Cards = new Mongo.Collection('cards'); // XXX To improve pub/sub performances a card document should include a // de-normalized number of comments so we don't have to publish the whole list // of comments just to display the number of them in the board view. Cards.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema({ title: { type: String, }, archived: { type: Boolean, autoValue() { // eslint-disable-line consistent-return if (this.isInsert && !this.isSet) { return false; } }, }, listId: { type: String, }, swimlaneId: { type: String, }, // The system could work without this `boardId` information (we could deduce // the board identifier from the card), but it would make the system more // difficult to manage and less efficient. boardId: { type: String, }, coverId: { type: String, optional: true, }, createdAt: { type: Date, autoValue() { // eslint-disable-line consistent-return if (this.isInsert) { return new Date(); } else { this.unset(); } }, }, customFields: { type: [Object], optional: true, }, 'customFields.$': { type: new SimpleSchema({ _id: { type: String, }, value: { type: Match.OneOf(String, Number, Boolean, Date), optional: true, }, }), }, dateLastActivity: { type: Date, autoValue() { return new Date(); }, }, description: { type: String, optional: true, }, labelIds: { type: [String], optional: true, }, members: { type: [String], optional: true, }, receivedAt: { type: Date, optional: true, }, startAt: { type: Date, optional: true, }, dueAt: { type: Date, optional: true, }, endAt: { type: Date, optional: true, }, spentTime: { type: Number, decimal: true, optional: true, }, isOvertime: { type: Boolean, defaultValue: false, optional: true, }, // XXX Should probably be called `authorId`. Is it even needed since we have // the `members` field? userId: { type: String, autoValue() { // eslint-disable-line consistent-return if (this.isInsert && !this.isSet) { return this.userId; } }, }, sort: { type: Number, decimal: true, }, })); Cards.allow({ insert(userId, doc) { return allowIsBoardMember(userId, Boards.findOne(doc.boardId)); }, update(userId, doc) { return allowIsBoardMember(userId, Boards.findOne(doc.boardId)); }, remove(userId, doc) { return allowIsBoardMember(userId, Boards.findOne(doc.boardId)); }, fetch: ['boardId'], }); Cards.helpers({ list() { return Lists.findOne(this.listId); }, board() { return Boards.findOne(this.boardId); }, labels() { const boardLabels = this.board().labels; const cardLabels = _.filter(boardLabels, (label) => { return _.contains(this.labelIds, label._id); }); return cardLabels; }, hasLabel(labelId) { return _.contains(this.labelIds, labelId); }, user() { return Users.findOne(this.userId); }, isAssigned(memberId) { return _.contains(this.members, memberId); }, activities() { return Activities.find({cardId: this._id}, {sort: {createdAt: -1}}); }, comments() { return CardComments.find({cardId: this._id}, {sort: {createdAt: -1}}); }, attachments() { return Attachments.find({cardId: this._id}, {sort: {uploadedAt: -1}}); }, cover() { const cover = Attachments.findOne(this.coverId); // if we return a cover before it is fully stored, we will get errors when we try to display it // todo XXX we could return a default "upload pending" image in the meantime? return cover && cover.url() && cover; }, checklists() { return Checklists.find({cardId: this._id}, {sort: { sort: 1 } }); }, checklistItemCount() { const checklists = this.checklists().fetch(); return => { return checklist.itemCount(); }).reduce((prev, next) => { return prev + next; }, 0); }, checklistFinishedCount() { const checklists = this.checklists().fetch(); return => { return checklist.finishedCount(); }).reduce((prev, next) => { return prev + next; }, 0); }, checklistFinished() { return this.hasChecklist() && this.checklistItemCount() === this.checklistFinishedCount(); }, hasChecklist() { return this.checklistItemCount() !