ChecklistItems = new Mongo.Collection('checklistItems'); /** * An item in a checklist */ ChecklistItems.attachSchema( new SimpleSchema({ title: { /** * the text of the item */ type: String, }, sort: { /** * the sorting field of the item */ type: Number, decimal: true, }, isFinished: { /** * Is the item checked? */ type: Boolean, defaultValue: false, }, checklistId: { /** * the checklist ID the item is attached to */ type: String, }, cardId: { /** * the card ID the item is attached to */ type: String, }, createdAt: { type: Date, optional: true, // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return autoValue() { if (this.isInsert) { return new Date(); } else { this.unset(); } }, }, modifiedAt: { type: Date, denyUpdate: false, // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return autoValue() { if (this.isInsert || this.isUpsert || this.isUpdate) { return new Date(); } else { this.unset(); } }, }, }) ); ChecklistItems.allow({ insert(userId, doc) { return allowIsBoardMemberByCard(userId, Cards.findOne(doc.cardId)); }, update(userId, doc) { return allowIsBoardMemberByCard(userId, Cards.findOne(doc.cardId)); }, remove(userId, doc) { return allowIsBoardMemberByCard(userId, Cards.findOne(doc.cardId)); }, fetch: ['userId', 'cardId'], }); ChecklistItems.before.insert((userId, doc) => { if (!doc.userId) { doc.userId = userId; } }); // Mutations ChecklistItems.mutations({ setTitle(title) { return { $set: { title } }; }, check() { return { $set: { isFinished: true } }; }, uncheck() { return { $set: { isFinished: false } }; }, toggleItem() { return { $set: { isFinished: !this.isFinished } }; }, move(checklistId, sortIndex) { const cardId = Checklists.findOne(checklistId).cardId; const mutatedFields = { cardId, checklistId, sort: sortIndex, }; return { $set: mutatedFields }; }, }); // Activities helper function itemCreation(userId, doc) { const card = Cards.findOne(doc.cardId); const boardId = card.boardId; Activities.insert({ userId, activityType: 'addChecklistItem', cardId: doc.cardId, boardId, checklistId: doc.checklistId, checklistItemId: doc._id, checklistItemName: doc.title, listId: card.listId, swimlaneId: card.swimlaneId, }); } function itemRemover(userId, doc) { Activities.remove({ checklistItemId: doc._id, }); } function publishCheckActivity(userId, doc) { const card = Cards.findOne(doc.cardId); const boardId = card.boardId; let activityType; if (doc.isFinished) { activityType = 'checkedItem'; } else { activityType = 'uncheckedItem'; } const act = { userId, activityType, cardId: doc.cardId, boardId, checklistId: doc.checklistId, checklistItemId: doc._id, checklistItemName: doc.title, listId: card.listId, swimlaneId: card.swimlaneId, }; Activities.insert(act); } function publishChekListCompleted(userId, doc) { const card = Cards.findOne(doc.cardId); const boardId = card.boardId; const checklistId = doc.checklistId; const checkList = Checklists.findOne({ _id: checklistId }); if (checkList.isFinished()) { const act = { userId, activityType: 'completeChecklist', cardId: doc.cardId, boardId, checklistId: doc.checklistId, checklistName: checkList.title, listId: card.listId, swimlaneId: card.swimlaneId, }; Activities.insert(act); } } function publishChekListUncompleted(userId, doc) { const card = Cards.findOne(doc.cardId); const boardId = card.boardId; const checklistId = doc.checklistId; const checkList = Checklists.findOne({ _id: checklistId }); // BUGS in IFTTT Rules: // Currently in checklist all are set as uncompleted/not checked, // IFTTT Rule does not move card to other list. // If following line is negated/changed to: // if(!checkList.isFinished()){ // then unchecking of any checkbox will move card to other list, // even when all checkboxes are not yet unchecked. // What is correct code for only moving when all in list is unchecked? // TIPS: Finding files, ignoring some directories with grep -v: // cd wekan // find . | xargs grep 'count' -sl | grep -v .meteor | grep -v node_modules | grep -v .build // Maybe something related here? // wekan/client/components/rules/triggers/checklistTriggers.js if (checkList.isFinished()) { const act = { userId, activityType: 'uncompleteChecklist', cardId: doc.cardId, boardId, checklistId: doc.checklistId, checklistName: checkList.title, listId: card.listId, swimlaneId: card.swimlaneId, }; Activities.insert(act); } } // Activities if (Meteor.isServer) { Meteor.startup(() => { ChecklistItems._collection._ensureIndex({ modifiedAt: -1 }); ChecklistItems._collection._ensureIndex({ checklistId: 1 }); ChecklistItems._collection._ensureIndex({ cardId: 1 }); }); ChecklistItems.after.update((userId, doc, fieldNames) => { publishCheckActivity(userId, doc); publishChekListCompleted(userId, doc, fieldNames); }); ChecklistItems.before.update((userId, doc, fieldNames) => { publishChekListUncompleted(userId, doc, fieldNames); }); ChecklistItems.before.update((userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier, options) => { modifier.$set = modifier.$set || {}; modifier.$set.modifiedAt =; }); ChecklistItems.after.insert((userId, doc) => { itemCreation(userId, doc); }); ChecklistItems.before.remove((userId, doc) => { itemRemover(userId, doc); const card = Cards.findOne(doc.cardId); const boardId = card.boardId; Activities.insert({ userId, activityType: 'removedChecklistItem', cardId: doc.cardId, boardId, checklistId: doc.checklistId, checklistItemId: doc._id, checklistItemName: doc.title, listId: card.listId, swimlaneId: card.swimlaneId, }); }); } if (Meteor.isServer) { /** * @operation get_checklist_item * @tag Checklists * @summary Get a checklist item * * @param {string} boardId the board ID * @param {string} cardId the card ID * @param {string} checklistId the checklist ID * @param {string} itemId the ID of the item * @return_type ChecklistItems */ JsonRoutes.add( 'GET', '/api/boards/:boardId/cards/:cardId/checklists/:checklistId/items/:itemId', function(req, res) { Authentication.checkUserId(req.userId); const paramItemId = req.params.itemId; const checklistItem = ChecklistItems.findOne({ _id: paramItemId }); if (checklistItem) { JsonRoutes.sendResult(res, { code: 200, data: checklistItem, }); } else { JsonRoutes.sendResult(res, { code: 500, }); } } ); /** * @operation edit_checklist_item * @tag Checklists * @summary Edit a checklist item * * @param {string} boardId the board ID * @param {string} cardId the card ID * @param {string} checklistId the checklist ID * @param {string} itemId the ID of the item * @param {string} [isFinished] is the item checked? * @param {string} [title] the new text of the item * @return_type {_id: string} */ JsonRoutes.add( 'PUT', '/api/boards/:boardId/cards/:cardId/checklists/:checklistId/items/:itemId', function(req, res) { Authentication.checkUserId(req.userId); const paramItemId = req.params.itemId; if (req.body.hasOwnProperty('isFinished')) { { _id: paramItemId }, { $set: { isFinished: req.body.isFinished } } ); } if (req.body.hasOwnProperty('title')) { { _id: paramItemId }, { $set: { title: req.body.title } } ); } JsonRoutes.sendResult(res, { code: 200, data: { _id: paramItemId, }, }); } ); /** * @operation delete_checklist_item * @tag Checklists * @summary Delete a checklist item * * @description Note: this operation can't be reverted. * * @param {string} boardId the board ID * @param {string} cardId the card ID * @param {string} checklistId the checklist ID * @param {string} itemId the ID of the item to be removed * @return_type {_id: string} */ JsonRoutes.add( 'DELETE', '/api/boards/:boardId/cards/:cardId/checklists/:checklistId/items/:itemId', function(req, res) { Authentication.checkUserId(req.userId); const paramItemId = req.params.itemId;{ _id: paramItemId }); JsonRoutes.sendResult(res, { code: 200, data: { _id: paramItemId, }, }); } ); } export default ChecklistItems;