InvitationCodes = new Mongo.Collection('invitation_codes'); InvitationCodes.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema({ code: { type: String, }, email: { type: String, unique: true, regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Email, }, createdAt: { type: Date, denyUpdate: false, }, // always be the admin if only one admin authorId: { type: String, }, boardsToBeInvited: { type: [String], optional: true, }, valid: { type: Boolean, defaultValue: true, }, })); InvitationCodes.helpers({ author(){ return Users.findOne(this.authorId); }, }); // InvitationCodes.before.insert((userId, doc) => { // doc.createdAt = new Date(); // doc.authorId = userId; // }); if (Meteor.isServer) { Boards.deny({ fetch: ['members'], }); }