Boards = new Mongo.Collection('boards'); Boards.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema({ title: { type: String, }, slug: { type: String, }, archived: { type: Boolean, }, createdAt: { type: Date, denyUpdate: true, }, // XXX Inconsistent field naming modifiedAt: { type: Date, denyInsert: true, optional: true, }, // De-normalized number of users that have starred this board stars: { type: Number, }, // De-normalized label system 'labels.$._id': { // We don't specify that this field must be unique in the board because that // will cause performance penalties and is not necessary since this field is // always set on the server. // XXX Actually if we create a new label, the `_id` is set on the client // without being overwritten by the server, could it be a problem? type: String, }, 'labels.$.name': { type: String, optional: true, }, 'labels.$.color': { type: String, allowedValues: [ 'green', 'yellow', 'orange', 'red', 'purple', 'blue', 'sky', 'lime', 'pink', 'black', ], }, // XXX We might want to maintain more informations under the member sub- // documents like de-normalized meta-data (the date the member joined the // board, the number of contributions, etc.). 'members.$.userId': { type: String, }, 'members.$.isAdmin': { type: Boolean, }, 'members.$.isActive': { type: Boolean, }, permission: { type: String, allowedValues: ['public', 'private'], }, color: { type: String, allowedValues: [ 'belize', 'nephritis', 'pomegranate', 'pumpkin', 'wisteria', 'midnight', ], }, description: { type: String, optional: true, }, })); Boards.helpers({ isPublic() { return this.permission === 'public'; }, lists() { return Lists.find({ boardId: this._id, archived: false }, { sort: { sort: 1 }}); }, activities() { return Activities.find({ boardId: this._id }, { sort: { createdAt: -1 }}); }, activeMembers() { return _.where(this.members, {isActive: true}); }, activeAdmins() { return _.where(this.members, {isActive: true, isAdmin: true}); }, memberUsers() { return Users.find({ _id: {$in: _.pluck(this.members, 'userId')} }); }, getLabel(name, color) { return _.findWhere(this.labels, { name, color }); }, labelIndex(labelId) { return _.pluck(this.labels, '_id').indexOf(labelId); }, memberIndex(memberId) { return _.pluck(this.members, 'userId').indexOf(memberId); }, absoluteUrl() { return FlowRouter.path('board', { id: this._id, slug: this.slug }); }, colorClass() { return `board-color-${this.color}`; }, // XXX currently mutations return no value so we have an issue when using addLabel in import // XXX waiting on to remove... pushLabel(name, color) { const _id =;, { $push: {labels: { _id, name, color }}}); return _id; }, }); Boards.mutations({ archive() { return { $set: { archived: true }}; }, restore() { return { $set: { archived: false }}; }, rename(title) { return { $set: { title }}; }, setDesciption(description) { return { $set: {description} }; }, setColor(color) { return { $set: { color }}; }, setVisibility(visibility) { return { $set: { permission: visibility }}; }, addLabel(name, color) { // If label with the same name and color already exists we don't want to // create another one because they would be indistinguishable in the UI // (they would still have different `_id` but that is not exposed to the // user). if (!this.getLabel(name, color)) { const _id =; return { $push: {labels: { _id, name, color }}}; } }, editLabel(labelId, name, color) { if (!this.getLabel(name, color)) { const labelIndex = this.labelIndex(labelId); return { $set: { [`labels.${labelIndex}.name`]: name, [`labels.${labelIndex}.color`]: color, }, }; } }, removeLabel(labelId) { return { $pull: { labels: { _id: labelId }}}; }, addMember(memberId) { const memberIndex = this.memberIndex(memberId); if (memberIndex === -1) { const xIndex = this.memberIndex('x'); if (xIndex === -1) { return { $push: { members: { userId: memberId, isAdmin: false, isActive: true, }, }, }; } else { return { $set: { [`members.${xIndex}.userId`]: memberId, [`members.${xIndex}.isActive`]: true, [`members.${xIndex}.isAdmin`]: false, }, }; } } else { return { $set: { [`members.${memberIndex}.isActive`]: true, }, }; } }, removeMember(memberId) { const memberIndex = this.memberIndex(memberId); // we do not allow the only one admin to be removed const allowRemove = (!this.members[memberIndex].isAdmin) || (this.activeAdmins().length > 1); if (allowRemove) { return { $set: { [`members.${memberIndex}.userId`]: 'x', [`members.${memberIndex}.isActive`]: false, [`members.${memberIndex}.isAdmin`]: false, }, }; } else { return { $set: { [`members.