfàcia d’admin", "settings": "Paramètres", "people": "Personas", "registration": "Inscripcion", "disable-self-registration": "Disable Self-Registration", "invite": "Convidar", "invite-people": "Convidat", "to-boards": "To board(s)", "email-addresses": "Adreça corrièl", "smtp-host-description": "The address of the SMTP server that handles your emails.", "smtp-port-description": "The port your SMTP server uses for outgoing emails.", "smtp-tls-description": "Enable TLS support for SMTP server", "smtp-host": "Òst SMTP", "smtp-port": "Pòrt SMTP", "smtp-username": "Nom d’utilizaire", "smtp-password": "Mot de Santa-Clara", "smtp-tls": "Compatibilitat TLS", "send-from": "De", "send-smtp-test": "Se mandar un corrièl d'ensag", "invitation-code": "Còde de convit", "email-invite-register-subject": "__inviter__ vos a mandat un convit", "email-invite-register-text": "Dear __user__,\n\n__inviter__ invites you to kanban board for collaborations.\n\nPlease follow the link below:\n__url__\n\nAnd your invitation code is: __icode__\n\nThanks.", "email-smtp-test-subject": "SMTP Test Email", "email-smtp-test-text": "As capitat de mandar un corrièl", "error-invitation-code-not-exist": "Lo còde de convit existís pas", "error-notAuthorized": "Sès pas autorizat a agachar aquesta pagina", "webhook-title": "Webhook Name", "webhook-token": "Token (Optional for Authentication)", "outgoing-webhooks": "Outgoing Webhooks", "bidirectional-webhooks": "Two-Way Webhooks", "outgoingWebhooksPopup-title": "Outgoing Webhooks", "boardCardTitlePopup-title": "Card Title Filter", "disable-webhook": "Disable This Webhook", "global-webhook": "Global Webhooks", "new-outgoing-webhook": "New Outgoing Webhook", "no-name": "(Desconegut)", "Node_version": "Node version", "Meteor_version": "Meteor version", "MongoDB_version": "MongoDB version", "MongoDB_storage_engine": "MongoDB storage engine", "MongoDB_Oplog_enabled": "MongoDB Oplog enabled", "OS_Arch": "OS Arch", "OS_Cpus": "OS CPU Count", "OS_Freemem": "OS Free Memory", "OS_Loadavg": "OS Load Average", "OS_Platform": "OS Platform", "OS_Release": "OS Release", "OS_Totalmem": "OS Total Memory", "OS_Type": "OS Type", "OS_Uptime": "OS Uptime", "days": "jorns", "hours": "oras", "minutes": "minutas", "seconds": "segondas", "show-field-on-card": "Show this field on card", "automatically-field-on-card": "Auto create field to all cards", "showLabel-field-on-card": "Show field label on minicard", "yes": "Òc", "no": "Non", "accounts": "Accounts", "accounts-allowEmailChange": "Allow Email Change", "accounts-allowUserNameChange": "Allow Username Change", "createdAt": "Created at", "verified": "Verificat", "active": "Avtivat", "card-received": "Recebut", "card-received-on": "Received on", "card-end": "Fin", "card-end-on": "Ends on", "editCardReceivedDatePopup-title": "Change received date", "editCardEndDatePopup-title": "Change end date", "setCardColorPopup-title": "Color seleccionada", "setCardActionsColorPopup-title": "Causir una color", "setSwimlaneColorPopup-title": "Causir una color", "setListColorPopup-title": "Causir una color", "assigned-by": "Assigned By", "requested-by": "Requested By", "board-delete-notice": "Deleting is permanent. You will lose all lists, cards and actions associated with this board.", "delete-board-confirm-popup": "All lists, cards, labels, and activities will be deleted and you won't be able to recover the board contents. There is no undo.", "boardDeletePopup-title": "Suprimir lo tablèu ?", "delete-board": "Tablèu suprimit", "default-subtasks-board": "Subtasks for __board__ board", "default": "Default", "queue": "Queue", "subtask-settings": "Subtasks Settings", "card-settings": "Card Settings", "boardSubtaskSettingsPopup-title": "Board Subtasks Settings", "boardCardSettingsPopup-title": "Card Settings", "deposit-subtasks-board": "Deposit subtasks to this board:", "deposit-subtasks-list": "Landing