#!/bin/env python3 import argparse import esprima import json import os import re import sys def get_req_body_elems(obj, elems): if obj.type == 'FunctionExpression': get_req_body_elems(obj.body, elems) elif obj.type == 'BlockStatement': for s in obj.body: get_req_body_elems(s, elems) elif obj.type == 'TryStatement': get_req_body_elems(obj.block, elems) elif obj.type == 'ExpressionStatement': get_req_body_elems(obj.expression, elems) elif obj.type == 'MemberExpression': left = get_req_body_elems(obj.object, elems) right = obj.property.name if left == 'req.body' and right not in elems: elems.append(right) return f'{left}.{right}' elif obj.type == 'VariableDeclaration': for s in obj.declarations: get_req_body_elems(s, elems) elif obj.type == 'VariableDeclarator': if obj.id.type == "ObjectPattern": # get_req_body_elems() can't be called directly here: # const {isAdmin, isNoComments, isCommentOnly} = req.body; right = get_req_body_elems(obj.init, elems) if right == 'req.body': for p in obj.id.properties: name = p.key.name if name not in elems: elems.append(name) else: get_req_body_elems(obj.init, elems) elif obj.type == 'Property': get_req_body_elems(obj.value, elems) elif obj.type == 'ObjectExpression': for s in obj.properties: get_req_body_elems(s, elems) elif obj.type == 'CallExpression': for s in obj.arguments: get_req_body_elems(s, elems) elif obj.type == 'ArrayExpression': for s in obj.elements: get_req_body_elems(s, elems) elif obj.type == 'IfStatement': get_req_body_elems(obj.test, elems) if obj.consequent is not None: get_req_body_elems(obj.consequent, elems) if obj.alternate is not None: get_req_body_elems(obj.alternate, elems) elif obj.type in ('LogicalExpression', 'BinaryExpression', 'AssignmentExpression'): get_req_body_elems(obj.left, elems) get_req_body_elems(obj.right, elems) elif obj.type in ('ReturnStatement', 'UnaryExpression'): get_req_body_elems(obj.argument, elems) elif obj.type == 'Literal': pass elif obj.type == 'Identifier': return obj.name elif obj.type == 'FunctionDeclaration': pass else: print(obj) return '' def cleanup_jsdocs(jsdoc): # remove leading spaces before the first '*' doc = [s.lstrip() for s in jsdoc.value.split('\n')] # remove leading stars doc = [s.lstrip('*') for s in doc] # remove leading empty lines while len(doc) and not doc[0].strip(): doc.pop(0) # remove terminating empty lines while len(doc) and not doc[-1].strip(): doc.pop(-1) return doc class JS2jsonDecoder(json.JSONDecoder): def decode(self, s): result = super().decode(s) # result = super(Decoder, self).decode(s) for Python 2.x return self._decode(result) def _decode(self, o): if isinstance(o, str) or isinstance(o, unicode): try: return int(o) except ValueError: return o elif isinstance(o, dict): return {k: self._decode(v) for k, v in o.items()} elif isinstance(o, list): return [self._decode(v) for v in o] else: return o def load_return_type_jsdoc_json(data): regex_replace = [(r'\n', r' '), # replace new lines by spaces (r'([\{\s,])(\w+)(:)', r'\1"\2"\3'), # insert double quotes in keys (r'(:)\s*([^:\},\]]+)\s*([\},\]])', r'\1"\2"\3'), # insert double quotes in values (r'(\[)\s*([^{].+)\s*(\])', r'\1"\2"\3'), # insert double quotes in array items (r'^\s*([^\[{].+)\s*', r'"\1"')] # insert double quotes in single item for r, s in regex_replace: data = re.sub(r, s, data) return json.loads(data) class EntryPoint(object): def __init__(self, schema, statements): self.schema = schema self.method, self._path, self.body = statements self._jsdoc = None self._doc = {} self._raw_doc = None self.path = self.compute_path() self.method_name = self.method.value.lower() self.body_params = [] if self.method_name in ('post', 'put'): get_req_body_elems(self.body, self.body_params) # replace the :parameter in path by {parameter} self.url = re.sub(r':([^/]*)Id', r'{\1}', self.path) self.url = re.sub(r':([^/]*)', r'{\1}', self.url) # reduce the api name # get_boards_board_cards() should be get_board_cards() tokens = self.url.split('/') reduced_function_name = [] for i, token in enumerate(tokens): if token in ('api'): continue if (i < len(tokens) - 1 and # not the last item tokens[i + 1].startswith('{')): # and the next token is a parameter continue reduced_function_name.append(token.strip('{}')) self.reduced_function_name = '_'.join(reduced_function_name) # mark the schema as used schema.used = True def compute_path(self): return self._path.value.rstrip('/') def error(self, message): if self._raw_doc is None: sys.stderr.write(f'in {self.schema.name},\n') sys.stderr.write(f'{message}\n') return sys.stderr.write(f'in {self.schema.name}, lines {self._raw_doc.loc.start.line}-{self._raw_doc.loc.end.line}\n') sys.stderr.write(f'{self._raw_doc.value}\n') sys.stderr.write(f'{message}\n') @property def doc(self): return self._doc @doc.setter def doc(self, doc): '''Parse the JSDoc attached to an entry point. `jsdoc` will not get these right as they are not attached to a method. So instead, we do our custom parsing here (yes, subject to errors). The expected format is the following (empty lines between entries are ignored): /** * @operation name_of_entry_point * @tag: a_tag_to_add * @tag: an_other_tag_to_add * @summary A nice summary, better in one line. * * @description This is a quite long description. * We can use *mardown* as the final rendering is done * by slate. * * indentation doesn't matter. * * @param param_0 description of param 0 * @param {string} param_1 we can also put the type of the parameter * before its name, like in JSDoc * @param {boolean} [param_2] we can also tell if the parameter is * optional by adding square brackets around its name * * @return Documents a return value */ Notes: - name_of_entry_point will be referenced in the ToC of the generated document. This is also the operationId used in the resulting openapi file. It needs to be uniq in the namesapce (the current schema.js file) - tags are appended to the current Schema attached to the file ''' self._raw_doc = doc self._jsdoc = cleanup_jsdocs(doc) def store_tag(tag, data): # check that there is something to store first if not data.strip(): return # remove terminating whitespaces and empty lines data = data.rstrip() # parameters are handled specially if tag == 'param': if 'params' not in self._doc: self._doc['params'] = {} params = self._doc['params'] param_type = None try: name, desc = data.split(maxsplit=1) except ValueError: desc = '' if name.startswith('{'): param_type = name.strip('{}') if param_type not in ['string', 'number', 'boolean', 'integer', 'array', 'file']: self.error(f'Warning, unknown type {param_type}\n allowed values: string, number, boolean, integer, array, file') try: name, desc = desc.split(maxsplit=1) except ValueError: desc = '' optional = name.startswith('[') and name.endswith(']') if optional: name = name[1:-1] # we should not have 2 identical parameter names if tag in params: self.error(f'Warning, overwriting parameter {name}') params[name] = (param_type, optional, desc) if name.endswith('Id'): # we strip out the 'Id' from the form parameters, we need # to keep the actual description around name = name[:-2] if name not in params: params[name] = (param_type, optional, desc) return # 'tag' can be set several times if tag == 'tag': if tag not in self._doc: self._doc[tag] = [] self._doc[tag].append(data) return # 'return' tag is json if tag == 'return_type': try: data = load_return_type_jsdoc_json(data) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: pass # we should not have 2 identical tags but @param or @tag if tag in self._doc: self.error(f'Warning, overwriting tag {tag}') self._doc[tag] = data # reset the current doc fields self._doc = {} # first item is supposed to be the description current_tag = 'description' current_data = '' for line in self._jsdoc: if line.lstrip().startswith('@'): tag, data = line.lstrip().split(maxsplit=1) if tag in ['@operation', '@summary', '@description', '@param', '@return_type', '@tag']: # store the current data store_tag(current_tag, current_data) current_tag = tag.lstrip('@') current_data = '' line = data else: self.error(f'Unknown tag {tag}, ignoring') current_data += line + '\n' store_tag(current_tag, current_data) @property def summary(self): if 'summary' in self._doc: # new lines are not allowed return self._doc['summary'].replace('\n', ' ') return None def doc_param(self, name): if 'params' in self._doc and name in self._doc['params']: return self._doc['params'][name] return None, None, None def print_openapi_param(self, name, indent): ptype, poptional, pdesc = self.doc_param(name) if pdesc is not None: print(f'{" " * indent}description: |') print(f'{" " * (indent + 2)}{pdesc}') else: print(f'{" " * indent}description: the {name} value') if ptype is not None: print(f'{" " * indent}type: {ptype}') else: print(f'{" " * indent}type: string') if poptional: print(f'{" " * indent}required: false') else: print(f'{" " * indent}required: true') @property def operationId(self): if 'operation' in self._doc: return self._doc['operation'] return