const DateString = Match.Where(function (dateAsString) { check(dateAsString, String); return moment(dateAsString, moment.ISO_8601).isValid(); }); class TrelloCreator { constructor() { // the object creation dates, indexed by Trello id (so we only parse actions once!) this.createdAt = { board: null, cards: {}, lists: {}, }; // map of labels Trello ID => Wekan ID this.labels = {}; // map of lists Trello ID => Wekan ID this.lists = {}; // the comments, indexed by Trello card id (to map when importing cards) this.comments = {}; } checkActions(trelloActions) { check(trelloActions, [Match.ObjectIncluding({ data: Object, date: DateString, type: String, })]); // XXX we could perform more thorough checks based on action type } checkBoard(trelloBoard) { check(trelloBoard, Match.ObjectIncluding({ closed: Boolean, name: String, prefs: Match.ObjectIncluding({ // XXX refine control by validating 'background' against a list of allowed values (is it worth the maintenance?) background: String, permissionLevel: Match.Where((value) => {return ['org', 'private', 'public'].indexOf(value)>= 0;}), }), })); } checkCards(trelloCards) { check(trelloCards, [Match.ObjectIncluding({ closed: Boolean, dateLastActivity: DateString, desc: String, idLabels: [String], idMembers: [String], name: String, pos: Number, })]); } checkLabels(trelloLabels) { check(trelloLabels, [Match.ObjectIncluding({ // XXX refine control by validating 'color' against a list of allowed values (is it worth the maintenance?) color: String, name: String, })]); } checkLists(trelloLists) { check(trelloLists, [Match.ObjectIncluding({ closed: Boolean, name: String, })]); } /** * must call parseActions before calling this one */ createBoardAndLabels(trelloBoard) { const createdAt = this.createdAt.board; const boardToCreate = { archived: trelloBoard.closed, color: this.getColor(trelloBoard.prefs.background), createdAt, labels: [], members: [{ userId: Meteor.userId(), isAdmin: true, isActive: true, }], permission: this.getPermission(trelloBoard.prefs.permissionLevel), slug: getSlug( || 'board', stars: 0, title:, }; trelloBoard.labels.forEach((label) => { const labelToCreate = { _id:, color: label.color, name:, }; // we need to remember them by Trello ID, as this is the only ref we have when importing cards this.labels[] = labelToCreate._id; boardToCreate.labels.push(labelToCreate); }); const now = new Date(); const boardId =;, {$set: {modifiedAt: now}}); // log activity{ activityType: 'importBoard', boardId, createdAt: now, source: { id:, system: 'Trello', url: trelloBoard.url, }, // we attribute the import to current user, not the one from the original object userId: Meteor.userId(), }); return boardId; } /** * Create labels if they do not exist and load this.labels. */ createLabels(trelloLabels, board) { trelloLabels.forEach((label) => { const color = label.color; const name =; const existingLabel = board.getLabel(name, color); if (existingLabel) { this.labels[] = existingLabel._id; } else { const idLabelCreated = board.pushLabel(name, color); this.labels[] = idLabelCreated; } }); } createLists(trelloLists, boardId) { trelloLists.forEach((list) => { const listToCreate = { archived: list.closed, boardId, createdAt: this.createdAt.lists[], title:, userId: Meteor.userId(), }; const listId =; const now = new Date();, {$set: {'updatedAt': now}}); this.lists[] = listId; // log activity{ activityType: 'importList', boardId, createdAt: now, listId, source: { id:, system: 'Trello', }, // we attribute the import to current user, not the one from the original object userId: Meteor.userId(), }); }); } createCardsAndComments(trelloCards, boardId) { const result = []; trelloCards.forEach((card) => { const cardToCreate = { archived: card.closed, boardId, createdAt:[], dateLastActivity: new Date(), description: card.desc, listId: this.lists[card.idList], sort: card.pos, title:, // XXX use the original user? userId: Meteor.userId(), }; // add labels if(card.idLabels) { cardToCreate.labelIds = => { return this.labels[trelloId]; }); } // insert card const cardId =; // log activity{ activityType: 'importCard', boardId, cardId, createdAt: new Date(), listId: cardToCreate.listId, source: { id:, system: 'Trello', url: card.url, }, // we attribute the import to current user, not the one from the original card userId: Meteor.userId(), }); // add comments const comments = this.comments[]; if(comments) { comments.forEach((comment) => { const commentToCreate = { boardId, cardId, createdAt:, text:, // XXX use the original comment user instead userId: Meteor.userId(), }; // dateLastActivity will be set from activity insert, no need to update it ourselves const commentId =;{ activityType: 'addComment', boardId: commentToCreate.boardId, cardId: commentToCreate.cardId, commentId, createdAt: commentToCreate.createdAt, userId: commentToCreate.userId, }); }); } // XXX add attachments result.push(cardId); }); return result; } getColor(trelloColorCode) { // trello color name => wekan color const mapColors = { 'blue': 'belize', 'orange': 'pumpkin', 'green': 'nephritis', 'red': 'pomegranate', 'purple': 'wisteria', 'pink': 'pomegranate', 'lime': 'nephritis', 'sky': 'belize', 'grey': 'midnight', }; const wekanColor = mapColors[trelloColorCode]; return wekanColor || Boards.simpleSchema()._schema.color.allowedValues[0]; } getPermission(trelloPermissionCode) { if(trelloPermissionCode === 'public') { return 'public'; } // Wekan does NOT have organization level, so we default both 'private' and 'org' to private. return 'private'; } parseActions(trelloActions) { trelloActions.forEach((action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'createBoard': this.createdAt.board =; break; case 'createCard': const cardId =;[cardId] =; break; case 'createList': const listId =; this.createdAt.lists[listId] =; break; case 'commentCard': const id =; if(this.comments[id]) { this.comments[id].push(action); } else { this.comments[id] = [action]; } break; default: // do nothing break; } }); } } Meteor.methods({ importTrelloBoard(trelloBoard, data) { const trelloCreator = new TrelloCreator(); // 1. check all parameters are ok from a syntax point of view try { // we don't use additional data - this should be an empty object check(data, {}); trelloCreator.checkActions(trelloBoard.actions); trelloCreator.checkBoard(trelloBoard); trelloCreator.checkLabels(trelloBoard.labels); trelloCreator.checkLists(trelloBoard.lists); trelloCreator.checkCards(; } catch(e) { throw new Meteor.Error('error-json-schema'); } // 2. check parameters are ok from a business point of view (exist & authorized) // nothing to check, everyone can import boards in their account // 3. create all elements trelloCreator.parseActions(trelloBoard.actions); const boardId = trelloCreator.createBoardAndLabels(trelloBoard); trelloCreator.createLists(trelloBoard.lists, boardId); trelloCreator.createCardsAndComments(, boardId); // XXX add members return boardId; }, importTrelloCard(trelloCard, data) { const trelloCreator = new TrelloCreator(); // 1. check parameters are ok from a syntax point of view try { check(data, { listId: String, sortIndex: Number, }); trelloCreator.checkCards([trelloCard]); trelloCreator.checkLabels(trelloCard.labels); trelloCreator.checkActions(trelloCard.actions); } catch(e) { throw new Meteor.Error('error-json-schema'); } // 2. check parameters are ok from a business point of view (exist & authorized) const list = Lists.findOne(data.listId); if(!list) { throw new Meteor.Error('error-list-doesNotExist'); } if(Meteor.isServer) { if (!allowIsBoardMember(Meteor.userId(), Boards.findOne(list.boardId))) { throw new Meteor.Error('error-board-notAMember'); } } // 3. create all elements trelloCreator.lists[trelloCard.idList] = data.listId; trelloCreator.parseActions(trelloCard.actions); const board = list.board(); trelloCreator.createLabels(trelloCard.labels, board); const cardIds = trelloCreator.createCardsAndComments([trelloCard], board._id); return cardIds[0]; }, });