# Releasing Marked - [ ] See [contributing](#/CONTRIBUTING.md) - [ ] Create release branch from `master` (`release-x.y.z`) - [ ] Submit PR with minimal name: Release x.y.z - [ ] Complete PR checklists ## Overall strategy **Master is always shippable:** We try to merge PRs in such a way that `master` is the only branch to really be concerned about *and* `master` can always be released. This allows smoother flow between new features, bug fixes, and so on. (Almost a continuous deployment setup, without automation.) ## Versioning We follow [semantic versioning](https://semver.org) where the following sequence is true `[major].[minor].[patch]`; therefore, consider the following implications of the release you are preparing: 1. **Major:** There is at least one change not deemed backward compatible. 2. **Minor:** There is at least one new feature added to the release. 3. **Patch:** No breaking changes, no new features. What to expect while Marked is a zero-major (0.x.y): 1. The major will remain at zero; thereby, alerting consumers to the potentially volatile nature of the package. 2. The minor will tend to be more analogous to a `major` release. 3. The patch will tend to be more analogous to a `minor` release or a collection of bug fixes (patches).