f'{self.method_name}_{self.reduced_function_name}' @property def description(self): if 'description' in self._doc: return self._doc['description'] return None @property def returns(self): if 'return_type' in self._doc: return self._doc['return_type'] return None @property def tags(self): tags = [] if self.schema.fields is not None: tags.append(self.schema.name) if 'tag' in self._doc: tags.extend(self._doc['tag']) return tags def print_openapi_return(self, obj, indent): if isinstance(obj, dict): print(f'{" " * indent}type: object') print(f'{" " * indent}properties:') for k, v in obj.items(): print(f'{" " * (indent + 2)}{k}:') self.print_openapi_return(v, indent + 4) elif isinstance(obj, list): if len(obj) > 1: self.error('Error while parsing @return tag, an array should have only one type') print(f'{" " * indent}type: array') print(f'{" " * indent}items:') self.print_openapi_return(obj[0], indent + 2) elif isinstance(obj, str) or isinstance(obj, unicode): rtype = 'type: ' + obj if obj == self.schema.name: rtype = f'$ref: "#/definitions/{obj}"' print(f'{" " * indent}{rtype}') def print_openapi(self): parameters = [token[1:-2] if token.endswith('Id') else token[1:] for token in self.path.split('/') if token.startswith(':')] print(f' {self.method_name}:') print(f' operationId: {self.operationId}') if self.summary is not None: print(f' summary: {self.summary}') if self.description is not None: print(f' description: |') for line in self.description.split('\n'): if line.strip(): print(f' {line}') else: print('') if len(self.tags) > 0: print(f' tags:') for tag in self.tags: print(f' - {tag}') # export the parameters if self.method_name in ('post', 'put'): print(''' consumes: - multipart/form-data - application/json''') if len(parameters) > 0 or self.method_name in ('post', 'put'): print(' parameters:') if self.method_name in ('post', 'put'): for f in self.body_params: print(f''' - name: {f} in: formData''') self.print_openapi_param(f, 10) for p in parameters: if p in self.body_params: self.error(' '.join((p, self.path, self.method_name))) print(f''' - name: {p} in: path''') self.print_openapi_param(p, 10) print(''' produces: - application/json security: - UserSecurity: [] responses: '200': description: |- 200 response''') if self.returns is not None: print(' schema:') self.print_openapi_return(self.returns, 12) class SchemaProperty(object): def __init__(self, statement, schema): self.schema = schema self.statement = statement self.name = statement.key.name or statement.key.value self.type = 'object' self.blackbox = False self.required = True for p in statement.value.properties: if p.key.name == 'type': if p.value.type == 'Identifier': self.type = p.value.name.lower() elif p.value.type == 'ArrayExpression': self.type = 'array' self.elements = [e.name.lower() for e in p.value.elements] elif p.key.name == 'allowedValues': self.type = 'enum' self.enum = [e.value.lower() for e in p.value.elements] elif p.key.name == 'blackbox': self.blackbox = True elif p.key.name == 'optional' and p.value.value: self.required = False self._doc = None self._raw_doc = None @property def doc(self): return self._doc @doc.setter def doc(self, jsdoc): self._raw_doc = jsdoc self._doc = cleanup_jsdocs(jsdoc) def process_jsdocs(self, jsdocs): start = self.statement.key.loc.start.line for index, doc in enumerate(jsdocs): if start + 1 == doc.loc.start.line: self.doc = doc jsdocs.pop(index) return def __repr__(self): return f'SchemaProperty({self.name}{"*" if self.required else ""}, {self.doc})' def print_openapi(self, indent, current_schema, required_properties): schema_name = self.schema.name name = self.name # deal with subschemas if '.' in name: if name.endswith('$'): # reference in reference subschema = ''.join([n.capitalize() for n in self.name.split('.')[:-1]]) subschema = self.schema.name + subschema if current_schema != subschema: if required_properties is not None and required_properties: print(' required:') for f in required_properties: print(f' - {f}') required_properties.clear() print(f''' {subschema}: type: object''') return current_schema subschema = name.split('.')[0] schema_name = self.schema.name + subschema.capitalize() name = name.split('.')