const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const folder = process.argv[2]; const jsonFile = process.argv[3]; if (!folder || !jsonFile) { console.log('node ./json-to-files.js {path to folder} {path to json file}'); process.exit(1); } const specs = require(jsonFile); const files = specs.reduce((obj, spec) => { if (!obj[spec.section]) { obj[spec.section] = { md: [], html: [], options: {} }; } obj[spec.section].md.push(spec.markdown); obj[spec.section].html.push(spec.html); Object.assign(obj[spec.section].options, spec.options); return obj; }, {}); try { fs.mkdirSync(folder, {recursive: true}); } catch (ex) { // already exists } for (const section in files) { const file = files[section]; const name = section.toLowerCase().replace(' ', '_'); const frontMatter = Object.keys(file.options).map(opt => { let value = file.options[opt]; if (typeof value !== 'string') { value = JSON.stringify(value); } return `${opt}: ${value}`; }).join('\n'); let markdown ='\n\n'); if (frontMatter) { markdown = `---\n${frontMatter}\n---\n\n${markdown}`; } const html = file.html.join('\n\n'); const mdFile = path.resolve(folder, `${name}.md`); const htmlFile = path.resolve(folder, `${name}.html`); if (fs.existsSync(mdFile) || fs.existsSync(htmlFile)) { throw new Error(`${name} already exists.`); } fs.writeFileSync(mdFile, markdown); fs.writeFileSync(htmlFile, html); }