Checklists = new Mongo.Collection('checklists'); Checklists.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema({ cardId: { type: String, }, title: { type: String, }, items: { type: [Object], defaultValue: [], }, 'items.$._id': { type: String, }, 'items.$.title': { type: String, }, 'items.$.isFinished': { type: Boolean, defaultValue: false, }, finishedAt: { type: Date, optional: true, }, createdAt: { type: Date, denyUpdate: false, }, })); Checklists.helpers({ itemCount () { return this.items.length; }, finishedCount () { return this.items.filter((item) => { return item.isFinished; }).length; }, isFinished () { return 0 !== this.itemCount() && this.itemCount() === this.finishedCount(); }, getItem (_id) { return _.findWhere(this.items, { _id }); }, itemIndex(itemId) { return _.pluck(this.items, '_id').indexOf(itemId); }, }); Checklists.allow({ insert(userId, doc) { return allowIsBoardMemberByCard(userId, Cards.findOne(doc.cardId)); }, update(userId, doc) { return allowIsBoardMemberByCard(userId, Cards.findOne(doc.cardId)); }, remove(userId, doc) { return allowIsBoardMemberByCard(userId, Cards.findOne(doc.cardId)); }, fetch: ['userId', 'cardId'], }); Checklists.before.insert((userId, doc) => { doc.createdAt = new Date(); if (!doc.userId) { doc.userId = userId; } }); Checklists.mutations({ //for checklist itself setTitle(title){ return { $set: { title }}; }, //for items in checklist addItem(title) { const itemCount = this.itemCount(); const _id = `${this._id}${itemCount}`; return { $addToSet: {items: {_id, title, isFinished: false}} }; }, removeItem(itemId) { return {$pull: {items: {_id : itemId}}}; }, editItem(itemId, title) { if (this.getItem(itemId)) { const itemIndex = this.itemIndex(itemId); return { $set: { [`items.${itemIndex}.title`]: title, }, }; } return {}; }, finishItem(itemId) { if (this.getItem(itemId)) { const itemIndex = this.itemIndex(itemId); return { $set: { [`items.${itemIndex}.isFinished`]: true, }, }; } return {}; }, resumeItem(itemId) { if (this.getItem(itemId)) { const itemIndex = this.itemIndex(itemId); return { $set: { [`items.${itemIndex}.isFinished`]: false, }, }; } return {}; }, toggleItem(itemId) { const item = this.getItem(itemId); if (item) { const itemIndex = this.itemIndex(itemId); return { $set: { [`items.${itemIndex}.isFinished`]: !item.isFinished, }, }; } return {}; }, }); if (Meteor.isServer) { Checklists.after.insert((userId, doc) => { Activities.insert({ userId, activityType: 'addChecklist', cardId: doc.cardId, boardId: Cards.findOne(doc.cardId).boardId, checklistId: doc._id, }); }); //TODO: so there will be no activity for adding item into checklist, maybe will be implemented in the future. // Checklists.after.update((userId, doc) => { // console.log('update:', doc) // Activities.insert({ // userId, // activityType: 'addChecklist', // boardId: doc.boardId, // cardId: doc.cardId, // checklistId: doc._id, // }); // }); Checklists.before.remove((userId, doc) => { const activity = Activities.findOne({ checklistId: doc._id }); if (activity) { Activities.remove(activity._id); } }); }