import Boards from './boards'; export class CsvCreator { constructor(data) { // date to be used for timestamps during import this._nowDate = new Date(); // index to help keep track of what information a column stores // each row represents a card this.fieldIndex = {}; this.lists = {}; // Map of members using username => wekanid this.members = data.membersMapping ? data.membersMapping : {}; this.swimlane = null; } /** * If dateString is provided, * return the Date it represents. * If not, will return the date when it was first called. * This is useful for us, as we want all import operations to * have the exact same date for easier later retrieval. * * @param {String} dateString a properly formatted Date */ _now(dateString) { if (dateString) { return new Date(dateString); } if (!this._nowDate) { this._nowDate = new Date(); } return this._nowDate; } _user(wekanUserId) { if (wekanUserId && this.members[wekanUserId]) { return this.members[wekanUserId]; } return Meteor.userId(); } /** * Map the header row titles to an index to help assign proper values to the cards' fields * Valid headers (name of card fields): * title, description, status, owner, member, label, due date, start date, finish date, created at, updated at * Some header aliases can also be accepted. * Headers are NOT case-sensitive. * * @param {Array} headerRow array from row of headers of imported CSV/TSV for cards */ mapHeadertoCardFieldIndex(headerRow) { const index = {}; for (let i = 0; i < headerRow.length; i++) { switch (headerRow[i].trim().toLowerCase()) { case 'title': index.title = i; break; case 'description': index.description = i; break; case 'stage': case 'status': case 'state': index.stage = i; break; case 'owner': index.owner = i; break; case 'members': case 'member': index.members = i; break; case 'labels': case 'label': index.labels = i; break; case 'due date': case 'deadline': case 'due at': index.dueAt = i; break; case 'start date': case 'start at': index.startAt = i; break; case 'finish date': case 'end at': index.endAt = i; break; case 'creation date': case 'created at': index.createdAt = i; break; case 'update date': case 'updated at': case 'modified at': case 'modified on': index.modifiedAt = i; break; } } this.fieldIndex = index; } createBoard(csvData) { const boardToCreate = { archived: false, color: 'belize', createdAt: this._now(), labels: [], members: [ { userId: Meteor.userId(), wekanId: Meteor.userId(), isActive: true, isAdmin: true, isNoComments: false, isCommentOnly: false, swimlaneId: false, }, ], modifiedAt: this._now(), //default is private, should inform user. permission: 'private', slug: 'board', stars: 0, title: `Imported Board ${this._now()}`, }; // create labels for (let i = 1; i < csvData.length; i++) { //get the label column if (csvData[i][this.fieldIndex.labels]) { const labelsToCreate = new Set(); for (const importedLabel of csvData[i][this.fieldIndex.labels].split( ' ', )) { if (importedLabel && importedLabel.length > 0) { labelsToCreate.add(importedLabel); } } for (const label of labelsToCreate) { let labelName, labelColor; if (label.indexOf('-') > -1) { labelName = label.split('-')[0]; labelColor = label.split('-')[1]; } else { labelName = label; } const labelToCreate = { _id:, color: labelColor ? labelColor : 'black', name: labelName, }; boardToCreate.labels.push(labelToCreate); } } } const boardId =;, { $set: { modifiedAt: this._now(), }, }); // log activity{ activityType: 'importBoard', boardId, createdAt: this._now(), source: { id: boardId, system: 'CSV/TSV', }, // We attribute the import to current user, // not the author from the original object. userId: this._user(), }); return boardId; } createSwimlanes(boardId) { const swimlaneToCreate = { archived: false, boardId, createdAt: this._now(), title: 'Default', sort: 1, }; const swimlaneId =;, { $set: { updatedAt: this._now() } }); this.swimlane = swimlaneId; } createLists(csvData, boardId) { let numOfCreatedLists = 0; for (let i = 1; i < csvData.length; i++) { const listToCreate = { archived: false, boardId, createdAt: this._now(), }; if (csvData[i][this.fieldIndex.stage]) { const existingList = Lists.find({ title: csvData[i][this.fieldIndex.stage], boardId, }).fetch(); if (existingList.length > 0) { continue; } else { listToCreate.title = csvData[i][this.fieldIndex.stage]; } } else listToCreate.title = `Imported List ${this._now()}`; const listId =; this.lists[csvData[i][this.fieldIndex.stage]] = listId; numOfCreatedLists++;, { $set: { updatedAt: this._now(), sort: numOfCreatedLists, }, }); } } createCards(csvData, boardId) { for (let i = 1; i < csvData.length; i++) { const cardToCreate = { archived: false, boardId, createdAt: csvData[i][this.fieldIndex.createdAt] ? this._now(new Date(csvData[i][this.fieldIndex.createdAt])) : null, dateLastActivity: this._now(), description: csvData[i][this.fieldIndex.description], listId: this.lists[csvData[i][this.fieldIndex.stage]], swimlaneId: this.swimlane, sort: -1, title: csvData[i][this.fieldIndex.title], userId: this._user(), startAt: csvData[i][this.fieldIndex.startAt] ? this._now(new Date(csvData[i][this.fieldIndex.startAt])) : null, dueAt: csvData[i][this.fieldIndex.dueAt] ? this._now(new Date(csvData[i][this.fieldIndex.dueAt])) : null, endAt: csvData[i][this.fieldIndex.endAt] ? this._now(new Date(csvData[i][this.fieldIndex.endAt])) : null, spentTime: null, labelIds: [], modifiedAt: csvData[i][this.fieldIndex.modifiedAt] ? this._now(new Date(csvData[i][this.fieldIndex.modifiedAt])) : null, }; // add the labels if (csvData[i][this.fieldIndex.labels]) { const board = Boards.findOne(boardId); for (const importedLabel of csvData[i][this.fieldIndex.labels].split( ' ', )) { if (importedLabel && importedLabel.length > 0) { let labelToApply; if (importedLabel.indexOf('-') === -1) { labelToApply = board.getLabel(importedLabel, 'black'); } else { labelToApply = board.getLabel( importedLabel.split('-')[0], importedLabel.split('-')[1], ); } cardToCreate.labelIds.push(labelToApply._id); } } } // add the members if (csvData[i][this.fieldIndex.members]) { const wekanMembers = []; for (const importedMember of csvData[i][this.fieldIndex.members].split( ' ', )) { if (this.members[importedMember]) { const wekanId = this.members[importedMember]; if (!wekanMembers.find(wId => wId === wekanId)) { wekanMembers.push(wekanId); } } } if (wekanMembers.length > 0) { cardToCreate.members = wekanMembers; } }; } } create(board, currentBoardId) { const isSandstorm = Meteor.settings && Meteor.settings.public && Meteor.settings.public.sandstorm; if (isSandstorm && currentBoardId) { const currentBoard = Boards.findOne(currentBoardId); currentBoard.archive(); } this.mapHeadertoCardFieldIndex(board[0]); const boardId = this.createBoard(board); this.createLists(board, boardId); this.createSwimlanes(boardId); this.createCards(board, boardId); return boardId; } }