list for subtasks deposited here:", "show-parent-in-minicard": "Show parent in minicard:", "prefix-with-full-path": "Prefix with full path", "prefix-with-parent": "Prefix with parent", "subtext-with-full-path": "Subtext with full path", "subtext-with-parent": "Subtext with parent", "change-card-parent": "Change card's parent", "parent-card": "Parent card", "source-board": "Source board", "no-parent": "Don't show parent", "activity-added-label": "added label '%s' to %s", "activity-removed-label": "removed label '%s' from %s", "activity-delete-attach": "deleted an attachment from %s", "activity-added-label-card": "added label '%s'", "activity-removed-label-card": "removed label '%s'", "activity-delete-attach-card": "deleted an attachment", "activity-set-customfield": "set custom field '%s' to '%s' in %s", "activity-unset-customfield": "unset custom field '%s' in %s", "r-rule": "Rule", "r-add-trigger": "Add trigger", "r-add-action": "Add action", "r-board-rules": "Board rules", "r-add-rule": "Add rule", "r-view-rule": "View rule", "r-delete-rule": "Delete rule", "r-new-rule-name": "New rule title", "r-no-rules": "No rules", "r-when-a-card": "When a card", "r-is": "is", "r-is-moved": "is moved", "r-added-to": "Added to", "r-removed-from": "Removed from", "r-the-board": "the board", "r-list": "list", "set-filter": "Set Filter", "r-moved-to": "Moved to", "r-moved-from": "Moved from", "r-archived": "Moved to Archive", "r-unarchived": "Restored from Archive", "r-a-card": "a card", "r-when-a-label-is": "When a label is", "r-when-the-label": "When the label", "r-list-name": "list name", "r-when-a-member": "When a member is", "r-when-the-member": "When the member", "r-name": "name", "r-when-a-attach": "When an attachment", "r-when-a-checklist": "When a checklist is", "r-when-the-checklist": "When the checklist", "r-completed": "Completed", "r-made-incomplete": "Made incomplete", "r-when-a-item": "When a checklist item is", "r-when-the-item": "When the checklist item", "r-checked": "Checked", "r-unchecked": "Unchecked", "r-move-card-to": "Move card to", "r-top-of": "Top of", "r-bottom-of": "Bottom of", "r-its-list": "its list", "r-archive": "Desplaçar cap a Archius", "r-unarchive": "Restore from Archive", "r-card": "card", "r-add": "Apondre", "r-remove": "Remove", "r-label": "label", "r-member": "member", "r-remove-all": "Remove all members from the card", "r-set-color": "Set color to", "r-checklist": "checklist", "r-check-all": "Check all", "r-uncheck-all": "Uncheck all", "r-items-check": "items of checklist", "r-check": "Check", "r-uncheck": "Uncheck", "r-item": "item", "r-of-checklist": "of checklist", "r-send-email": "Send an email", "r-to": "to", "r-of": "of", "r-subject": "subject", "r-rule-details": "Rule details", "r-d-move-to-top-gen": "Move card to top of its list", "r-d-move-to-top-spec": "Move card to top of list", "r-d-move-to-bottom-gen": "Move card to bottom of its list", "r-d-move-to-bottom-spec": "Move card to bottom of list", "r-d-send-email": "Send email", "r-d-send-email-to": "to", "r-d-send-email-subject": "subject", "r-d-send-email-message": "message", "r-d-archive": "Move card to Archive", "r-d-unarchive": "Restore card from Archive", "r-d-add-label": "Add label", "r-d-remove-label": "Remove label", "r-create-card": "Create new card", "r-in-list": "in list", "r-in-swimlane": "in swimlane", "r-d-add-member": "Add member", "r-d-remove-member": "Remove member", "r-d-remove-all-member": "Remove all member", "r-d-check-all": "Check all items of a list", "r-d-uncheck-all": "Uncheck all items of a list", "r-d-check-one": "Check item", "r-d-uncheck-one": "Uncheck item", "r-d-check-of-list": "of checklist", "r-d-add-checklist": "Add checklist", "r-d-remove-checklist": "Remove checklist", "r-by": "by", "r-add-checklist": "Add checklist", "r-with-items": "with