Group = function(router, options, parent) { options = options || {}; if (options.prefix && !/^\/.*/.test(options.prefix)) { var message = "group's prefix must start with '/'"; throw new Error(message); } this._router = router; this.prefix = options.prefix || ''; =; this.options = options; this._triggersEnter = options.triggersEnter || []; this._triggersExit = options.triggersExit || []; this._subscriptions = options.subscriptions || Function.prototype; this.parent = parent; if (this.parent) { this.prefix = parent.prefix + this.prefix; this._triggersEnter = parent._triggersEnter.concat(this._triggersEnter); this._triggersExit = this._triggersExit.concat(parent._triggersExit); } }; Group.prototype.route = function(pathDef, options, group) { options = options || {}; if (!/^\/.*/.test(pathDef)) { var message = "route's path must start with '/'"; throw new Error(message); } group = group || this; pathDef = this.prefix + pathDef; var triggersEnter = options.triggersEnter || []; options.triggersEnter = this._triggersEnter.concat(triggersEnter); var triggersExit = options.triggersExit || []; options.triggersExit = triggersExit.concat(this._triggersExit); return this._router.route(pathDef, options, group); }; = function(options) { return new Group(this._router, options, this); }; Group.prototype.callSubscriptions = function(current) { if (this.parent) { this.parent.callSubscriptions(current); }, current.params, current.queryParams); };