Settings = new Mongo.Collection('settings'); Settings.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema({ disableRegistration: { type: Boolean, }, 'mailServer.username': { type: String, optional: true, }, 'mailServer.password': { type: String, optional: true, }, '': { type: String, optional: true, }, 'mailServer.port': { type: String, optional: true, }, 'mailServer.enableTLS': { type: Boolean, optional: true, }, 'mailServer.from': { type: String, optional: true, }, productName: { type: String, optional: true, }, customHTMLafterBodyStart: { type: String, optional: true, }, customHTMLbeforeBodyEnd: { type: String, optional: true, }, hideLogo: { type: Boolean, optional: true, }, createdAt: { type: Date, denyUpdate: true, }, modifiedAt: { type: Date, }, })); Settings.helpers({ mailUrl () { if (! { return null; } const protocol = this.mailServer.enableTLS ? 'smtps://' : 'smtp://'; if (!this.mailServer.username && !this.mailServer.password) { return `${protocol}${}:${this.mailServer.port}/`; } return `${protocol}${this.mailServer.username}:${encodeURIComponent(this.mailServer.password)}@${}:${this.mailServer.port}/`; }, }); Settings.allow({ update(userId) { const user = Users.findOne(userId); return user && user.isAdmin; }, }); Settings.before.update((userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier) => { modifier.$set = modifier.$set || {}; modifier.$set.modifiedAt = new Date(); }); if (Meteor.isServer) { Meteor.startup(() => { const setting = Settings.findOne({}); if(!setting){ const now = new Date(); const domain = process.env.ROOT_URL.match(/\/\/(?:www\.)?(.*)?(?:\/)?/)[1]; const from = `Boards Support `; const defaultSetting = {disableRegistration: false, mailServer: { username: '', password: '', host: '', port: '', enableTLS: false, from, }, createdAt: now, modifiedAt: now}; Settings.insert(defaultSetting); } const newSetting = Settings.findOne(); if (!process.env.MAIL_URL && newSetting.mailUrl()) process.env.MAIL_URL = newSetting.mailUrl(); Accounts.emailTemplates.from = process.env.MAIL_FROM ? process.env.MAIL_FROM : newSetting.mailServer.from; }); Settings.after.update((userId, doc, fieldNames) => { // assign new values to mail-from & MAIL_URL in environment if (_.contains(fieldNames, 'mailServer') && { const protocol = doc.mailServer.enableTLS ? 'smtps://' : 'smtp://'; if (!doc.mailServer.username && !doc.mailServer.password) { process.env.MAIL_URL = `${protocol}${}:${doc.mailServer.port}/`; } else { process.env.MAIL_URL = `${protocol}${doc.mailServer.username}:${encodeURIComponent(doc.mailServer.password)}@${}:${doc.mailServer.port}/`; } Accounts.emailTemplates.from = doc.mailServer.from; } }); function getRandomNum (min, max) { const range = max - min; const rand = Math.random(); return (min + Math.round(rand * range)); } function getEnvVar(name){ const value = process.env[name]; if (value){ return value; } throw new Meteor.Error(['var-not-exist', `The environment variable ${name} does not exist`]); } function sendInvitationEmail (_id){ const icode = InvitationCodes.findOne(_id); const author = Users.findOne(Meteor.userId()); try { const params = { email:, inviter: Users.findOne(icode.authorId).username, user:'@')[0], icode: icode.code, url: FlowRouter.url('sign-up'), }; const lang = author.getLanguage(); Email.send({ to:, from: Accounts.emailTemplates.from, subject: TAPi18n.__('email-invite-register-subject', params, lang), text: TAPi18n.__('email-invite-register-text', params, lang), }); } catch (e) { InvitationCodes.remove(_id); throw new Meteor.Error('email-fail', e.message); } } function isLdapEnabled() { return process.env.LDAP_ENABLE === 'true'; } function isOauth2Enabled() { return process.env.OAUTH2_ENABLED === 'true'; } function isCasEnabled() { return process.env.CAS_ENABLED === 'true'; } Meteor.methods({ sendInvitation(emails, boards) { check(emails, [String]); check(boards, [String]); const user = Users.findOne(Meteor.userId()); if(!user.isAdmin){ throw new Meteor.Error('not-allowed'); } emails.forEach((email) => { if (email && SimpleSchema.RegEx.Email.test(email)) { // Checks if the email is already link to an account. const userExist = Users.findOne({email}); if (userExist){ throw new Meteor.Error('user-exist', `The user with the email ${email} has already an account.`); } // Checks if the email is already link to an invitation. const invitation = InvitationCodes.findOne({email}); if (invitation){ InvitationCodes.update(invitation, {$set : {boardsToBeInvited: boards}}); sendInvitationEmail(invitation._id); }else { const code = getRandomNum(100000, 999999); InvitationCodes.insert({code, email, boardsToBeInvited: boards, createdAt: new Date(), authorId: Meteor.userId()}, function(err, _id){ if (!err && _id) { sendInvitationEmail(_id); } else { throw new Meteor.Error('invitation-generated-fail', err.message); } }); } } }); }, sendSMTPTestEmail() { if (!Meteor.userId()) { throw new Meteor.Error('invalid-user'); } const user = Meteor.user(); if (!user.emails && !user.emails[0] && user.emails[0].address) { throw new Meteor.Error('email-invalid'); } this.unblock(); const lang = user.getLanguage(); try { Email.send({ to: user.emails[0].address, from: Accounts.emailTemplates.from, subject: TAPi18n.__('email-smtp-test-subject', {lng: lang}), text: TAPi18n.__('email-smtp-test-text', {lng: lang}), }); } catch ({message}) { throw new Meteor.Error('email-fail', `${TAPi18n.__('email-fail-text', {lng: lang})}: ${ message }`, message); } return { message: 'email-sent', email: user.emails[0].address, }; }, getCustomUI(){ const setting = Settings.findOne({}); if (!setting.productName) { return { productName: 'Wekan', }; } else { return { productName: `${setting.productName}`, }; } }, getMatomoConf(){ return { address: getEnvVar('MATOMO_ADDRESS'), siteId: getEnvVar('MATOMO_SITE_ID'), doNotTrack: process.env.MATOMO_DO_NOT_TRACK || false, withUserName: process.env.MATOMO_WITH_USERNAME || false, }; }, _isLdapEnabled() { return isLdapEnabled(); }, _isOauth2Enabled() { return isOauth2Enabled(); }, _isCasEnabled() { return isCasEnabled(); }, // Gets all connection methods to use it in the Template getAuthenticationsEnabled() { return { ldap: isLdapEnabled(), oauth2: isOauth2Enabled(), cas: isCasEnabled(), }; }, getDefaultAuthenticationMethod() { return process.env.DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD; } }); }