items", "r-items-list": "item1,item2,item3", "r-add-swimlane": "Add swimlane", "r-swimlane-name": "swimlane name", "r-board-note": "Note: leave a field empty to match every possible value.", "r-checklist-note": "Note: checklist's items have to be written as comma separated values.", "r-when-a-card-is-moved": "When a card is moved to another list", "r-set": "Set", "r-update": "Update", "r-datefield": "date field", "r-df-start-at": "start", "r-df-due-at": "due", "r-df-end-at": "end", "r-df-received-at": "received", "r-to-current-datetime": "to current date/time", "r-remove-value-from": "Remove value from", "ldap": "LDAP", "oauth2": "OAuth2", "cas": "CAS", "authentication-method": "Authentication method", "authentication-type": "Authentication type", "custom-product-name": "Custom Product Name", "layout": "Layout", "hide-logo": "Hide Logo", "add-custom-html-after-body-start": "Add Custom HTML after start", "add-custom-html-before-body-end": "Add Custom HTML before end", "error-undefined": "Something went wrong", "error-ldap-login": "An error occurred while trying to login", "display-authentication-method": "Display Authentication Method", "default-authentication-method": "Default Authentication Method", "duplicate-board": "Duplicate Board", "people-number": "The number of people is:", "swimlaneDeletePopup-title": "Delete Swimlane ?", "swimlane-delete-pop": "All actions will be removed from the activity feed and you won't be able to recover the swimlane. There is no undo.", "restore-all": "Restore all", "delete-all": "Delete all", "loading": "Loading, please wait.", "previous_as": "last time was", "act-a-dueAt": "modified due time to \nWhen: __timeValue__\nWhere: __card__\n previous due was __timeOldValue__", "act-a-endAt": "modified ending time to __timeValue__ from (__timeOldValue__)", "act-a-startAt": "modified starting time to __timeValue__ from (__timeOldValue__)", "act-a-receivedAt": "modified received time to __timeValue__ from (__timeOldValue__)", "a-dueAt": "modified due time to be", "a-endAt": "modified ending time to be", "a-startAt": "modified starting time to be", "a-receivedAt": "modified received time to be", "almostdue": "current due time %s is approaching", "pastdue": "current due time %s is past", "duenow": "current due time %s is today", "act-newDue": "__list__/__card__ has 1st due reminder [__board__]", "act-withDue": "__list__/__card__ due reminders [__board__]", "act-almostdue": "was reminding the current due (__timeValue__) of __card__ is approaching", "act-pastdue": "was reminding the current due (__timeValue__) of __card__ is past", "act-duenow": "was reminding the current due (__timeValue__) of __card__ is now", "act-atUserComment": "You were mentioned in [__board__] __list__/__card__", "delete-user-confirm-popup": "Are you sure you want to delete this account? There is no undo.", "accounts-allowUserDelete": "Allow users to self delete their account", "hide-minicard-label-text": "Hide minicard label text", "show-desktop-drag-handles": "Show desktop drag handles", "assignee": "Assignee", "cardAssigneesPopup-title": "Assignee", "addmore-detail": "Add a more detailed description", "show-on-card": "Show on Card", "new": "New", "editUserPopup-title": "Edit User", "newUserPopup-title": "New User", "notifications": "Notifications", "view-all": "View All", "filter-by-unread": "Filter by Unread", "mark-all-as-read": "Mark all as read", "remove-all-read": "Remove all read", "allow-rename": "Allow Rename", "allowRenamePopup-title": "Allow Rename", "start-day-of-week": "Set day of the week start", "monday": "Monday", "tuesday": "Tuesday", "wednesday": "Wednesday", "thursday": "Thursday", "friday": "Friday", "saturday": "Saturday", "sunday": "Sunday", "status": "Status", "swimlane": "Swimlane", "owner": "Owner", "last-modified-at": "Last modified at", "last-activity": "Last activity", "voting": "Voting", "archived": "Archived" }