[-1] if current_schema != schema_name: if required_properties is not None and required_properties: print(' required:') for f in required_properties: print(f' - {f}') required_properties.clear() print(f''' {schema_name}: type: object properties:''') if required_properties is not None and self.required: required_properties.append(name) print(f'{" "*indent}{name}:') if self.doc is not None: print(f'{" "*indent} description: |') for line in self.doc: if line.strip(): print(f'{" "*indent} {line}') else: print('') ptype = self.type if ptype in ('enum', 'date'): ptype = 'string' if ptype != 'object': print(f'{" "*indent} type: {ptype}') if self.type == 'array': print(f'{" "*indent} items:') for elem in self.elements: if elem == 'object': print(f'{" "*indent} $ref: "#/definitions/{schema_name + name.capitalize()}"') else: print(f'{" "*indent} type: {elem}') if not self.required: print(f'{" "*indent} x-nullable: true') elif self.type == 'object': if self.blackbox: print(f'{" "*indent} type: object') else: print(f'{" "*indent} $ref: "#/definitions/{schema_name + name.capitalize()}"') elif self.type == 'enum': print(f'{" "*indent} enum:') for enum in self.enum: print(f'{" "*indent} - {enum}') if '.' not in self.name and not self.required: print(f'{" "*indent} x-nullable: true') return schema_name class Schemas(object): def __init__(self, data=None, jsdocs=None, name=None): self.name = name self._data = data self.fields = None self.used = False if data is not None: if self.name is None: self.name = data.expression.callee.object.name content = data.expression.arguments[0].arguments[0] self.fields = [SchemaProperty(p, self) for p in content.properties] self._doc = None self._raw_doc = None if jsdocs is not None: self.process_jsdocs(jsdocs) @property def doc(self): if self._doc is None: return None return ' '.join(self._doc) @doc.setter def doc(self, jsdoc): self._raw_doc = jsdoc self._doc = cleanup_jsdocs(jsdoc) def process_jsdocs(self, jsdocs): start = self._data.loc.start.line end = self._data.loc.end.line for doc in jsdocs: if doc.loc.end.line + 1 == start: self.doc = doc docs = [doc for doc in jsdocs if doc.loc.start.line >= start and doc.loc.end.line <= end] for field in self.fields: field.process_jsdocs(docs) def print_openapi(self): # empty schemas are skipped if self.fields is None: return print(f' {self.name}:') print(' type: object') if self.doc is not None: print(f' description: {self.doc}') print(' properties:') # first print out the object itself properties = [field for field in self.fields if '.' not in field.name] for prop in properties: prop.print_openapi(6, None, None) required_properties = [f.name for f in properties if f.required] if required_properties: print(' required:') for f in required_properties: print(f' - {f}') # then print the references current = None required_properties = [] properties = [f for f in self.fields if '.' in f.name and not f.name.endswith('$')] for prop in properties: current = prop.print_openapi(6, current, required_properties) if required_properties: print(' required:') for f in required_properties: print(f' - {f}') required_properties = [] # then print the references in the references for prop in [f for f in self.fields if '.' in f.name and f.name.endswith('$')]: current = prop.print_openapi(6, current, required_properties) if required_properties: print(' required:') for f in required_properties: print(f' - {f}') def parse_schemas(schemas_dir): schemas = {} entry_points = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(schemas_dir): files.sort() for filename in files: path = os.path.join(root, filename) with open(path) as f: data = ''.join(f.readlines()) try: # if the file failed, it's likely it doesn't contain a schema program = esprima.parseScript(data, options={'comment': True, 'loc': True}) except: continue current_schema = None jsdocs = [c for c in program.comments if c.type == 'Block' and c.value.startswith('*\n')] for statement in program.body: # find the '.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema()' # those are the schemas if (statement.type == 'ExpressionStatement' and statement.expression.callee is not None and statement.expression.callee.property is not None and statement.expression.callee.property.name == 'attachSchema' and statement.expression.arguments[0].type == 'NewExpression' and statement.expression.arguments[0].callee.name == 'SimpleSchema'): schema = Schemas(statement, jsdocs) current_schema = schema.name schemas[current_schema] = schema # find all the 'if (Meteor.isServer) { JsonRoutes.add(' # those are the entry points of the API elif (statement.type == 'IfStatement' and statement.test.type == 'MemberExpression' and statement.test.object.name == 'Meteor' and statement.test.property.name == 'isServer'): data = [s.expression.arguments for s in