Lists = new Mongo.Collection('lists'); /** * A list (column) in the Wekan board. */ Lists.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema({ title: { /** * the title of the list */ type: String, }, archived: { /** * is the list archived */ type: Boolean, autoValue() { // eslint-disable-line consistent-return if (this.isInsert && !this.isSet) { return false; } }, }, boardId: { /** * the board associated to this list */ type: String, }, swimlaneId: { /** * the swimalen associated to this list. Used for templates */ type: String, defaultValue: '', }, createdAt: { /** * creation date */ type: Date, autoValue() { // eslint-disable-line consistent-return if (this.isInsert) { return new Date(); } else { this.unset(); } }, }, sort: { /** * is the list sorted */ type: Number, decimal: true, // XXX We should probably provide a default optional: true, }, updatedAt: { /** * last update of the list */ type: Date, optional: true, autoValue() { // eslint-disable-line consistent-return if (this.isUpdate) { return new Date(); } else { this.unset(); } }, }, wipLimit: { /** * WIP object, see below */ type: Object, optional: true, }, 'wipLimit.value': { /** * value of the WIP */ type: Number, decimal: false, defaultValue: 1, }, 'wipLimit.enabled': { /** * is the WIP enabled */ type: Boolean, defaultValue: false, }, 'wipLimit.soft': { /** * is the WIP a soft or hard requirement */ type: Boolean, defaultValue: false, }, color: { /** * the color of the list */ type: String, optional: true, // silver is the default, so it is left out allowedValues: [ 'white', 'green', 'yellow', 'orange', 'red', 'purple', 'blue', 'sky', 'lime', 'pink', 'black', 'peachpuff', 'crimson', 'plum', 'darkgreen', 'slateblue', 'magenta', 'gold', 'navy', 'gray', 'saddlebrown', 'paleturquoise', 'mistyrose', 'indigo', ], }, type: { /** * The type of list */ type: String, defaultValue: 'list', }, })); Lists.allow({ insert(userId, doc) { return allowIsBoardMemberCommentOnly(userId, Boards.findOne(doc.boardId)); }, update(userId, doc) { return allowIsBoardMemberCommentOnly(userId, Boards.findOne(doc.boardId)); }, remove(userId, doc) { return allowIsBoardMemberCommentOnly(userId, Boards.findOne(doc.boardId)); }, fetch: ['boardId'], }); Lists.helpers({ cards(swimlaneId) { const selector = { listId: this._id, archived: false, }; if (swimlaneId) selector.swimlaneId = swimlaneId; return Cards.find(Filter.mongoSelector(selector), { sort: ['sort'] }); }, cardsUnfiltered(swimlaneId) { const selector = { listId: this._id, archived: false, }; if (swimlaneId) selector.swimlaneId = swimlaneId; return Cards.find(selector, { sort: ['sort'] }); }, allCards() { return Cards.find({ listId: this._id }); }, board() { return Boards.findOne(this.boardId); }, getWipLimit(option){ const list = Lists.findOne({ _id: this._id }); if(!list.wipLimit) { // Necessary check to avoid exceptions for the case where the doc doesn't have the wipLimit field yet set return 0; } else if(!option) { return list.wipLimit; } else { return list.wipLimit[option] ? list.wipLimit[option] : 0; // Necessary check to avoid exceptions for the case where the doc doesn't have the wipLimit field yet set } }, colorClass() { if (this.color) return this.color; return ''; }, isTemplateList() { return this.type === 'template-list'; }, }); Lists.mutations({ rename(title) { return { $set: { title } }; }, archive() { Cards.find({ listId: this._id, archived: false, }).forEach((card) => { return card.archive(); }); return { $set: { archived: true } }; }, restore() { cardsToRestore = Cards.find({ listId: this._id, archived: true, }); cardsToRestore.forEach((card) => { card.restore(); }); return { $set: { archived: false } }; }, toggleSoftLimit(toggle) { return { $set: { 'wipLimit.soft': toggle } }; }, toggleWipLimit(toggle) { return { $set: { 'wipLimit.enabled': toggle } }; }, setWipLimit(limit) { return { $set: { 'wipLimit.value': limit } }; }, setColor(newColor) { if (newColor === 'silver') { newColor = null; } return { $set: { color: newColor, }, }; }, }); Meteor.methods({ applyWipLimit(listId, limit){ check(listId, String); check(limit, Number); if(limit === 0){ limit = 1; } Lists.findOne({ _id: listId }).setWipLimit(limit); }, enableWipLimit(listId) { check(listId, String); const list = Lists.findOne({ _id: listId }); if(list.getWipLimit('value') === 0){ list.setWipLimit(1); } list.toggleWipLimit(!list.getWipLimit('enabled')); }, enableSoftLimit(listId) { check(listId, String); const list = Lists.findOne({ _id: listId }); list.toggleSoftLimit(!list.getWipLimit('soft')); }, }); Lists.hookOptions.after.update = { fetchPrevious: false }; if (Meteor.isServer) { Meteor.startup(() => { Lists._collection._ensureIndex({ boardId: 1 }); }); Lists.after.insert((userId, doc) => { Activities.insert({ userId, type: 'list', activityType: 'createList', boardId: doc.boardId, listId: doc._id, }); }); Lists.before.remove((userId, doc) => { Activities.insert({ userId, type: 'list', activityType: 'removeList', boardId: doc.boardId, listId: doc._id, title: doc.title, }); }); Lists.after.update((userId, doc) => { if (doc.archived) { Activities.insert({ userId, type: 'list', activityType: 'archivedList', listId: doc._id, boardId: doc.boardId, }); } }); } //LISTS REST API if (Meteor.isServer) { /** * @operation get_all_lists * @summary Get the list of Lists attached to a board * * @param {string} boardId the board ID * @return_type [{_id: string, * title: string}] */ JsonRoutes.add('GET', '/api/boards/:boardId/lists', function (req, res) { try { const paramBoardId = req.params.boardId; Authentication.checkBoardAccess( req.userId, paramBoardId); JsonRoutes.sendResult(res, { code: 200, data: Lists.find({ boardId: paramBoardId, archived: false }).map(function (doc) { return { _id: doc._id, title: doc.title, }; }), }); } catch (error) { JsonRoutes.sendResult(res, { code: 200, data: error, }); } }); /** * @operation get_list * @summary Get a List attached to a board * * @param {string} boardId the board ID * @param {string} listId the List ID * @return_type Lists */ JsonRoutes.add('GET', '/api/boards/:boardId/lists/:listId', function (req, res) { try { const paramBoardId = req.params.boardId; const paramListId = req.params.listId; Authentication.checkBoardAccess( req.userId, paramBoardId); JsonRoutes.sendResult(res, { code: 200, data: Lists.findOne({ _id: paramListId, boardId: paramBoardId, archived: false }), }); } catch (error) { JsonRoutes.sendResult(res, { code: 200, data: error, }); } }); /** * @operation new_list * @summary Add a List to a board * * @param {string} boardId the board ID * @param {string} title the title of the List * @return_type {_id: string} */ JsonRoutes.add('POST', '/api/boards/:boardId/lists', function (req, res) { try { Authentication.checkUserId( req.userId); const paramBoardId = req.params.boardId; const board = Boards.findOne(paramBoardId); const id = Lists.insert({ title: req.body.title, boardId: paramBoardId, sort: board.lists().count(), }); JsonRoutes.sendResult(res, { code: 200, data: { _id: id, }, }); } catch (error) { JsonRoutes.sendResult(res, { code: 200, data: error, }); } }); /** * @operation delete_list * @summary Delete a List * * @description This **deletes** a list from a board. * The list is not put in the recycle bin. * * @param {string} boardId the board ID * @param {string} listId the ID of the list to remove * @return_type {_id: string} */ JsonRoutes.add('DELETE', '/api/boards/:boardId/lists/:listId', function (req, res) { try { Authentication.checkUserId( req.userId); const paramBoardId = req.params.boardId; const paramListId = req.params.listId; Lists.remove({ _id: paramListId, boardId: paramBoardId }); JsonRoutes.sendResult(res, { code: 200, data: { _id: paramListId, }, }); } catch (error) { JsonRoutes.sendResult(res, { code: 200, data: error, }); } }); }