== 0; }, customFieldIndex(customFieldId) { return _.pluck(this.customFields, '_id').indexOf(customFieldId); }, // customFields with definitions customFieldsWD() { // get all definitions const definitions = CustomFields.find({ boardId: this.boardId, }).fetch(); // match right definition to each field return => { return { _id: customField._id, value: customField.value, definition: definitions.find((definition) => { return definition._id === customField._id; }), }; }); }, absoluteUrl() { const board = this.board(); return FlowRouter.url('card', { boardId: board._id, slug: board.slug, cardId: this._id, }); }, canBeRestored() { const list = Lists.findOne({_id: this.listId}); if(!list.getWipLimit('soft') && list.getWipLimit('enabled') && list.getWipLimit('value') ==={ return false; } return true; }, }); Cards.mutations({ archive() { return {$set: {archived: true}}; }, restore() { return {$set: {archived: false}}; }, setTitle(title) { return {$set: {title}}; }, setDescription(description) { return {$set: {description}}; }, move(swimlaneId, listId, sortIndex) { const list = Lists.findOne(listId); const mutatedFields = { swimlaneId, listId, boardId: list.boardId, sort: sortIndex, }; return {$set: mutatedFields}; }, addLabel(labelId) { return {$addToSet: {labelIds: labelId}}; }, removeLabel(labelId) { return {$pull: {labelIds: labelId}}; }, toggleLabel(labelId) { if (this.labelIds && this.labelIds.indexOf(labelId) > -1) { return this.removeLabel(labelId); } else { return this.addLabel(labelId); } }, assignMember(memberId) { return {$addToSet: {members: memberId}}; }, unassignMember(memberId) { return {$pull: {members: memberId}}; }, toggleMember(memberId) { if (this.members && this.members.indexOf(memberId) > -1) { return this.unassignMember(memberId); } else { return this.assignMember(memberId); } }, assignCustomField(customFieldId) { return {$addToSet: {customFields: {_id: customFieldId, value: null}}}; }, unassignCustomField(customFieldId) { return {$pull: {customFields: {_id: customFieldId}}}; }, toggleCustomField(customFieldId) { if (this.customFields && this.customFieldIndex(customFieldId) > -1) { return this.unassignCustomField(customFieldId); } else { return this.assignCustomField(customFieldId); } }, setCustomField(customFieldId, value) { // todo const index = this.customFieldIndex(customFieldId); if (index > -1) { const update = {$set: {}}; update.$set['customFields.${index}.value'] = value; return update; } // TODO // Ignatz 18.05.2018: Return null to silence ESLint. No Idea if that is correct return null; }, setCover(coverId) { return {$set: {coverId}}; }, unsetCover() { return {$unset: {coverId: ''}}; }, setReceived(receivedAt) { return {$set: {receivedAt}}; }, unsetReceived() { return {$unset: {receivedAt: ''}}; }, setStart(startAt) { return {$set: {startAt}}; }, unsetStart() { return {$unset: {startAt: ''}}; }, setDue(dueAt) { return {$set: {dueAt}}; }, unsetDue() { return {$unset: {dueAt: ''}}; }, setEnd(endAt) { return {$set: {endAt}}; }, unsetEnd() { return {$unset: {endAt: ''}}; }, setOvertime(isOvertime) { return {$set: {isOvertime}}; }, setSpentTime(spentTime) { return {$set: {spentTime}}; }, unsetSpentTime() { return {$unset: {spentTime: '', isOvertime: false}}; }, }); //FUNCTIONS FOR creation of Activities function cardMove(userId, doc, fieldNames, oldListId) { if (_.contains(fieldNames, 'listId') && doc.listId !== oldListId) { Activities.insert({ userId, oldListId, activityType: 'moveCard', listId: doc.listId, boardId: doc.boardId, cardId: doc._id, }); } } function cardState(userId, doc, fieldNames) { if (_.contains(fieldNames, 'archived')) { if (doc.archived) { Activities.insert({ userId, activityType: 'archivedCard', boardId: doc.boardId, listId: doc.listId, cardId: doc._id, }); } else { Activities.insert({ userId, activityType: 'restoredCard', boardId: doc.boardId, listId: doc.listId, cardId: doc._id, }); } } } function cardMembers(userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier) { if (!_.contains(fieldNames, 'members')) return; let memberId; // Say hello to the new member if (modifier.$addToSet && modifier.$addToSet.members) { memberId = modifier.$addToSet.members; if (!_.contains(doc.members, memberId)) { Activities.insert({ userId, memberId, activityType: 'joinMember', boardId: doc.boardId, cardId: doc._id, }); } } // Say goodbye to the former member if (modifier.$pull && modifier.$pull.members) { memberId = modifier.