statement.consequent.body if (s.type == 'ExpressionStatement' and s.expression.type == 'CallExpression' and s.expression.callee.object.name == 'JsonRoutes')] # we found at least one entry point, keep them if len(data) > 0: if current_schema is None: current_schema = filename schemas[current_schema] = Schemas(name=current_schema) schema_entry_points = [EntryPoint(schemas[current_schema], d) for d in data] entry_points.extend(schema_entry_points) # try to match JSDoc to the operations for entry_point in schema_entry_points: operation = entry_point.method # POST/GET/PUT/DELETE jsdoc = [j for j in jsdocs if j.loc.end.line + 1 == operation.loc.start.line] if bool(jsdoc): entry_point.doc = jsdoc[0] return schemas, entry_points def generate_openapi(schemas, entry_points, version): print(f'''swagger: '2.0' info: title: Wekan REST API version: {version} description: | The REST API allows you to control and extend Wekan with ease. If you are an end-user and not a dev or a tester, [create an issue](https://github.com/wekan/wekan/issues/new) to request new APIs. > All API calls in the documentation are made using `curl`. However, you are free to use Java / Python / PHP / Golang / Ruby / Swift / Objective-C / Rust / Scala / C# or any other programming languages. # Production Security Concerns When calling a production Wekan server, ensure it is running via HTTPS and has a valid SSL Certificate. The login method requires you to post your username and password in plaintext, which is why we highly suggest only calling the REST login api over HTTPS. Also, few things to note: * Only call via HTTPS * Implement a timed authorization token expiration strategy * Ensure the calling user only has permissions for what they are calling and no more schemes: - http securityDefinitions: UserSecurity: type: apiKey in: header name: Authorization paths: /users/login: post: operationId: login summary: Login with REST API consumes: - application/x-www-form-urlencoded - application/json tags: - Login parameters: - name: username in: formData required: true description: | Your username type: string - name: password in: formData required: true description: | Your password type: string format: password responses: 200: description: |- Successful authentication schema: items: properties: id: type: string token: type: string tokenExpires: type: string 400: description: | Error in authentication schema: items: properties: error: type: number reason: type: string default: description: | Error in authentication /users/register: post: operationId: register summary: Register with REST API description: | Notes: - You will need to provide the token for any of the authenticated methods. consumes: - application/x-www-form-urlencoded - application/json tags: - Login parameters: - name: username in: formData required: true description: | Your username type: string - name: password in: formData required: true description: | Your password type: string format: password - name: email in: formData required: true description: | Your email type: string responses: 200: description: |- Successful registration schema: items: properties: id: type: string token: type: string tokenExpires: type: string 400: description: | Error in registration schema: items: properties: error: type: number reason: type: string default: description: | Error in registration ''') # GET and POST on the same path are valid, we need to reshuffle the paths # with the path as the sorting key methods = {} for ep in entry_points: if ep.path not in methods: methods[ep.path] = [] methods[ep.path].append(ep) sorted_paths = list(methods.keys()) sorted_paths.sort() for path in sorted_paths: print(f' {methods[path][0].url}:') for ep in methods[path]: ep.print_openapi() print('definitions:') for schema in schemas.values(): # do not export the objects if there is no API attached if not schema.used: continue schema.print_openapi() def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate an OpenAPI 2.0 from the given JS schemas.') script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) parser.add_argument('--release', default=f'git-master', nargs=1, help='the current version of the API, can be retrieved by running `git describe --tags --abbrev=0`') parser.add_argument('dir', default=f'{script_dir}/../models', nargs='?', help='the directory where to look for schemas') args = parser.parse_args() schemas, entry_points = parse_schemas(args.dir) generate_openapi(schemas, entry_points, args.release[0]) if __name__ == '__main__': main()