CustomFields = new Mongo.Collection('customFields'); /** * A custom field on a card in the board */ CustomFields.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema({ boardId: { /** * the ID of the board */ type: String, }, name: { /** * name of the custom field */ type: String, }, type: { /** * type of the custom field */ type: String, allowedValues: ['text', 'number', 'date', 'dropdown'], }, settings: { /** * settings of the custom field */ type: Object, }, 'settings.dropdownItems': { /** * list of drop down items objects */ type: [Object], optional: true, }, 'settings.dropdownItems.$': { type: new SimpleSchema({ _id: { /** * ID of the drop down item */ type: String, }, name: { /** * name of the drop down item */ type: String, }, }), }, showOnCard: { /** * should we show on the cards this custom field */ type: Boolean, }, automaticallyOnCard: { /** * should the custom fields automatically be added on cards? */ type: Boolean, }, showLabelOnMiniCard: { /** * should the label of the custom field be shown on minicards? */ type: Boolean, }, })); CustomFields.allow({ insert(userId, doc) { return allowIsBoardMember(userId, Boards.findOne(doc.boardId)); }, update(userId, doc) { return allowIsBoardMember(userId, Boards.findOne(doc.boardId)); }, remove(userId, doc) { return allowIsBoardMember(userId, Boards.findOne(doc.boardId)); }, fetch: ['userId', 'boardId'], }); // not sure if we need this? //CustomFields.hookOptions.after.update = { fetchPrevious: false }; function customFieldCreation(userId, doc){ Activities.insert({ userId, activityType: 'createCustomField', boardId: doc.boardId, customFieldId: doc._id, }); } if (Meteor.isServer) { Meteor.startup(() => { CustomFields._collection._ensureIndex({ boardId: 1 }); }); CustomFields.after.insert((userId, doc) => { customFieldCreation(userId, doc); }); CustomFields.after.remove((userId, doc) => { Activities.remove({ customFieldId: doc._id, }); Cards.update( {'boardId': doc.boardId, 'customFields._id': doc._id}, {$pull: {'customFields': {'_id': doc._id}}}, {multi: true} ); }); } //CUSTOM FIELD REST API if (Meteor.isServer) { /** * @operation get_all_custom_fields * @summary Get the list of Custom Fields attached to a board * * @param {string} boardID the ID of the board * @return_type [{_id: string, * name: string, * type: string}] */ JsonRoutes.add('GET', '/api/boards/:boardId/custom-fields', function (req, res) { Authentication.checkUserId( req.userId); const paramBoardId = req.params.boardId; JsonRoutes.sendResult(res, { code: 200, data: CustomFields.find({ boardId: paramBoardId }).map(function (cf) { return { _id: cf._id, name:, type: cf.type, }; }), }); }); /** * @operation get_custom_field * @summary Get a Custom Fields attached to a board * * @param {string} boardID the ID of the board * @param {string} customFieldId the ID of the custom field * @return_type CustomFields */ JsonRoutes.add('GET', '/api/boards/:boardId/custom-fields/:customFieldId', function (req, res) { Authentication.checkUserId( req.userId); const paramBoardId = req.params.boardId; const paramCustomFieldId = req.params.customFieldId; JsonRoutes.sendResult(res, { code: 200, data: CustomFields.findOne({ _id: paramCustomFieldId, boardId: paramBoardId }), }); }); /** * @operation new_custom_field * @summary Create a Custom Field * * @param {string} boardID the ID of the board * @param {string} name the name of the custom field * @param {string} type the type of the custom field * @param {string} settings the settings object of the custom field * @param {boolean} showOnCard should we show the custom field on cards? * @param {boolean} automaticallyOnCard should the custom fields automatically be added on cards? * @param {boolean} showLabelOnMiniCard should the label of the custom field be shown on minicards? * @return_type {_id: string} */ JsonRoutes.add('POST', '/api/boards/:boardId/custom-fields', function (req, res) { Authentication.checkUserId( req.userId); const paramBoardId = req.params.boardId; const id ={ name:, type: req.body.type, settings: req.body.settings, showOnCard: req.body.showOnCard, automaticallyOnCard: req.body.automaticallyOnCard, showLabelOnMiniCard: req.body.showLabelOnMiniCard, boardId: paramBoardId, }); const customField = CustomFields.findOne({_id: id, boardId: paramBoardId }); customFieldCreation(req.body.authorId, customField); JsonRoutes.sendResult(res, { code: 200, data: { _id: id, }, }); }); /** * @operation delete_custom_field * @summary Delete a Custom Fields attached to a board * * @description The Custom Field can't be retrieved after this operation * * @param {string} boardID the ID of the board * @param {string} customFieldId the ID of the custom field * @return_type {_id: string} */ JsonRoutes.add('DELETE', '/api/boards/:boardId/custom-fields/:customFieldId', function (req, res) { Authentication.checkUserId( req.userId); const paramBoardId = req.params.boardId; const id = req.params.customFieldId; CustomFields.remove({ _id: id, boardId: paramBoardId }); JsonRoutes.sendResult(res, { code: 200, data: { _id: id, }, }); }); }