$pull.members; // Check that the former member is member of the card if (_.contains(doc.members, memberId)) { Activities.insert({ userId, memberId, activityType: 'unjoinMember', boardId: doc.boardId, cardId: doc._id, }); } } } function cardCreation(userId, doc) { Activities.insert({ userId, activityType: 'createCard', boardId: doc.boardId, listId: doc.listId, cardId: doc._id, }); } function cardRemover(userId, doc) { Activities.remove({ cardId: doc._id, }); Checklists.remove({ cardId: doc._id, }); CardComments.remove({ cardId: doc._id, }); Attachments.remove({ cardId: doc._id, }); } if (Meteor.isServer) { // Cards are often fetched within a board, so we create an index to make these // queries more efficient. Meteor.startup(() => { Cards._collection._ensureIndex({boardId: 1, createdAt: -1}); }); Cards.after.insert((userId, doc) => { cardCreation(userId, doc); }); // New activity for card (un)archivage Cards.after.update((userId, doc, fieldNames) => { cardState(userId, doc, fieldNames); }); //New activity for card moves Cards.after.update(function (userId, doc, fieldNames) { const oldListId = this.previous.listId; cardMove(userId, doc, fieldNames, oldListId); }); // Add a new activity if we add or remove a member to the card Cards.before.update((userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier) => { cardMembers(userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier); }); // Remove all activities associated with a card if we remove the card // Remove also card_comments / checklists / attachments Cards.after.remove((userId, doc) => { cardRemover(userId, doc); }); } //LISTS REST API if (Meteor.isServer) { JsonRoutes.add('GET', '/api/boards/:boardId/lists/:listId/cards', function (req, res) { const paramBoardId = req.params.boardId; const paramListId = req.params.listId; Authentication.checkBoardAccess(req.userId, paramBoardId); JsonRoutes.sendResult(res, { code: 200, data: Cards.find({boardId: paramBoardId, listId: paramListId, archived: false}).map(function (doc) { return { _id: doc._id, title: doc.title, description: doc.description, }; }), }); }); JsonRoutes.add('GET', '/api/boards/:boardId/lists/:listId/cards/:cardId', function (req, res) { const paramBoardId = req.params.boardId; const paramListId = req.params.listId; const paramCardId = req.params.cardId; Authentication.checkBoardAccess(req.userId, paramBoardId); JsonRoutes.sendResult(res, { code: 200, data: Cards.findOne({_id: paramCardId, listId: paramListId, boardId: paramBoardId, archived: false}), }); }); JsonRoutes.add('POST', '/api/boards/:boardId/lists/:listId/cards', function (req, res) { Authentication.checkUserId(req.userId); const paramBoardId = req.params.boardId; const paramListId = req.params.listId; const check = Users.findOne({_id: req.body.authorId}); const members = req.body.members || [req.body.authorId]; if (typeof check !== 'undefined') { const id ={ title: req.body.title, boardId: paramBoardId, listId: paramListId, description: req.body.description, userId: req.body.authorId, swimlaneId: req.body.swimlaneId, sort: 0, members, }); JsonRoutes.sendResult(res, { code: 200, data: { _id: id, }, }); const card = Cards.findOne({_id:id}); cardCreation(req.body.authorId, card); } else { JsonRoutes.sendResult(res, { code: 401, }); } }); JsonRoutes.add('PUT', '/api/boards/:boardId/lists/:listId/cards/:cardId', function (req, res) { Authentication.checkUserId(req.userId); const paramBoardId = req.params.boardId; const paramCardId = req.params.cardId; const paramListId = req.params.listId; if (req.body.hasOwnProperty('title')) { const newTitle = req.body.title;{_id: paramCardId, listId: paramListId, boardId: paramBoardId, archived: false}, {$set: {title: newTitle}}); } if (req.body.hasOwnProperty('listId')) { const newParamListId = req.body.listId;{_id: paramCardId, listId: paramListId, boardId: paramBoardId, archived: false}, {$set: {listId: newParamListId}}); const card = Cards.findOne({_id: paramCardId} ); cardMove(req.body.authorId, card, {fieldName: 'listId'}, paramListId); } if (req.body.hasOwnProperty('description')) { const newDescription = req.body.description;{_id: paramCardId, listId: paramListId, boardId: paramBoardId, archived: false}, {$set: {description: newDescription}}); } if (req.body.hasOwnProperty('labelIds')) { const newlabelIds = req.body.labelIds;{_id: paramCardId, listId: paramListId, boardId: paramBoardId, archived: false}, {$set: {labelIds: newlabelIds}}); } JsonRoutes.sendResult(res, { code: 200, data: { _id: paramCardId, }, }); }); JsonRoutes.add('DELETE', '/api/boards/:boardId/lists/:listId/cards/:cardId', function (req, res) { Authentication.checkUserId(req.userId); const paramBoardId = req.params.boardId; const paramListId = req.params.listId; const paramCardId = req.params.cardId;{_id: paramCardId, listId: paramListId, boardId: paramBoardId}); const card = Cards.find({_id: paramCardId} ); cardRemover(req.body.authorId, card); JsonRoutes.sendResult(res, { code: 200, data: { _id: paramCardId, }, }); }); }