Meteor.methods({ importTrelloCard(trelloCard, listId, sortIndex) { // 1. check parameters are ok from a syntax point of view const DateString = Match.Where(function (dateAsString) { check(dateAsString, String); return moment(dateAsString, moment.ISO_8601).isValid(); }); try { check(trelloCard, Match.ObjectIncluding({ name: String, desc: String, closed: Boolean, dateLastActivity: DateString, labels: [Match.ObjectIncluding({ name: String, color: String, })], actions: [Match.ObjectIncluding({ type: String, date: DateString, data: Object, })], members: [Object], })); check(listId, String); check(sortIndex, Number); } catch (e) { throw new Meteor.Error('error-json-schema'); } // 2. check parameters are ok from a business point of view (exist & // authorized) const list = Lists.findOne(listId); if (!list) { throw new Meteor.Error('error-list-doesNotExist'); } if (Meteor.isServer) { if (!allowIsBoardMember(Meteor.userId(), Boards.findOne(list.boardId))) { throw new Meteor.Error('error-board-notAMember'); } } // 3. map all fields for the card to create const dateOfImport = new Date(); const cardToCreate = { archived: trelloCard.closed, boardId: list.boardId, // this is a default date, we'll fetch the actual one from the actions array createdAt: dateOfImport, dateLastActivity: dateOfImport, description: trelloCard.desc, labelIds: [], listId: list._id, sort: sortIndex, title:, // XXX use the original user? userId: Meteor.userId(), }; // 4. find actual creation date const creationAction = trelloCard.actions.find((action) => { return action.type === 'createCard'; }); if (creationAction) { cardToCreate.createdAt =; } // 5. map labels - create missing ones trelloCard.labels.forEach((currentLabel) => { const { name, color } = currentLabel; // `addLabel` won't create dublicate labels (ie labels with the same name // and color) so here it is used more in a "enforceLabelExistence" way. list.board().addLabel(name, color); const { _id: labelId } = list.board().getLabel(name, color); if (labelId) { cardToCreate.labelIds.push(labelId); } }); // 6. insert new card into list const cardId =;{ activityType: 'importCard', boardId: cardToCreate.boardId, cardId, createdAt: dateOfImport, listId: cardToCreate.listId, source: { id:, system: 'Trello', url: trelloCard.url, }, // we attribute the import to current user, not the one from the original // card userId: Meteor.userId(), }); // 7. parse actions and add comments trelloCard.actions.forEach((currentAction) => { if (currentAction.type === 'commentCard') { const commentToCreate = { boardId: list.boardId, cardId, createdAt:, text:, // XXX use the original comment user instead userId: Meteor.userId(), }; const commentId =;{ activityType: 'addComment', boardId: commentToCreate.boardId, cardId: commentToCreate.cardId, commentId, createdAt: commentToCreate.createdAt, userId: commentToCreate.userId, }); } }); return cardId; }, });