// Activities don't need a schema because they are always set from the a trusted // environment - the server - and there is no risk that a user change the logic // we use with this collection. Moreover using a schema for this collection // would be difficult (different activities have different fields) and wouldn't // bring any direct advantage. // // XXX The activities API is not so nice and need some functionalities. For // instance if a user archive a card, and un-archive it a few seconds later we // should remove both activities assuming it was an error the user decided to // revert. Activities = new Mongo.Collection('activities'); Activities.helpers({ board() { return Boards.findOne(this.boardId); }, oldBoard() { return Boards.findOne(this.oldBoardId); }, user() { return Users.findOne(this.userId); }, member() { return Users.findOne(this.memberId); }, list() { return Lists.findOne(this.listId); }, swimlane() { return Swimlanes.findOne(this.swimlaneId); }, oldSwimlane() { return Swimlanes.findOne(this.oldSwimlaneId); }, oldList() { return Lists.findOne(this.oldListId); }, card() { return Cards.findOne(this.cardId); }, comment() { return CardComments.findOne(this.commentId); }, attachment() { return Attachments.findOne(this.attachmentId); }, checklist() { return Checklists.findOne(this.checklistId); }, checklistItem() { return ChecklistItems.findOne(this.checklistItemId); }, subtasks() { return Cards.findOne(this.subtaskId); }, customField() { return CustomFields.findOne(this.customFieldId); }, // Label activity did not work yet, unable to edit labels when tried this. //label() { // return Cards.findOne(this.labelId); //}, }); Activities.before.update((userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier) => { modifier.$set = modifier.$set || {}; modifier.$set.modifiedAt = new Date(); }); Activities.before.insert((userId, doc) => { doc.createdAt = new Date(); doc.modifiedAt = doc.createdAt; }); Activities.after.insert((userId, doc) => { const activity = Activities._transform(doc); RulesHelper.executeRules(activity); }); if (Meteor.isServer) { // For efficiency create indexes on the date of creation, and on the date of // creation in conjunction with the card or board id, as corresponding views // are largely used in the App. See #524. Meteor.startup(() => { Activities._collection._ensureIndex({ createdAt: -1 }); Activities._collection._ensureIndex({ modifiedAt: -1 }); Activities._collection._ensureIndex({ cardId: 1, createdAt: -1 }); Activities._collection._ensureIndex({ boardId: 1, createdAt: -1 }); Activities._collection._ensureIndex( { commentId: 1 }, { partialFilterExpression: { commentId: { $exists: true } } }, ); Activities._collection._ensureIndex( { attachmentId: 1 }, { partialFilterExpression: { attachmentId: { $exists: true } } }, ); Activities._collection._ensureIndex( { customFieldId: 1 }, { partialFilterExpression: { customFieldId: { $exists: true } } }, ); // Label activity did not work yet, unable to edit labels when tried this. //Activities._collection._dropIndex({ labelId: 1 }, { "indexKey": -1 }); //Activities._collection._dropIndex({ labelId: 1 }, { partialFilterExpression: { labelId: { $exists: true } } }); }); Activities.after.insert((userId, doc) => { const activity = Activities._transform(doc); let participants = []; let watchers = []; let title = 'act-activity-notify'; const board = Boards.findOne(activity.boardId); const description = `act-${activity.activityType}`; const params = { activityId: activity._id, }; if (activity.userId) { // No need send notification to user of activity // participants = _.union(participants, [activity.userId]); const user = activity.user(); params.user = user.getName(); params.userEmails = user.emails; params.userId = activity.userId; } if (activity.boardId) { if (board.title.length > 0) { params.board = board.title; } else { params.board = ''; } title = 'act-withBoardTitle'; params.url = board.absoluteUrl(); params.boardId = activity.boardId; } if (activity.oldBoardId) { const oldBoard = activity.oldBoard(); if (oldBoard) { watchers = _.union(watchers, oldBoard.watchers || []); params.oldBoard = oldBoard.title; params.oldBoardId = activity.oldBoardId; } } if (activity.memberId) { participants = _.union(participants, [activity.memberId]); params.member = activity.member().getName(); } if (activity.listId) { const list = activity.list(); watchers = _.union(watchers, list.watchers || []); params.list = list.title; params.listId = activity.listId; } if (activity.oldListId) { const oldList = activity.oldList(); if (oldList) { watchers = _.union(watchers, oldList.watchers || []); params.oldList = oldList.title; params.oldListId = activity.oldListId; } } if (activity.oldSwimlaneId) { const oldSwimlane = activity.oldSwimlane(); if (oldSwimlane) { watchers = _.union(watchers, oldSwimlane.watchers || []); params.oldSwimlane = oldSwimlane.title; params.oldSwimlaneId = activity.oldSwimlaneId; } } if (activity.cardId) { const card = activity.card(); participants = _.union(participants, [card.userId], card.members || []); watchers = _.union(watchers, card.watchers || []); params.card = card.title; title = 'act-withCardTitle'; params.url = card.absoluteUrl(); params.cardId = activity.cardId; } if (activity.swimlaneId) { const swimlane = activity.swimlane(); params.swimlane = swimlane.title; params.swimlaneId = activity.swimlaneId; } if (activity.commentId) { const comment = activity.comment(); params.comment = comment.text; if (board) { const comment = params.comment; const knownUsers = board.members.map(member => { const u = Users.findOne(member.userId); if (u) { member.username = u.username; member.emails = u.emails; } return member; }); const mentionRegex = /\B@(?:(?:"([\w.\s]*)")|([\w.]+))/gi; // including space in username let currentMention; while ((currentMention = mentionRegex.exec(comment)) !== null) { /*eslint no-unused-vars: ["error", { "varsIgnorePattern": "[iI]gnored" }]*/ const [ignored, quoteduser, simple] = currentMention; const username = quoteduser || simple; if (username === params.user) { // ignore commenter mention himself? continue; } const atUser = _.findWhere(knownUsers, { username }); if (!atUser) { continue; } const uid = atUser.userId; params.atUsername = username; params.atEmails = atUser.emails; title = 'act-atUserComment'; watchers = _.union(watchers, [uid]); } } params.commentId = comment._id; } if (activity.attachmentId) { const attachment = activity.attachment(); if (attachment.original) { params.attachment = attachment.original.name; } else { params.attachment = attachment.versions.original.name; } params.attachmentId = attachment._id; } if (activity.checklistId) { const checklist = activity.checklist(); params.checklist = checklist.title; } if (activity.checklistItemId) { const checklistItem = activity.checklistItem(); params.checklistItem = checklistItem.title; } if (activity.customFieldId) { const customField = activity.customField(); params.customField = customField.name; params.customFieldValue = Activities.findOne({ customFieldId: customField._id, }).value; } // Label activity did not work yet, unable to edit labels when tried this. //if (activity.labelId) { // const label = activity.label(); // params.label = label.name; // params.labelId = activity.labelId; //} if ( (!activity.timeKey || activity.timeKey === 'dueAt') && activity.timeValue ) { // due time reminder, if it doesn't have old value, it's a brand new set, need some differentiation title = activity.timeOldValue ? 'act-withDue' : 'act-newDue'; } ['timeValue', 'timeOldValue'].forEach(key => { // copy time related keys & values to params const value = activity[key]; if (value) params[key] = value; }); if (board) { const BIGEVENTS = process.env.BIGEVENTS_PATTERN || 'due'; // if environment BIGEVENTS_PATTERN is set or default, any activityType matching it is important try { const atype = activity.activityType; if (new RegExp(BIGEVENTS).exec(atype)) { watchers = _.union( watchers, board.activeMembers().map(member => member.userId), ); // notify all active members for important events system defined or default to all activity related to due date } } catch (e) { // passed env var BIGEVENTS_PATTERN is not a valid regex } const watchingUsers = _.pluck( _.where(board.watchers, { level: 'watching' }), 'userId', ); const trackingUsers = _.pluck( _.where(board.watchers, { level: 'tracking' }), 'userId', ); watchers = _.union( watchers, watchingUsers, _.intersection(participants, trackingUsers), ); } Notifications.getUsers(watchers).forEach(user => { // don't notify a user of their own behavior if (user._id !== userId) { Notifications.notify(user, title, description, params); } }); const integrations = Integrations.find({ boardId: { $in: [board._id, Integrations.Const.GLOBAL_WEBHOOK_ID] }, // type: 'outgoing-webhooks', // all types enabled: true, activities: { $in: [description, 'all'] }, }).fetch(); if (integrations.length > 0) { params.watchers = watchers; integrations.forEach(integration => { Meteor.call( 'outgoingWebhooks', integration, description, params, () => { return; }, ); }); } }); } export default Activities;