## The `marked` function ```js marked(markdownString [,options] [,callback]) ``` |Argument |Type |Notes | |:---------------------|:------------|:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |markdownString |`string` |String of markdown source to be compiled. | |options|`object`|Hash of options. Can also use `marked.setOptions`. | |callback |`function` |Called when `markdownString` has been parsed. Can be used as second argument if no `options` present.| ### Alternative using reference ```js // Create reference instance var myMarked = require('marked'); // Set options // `highlight` example uses `highlight.js` myMarked.setOptions({ renderer: new myMarked.Renderer(), highlight: function(code) { return require('highlight.js').highlightAuto(code).value; }, pedantic: false, gfm: true, tables: true, breaks: false, sanitize: false, smartLists: true, smartypants: false, xhtml: false }); // Compile console.log(myMarked('I am using __markdown__.')); ```


|Member |Type |Default |Since |Notes | |:-----------|:---------|:--------|:--------|:-------------| |baseUrl |`string` |`null` |0.3.9 |A prefix url for any relative link. | |breaks |`boolean` |`false` |v0.2.7 |If true, add `
` on a single line break (copies GitHub). Requires `gfm` be `true`.| |gfm |`boolean` |`true` |v0.2.1 |If true, use approved [GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) specification](https://github.github.com/gfm/).| |headerIds |`boolean` |`true` |v0.4.0 |If true, include an `id` attribute when emitting headings (h1, h2, h3, etc).| |headerPrefix|`string` |`''` |v0.3.0 |A string to prefix the `id` attribute when emitting headings (h1, h2, h3, etc).| |highlight |`function`|`null` |v0.3.0 |A function to highlight code blocks, see Asynchronous highlighting.| |langPrefix |`string` |`'language-'`|v0.3.0|A string to prefix the className in a `` block. Useful for syntax highlighting.| |mangle |`boolean` |`true` |v0.3.4 |If true, autolinked email address is escaped with HTML character references.| |pedantic |`boolean` |`false` |v0.2.1 |If true, conform to the original `markdown.pl` as much as possible. Don't fix original markdown bugs or behavior. Turns off and overrides `gfm`.| |renderer |`object` |`new Renderer()`|v0.3.0|An object containing functions to render tokens to HTML. See [extensibility](USING_PRO.md) for more details.| |sanitize |`boolean` |`false` |v0.2.1 |If true, sanitize the HTML passed into `markdownString` with the `sanitizer` function.| |sanitizer |`function`|`null` |v0.3.4 |A function to sanitize the HTML passed into `markdownString`.| |silent |`boolean` |`false` |v0.2.7 |If true, the parser does not throw any exception.| |smartLists |`boolean` |`false` |v0.2.8 |If true, use smarter list behavior than those found in `markdown.pl`.| |smartypants |`boolean` |`false` |v0.2.9 |If true, use "smart" typographic punctuation for things like quotes and dashes.| |tables |`boolean` |`true` |v0.2.7 |If true and `gfm` is true, use [GFM Tables extension](https://github.github.com/gfm/#tables-extension-).| |xhtml |`boolean` |`false` |v0.3.2 |If true, emit self-closing HTML tags for void elements (<br/>, <img/>, etc.) with a "/" as required by XHTML.|

Asynchronous highlighting

Unlike `highlight.js` the `pygmentize.js` library uses asynchronous highlighting. This example demonstrates that marked is agnostic when it comes to the highlighter you use. ```js myMarked.setOptions({ highlight: function(code, lang, callback) { require('pygmentize-bundled') ({ lang: lang, format: 'html' }, code, function (err, result) { callback(err, result.toString()); }); } }); console.log(myMarked(markdownString)); ``` In both examples, `code` is a `string` representing the section of code to pass to the highlighter. In this example, `lang` is a `string` informing the highlighter what programming lnaguage to use for the `code` and `callback` is the `function` the asynchronous highlighter will call once complete.