${memberIndex}.isActive`]: true, }, }; } }, setMemberPermission(memberId, isAdmin) { const memberIndex = this.memberIndex(memberId); // do not allow change permission of self if (memberId === Meteor.userId()) { isAdmin = this.members[memberIndex].isAdmin; } return { $set: { [`members.${memberIndex}.isAdmin`]: isAdmin, }, }; }, }); if (Meteor.isServer) { Boards.allow({ insert: Meteor.userId, update: allowIsBoardAdmin, remove: allowIsBoardAdmin, fetch: ['members'], }); // The number of users that have starred this board is managed by trusted code // and the user is not allowed to update it Boards.deny({ update(userId, board, fieldNames) { return _.contains(fieldNames, 'stars'); }, fetch: [], }); // We can't remove a member if it is the last administrator Boards.deny({ update(userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier) { if (!_.contains(fieldNames, 'members')) return false; // We only care in case of a $pull operation, ie remove a member if (!_.isObject(modifier.$pull && modifier.$pull.members)) return false; // If there is more than one admin, it's ok to remove anyone const nbAdmins = _.where(doc.members, {isActive: true, isAdmin: true}).length; if (nbAdmins > 1) return false; // If all the previous conditions were verified, we can't remove // a user if it's an admin const removedMemberId = modifier.$pull.members.userId; return Boolean(_.findWhere(doc.members, { userId: removedMemberId, isAdmin: true, })); }, fetch: ['members'], }); Meteor.methods({ quitBoard(boardId) { check(boardId, String); const board = Boards.findOne(boardId); if (board) { const userId = Meteor.userId(); const index = board.memberIndex(userId); if (index>=0) { board.removeMember(userId); return true; } else throw new Meteor.Error('error-board-notAMember'); } else throw new Meteor.Error('error-board-doesNotExist'); }, }); } Boards.before.insert((userId, doc) => { // XXX We need to improve slug management. Only the id should be necessary // to identify a board in the code. // XXX If the board title is updated, the slug should also be updated. // In some cases (Chinese and Japanese for instance) the `getSlug` function // return an empty string. This is causes bugs in our application so we set // a default slug in this case. doc.slug = doc.slug || getSlug(doc.title) || 'board'; doc.createdAt = new Date(); doc.archived = false; doc.members = doc.members || [{ userId, isAdmin: true, isActive: true, }]; doc.stars = 0; doc.color = Boards.simpleSchema()._schema.color.allowedValues[0]; // Handle labels const colors = Boards.simpleSchema()._schema['labels.$.color'].allowedValues; const defaultLabelsColors = _.clone(colors).splice(0, 6); doc.labels = => { return { color, _id:, name: '', }; }); }); Boards.before.update((userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier) => { modifier.$set = modifier.$set || {}; modifier.$set.modifiedAt = new Date(); }); if (Meteor.isServer) { // Let MongoDB ensure that a member is not included twice in the same board Meteor.startup(() => { Boards._collection._ensureIndex({ _id: 1, 'members.userId': 1, }, { unique: true }); }); // Genesis: the first activity of the newly created board Boards.after.insert((userId, doc) => { Activities.insert({ userId, type: 'board', activityTypeId: doc._id, activityType: 'createBoard', boardId: doc._id, }); }); // If the user remove one label from a board, we cant to remove reference of // this label in any card of this board. Boards.after.update((userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier) => { if (!_.contains(fieldNames, 'labels') || !modifier.$pull || !modifier.$pull.labels || !modifier.$pull.labels._id) return; const removedLabelId = modifier.$pull.labels._id; Cards.update( { boardId: doc._id }, { $pull: { labelIds: removedLabelId, }, }, { multi: true } ); }); // Add a new activity if we add or remove a member to the board Boards.after.update((userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier) => { if (!_.contains(fieldNames, 'members')) return; let memberId; // Say hello to the new member if (modifier.$push && modifier.$push.members) { memberId = modifier.$push.members.userId; Activities.insert({ userId, memberId, type: 'member', activityType: 'addBoardMember', boardId: doc._id, }); } // Say goodbye to the former member if (modifier.$pull && modifier.$pull.members) { memberId = modifier.$pull.members.userId; Activities.insert({ userId, memberId, type: 'member', activityType: 'removeBoardMember', boardId: doc._id, }); } }); }