import { FilesCollection } from 'meteor/ostrio:files'; const collectionName = 'attachments2'; Attachments = new FilesCollection({ storagePath: storagePath(), debug: false, allowClientCode: true, collectionName: 'attachments2', onAfterUpload: onAttachmentUploaded, onBeforeRemove: onAttachmentRemoving, onAfterRemove: onAttachmentRemoved }); if (Meteor.isServer) { Meteor.startup(() => { Attachments.collection._ensureIndex({ cardId: 1 }); }); // TODO: Permission related // TODO: Add Activity update Meteor.publish(collectionName, function() { return Attachments.find().cursor; }); } else { Meteor.subscribe(collectionName); } function storagePath(defaultPath) { const storePath = process.env.ATTACHMENTS_STORE_PATH; return storePath ? storePath : defaultPath; } function onAttachmentUploaded(fileRef) { Attachments.update({_id:fileRef._id}, {$set: {"meta.uploaded": true}}); if (!fileRef.meta.source || fileRef.meta.source !== 'import') { // Add activity about adding the attachment Activities.insert({ userId: fileRef.userId, type: 'card', activityType: 'addAttachment', attachmentId: fileRef._id, boardId: fileRef.meta.boardId, cardId: fileRef.meta.cardId, listId: fileRef.meta.listId, swimlaneId: fileRef.meta.swimlaneId, }); } else { // Don't add activity about adding the attachment as the activity // be imported and delete source field CFSAttachments.update( { _id: fileRef._id, }, { $unset: { source: '', }, }, ); } } function onAttachmentRemoving(cursor) { const file = cursor.get()[0]; const meta = file.meta; Activities.insert({ userId: this.userId, type: 'card', activityType: 'deleteAttachment', attachmentId: file._id, boardId: meta.boardId, cardId: meta.cardId, listId: meta.listId, swimlaneId: meta.swimlaneId, }); return true; } function onAttachmentRemoved(files) { // Don't know why we need to remove the activity /* for (let i in files) { let doc = files[i]; Activities.remove({ attachmentId: doc._id, }); }*/ } export default Attachments;