import _ from 'underscore'; import SyncedCron from 'meteor/percolate:synced-cron'; import LDAP from './ldap'; import { log_debug, log_info, log_warn, log_error } from './logger'; Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "getLDAPValue", { value: function (prop) { const self = this; for (let key in self) { if (key.toLowerCase() == prop.toLowerCase()) { return self[key]; } } }, enumerable: false }); export function slug(text) { if (LDAP.settings_get('LDAP_UTF8_NAMES_SLUGIFY') !== true) { return text; } text = slugify(text, '.'); return text.replace(/[^0-9a-z-_.]/g, ''); } function templateVarHandler (variable, object) { const templateRegex = /#{([\w\-]+)}/gi; let match = templateRegex.exec(variable); let tmpVariable = variable; if (match == null) { if (!object.hasOwnProperty(variable)) { return; } return object[variable]; } else { while (match != null) { const tmplVar = match[0]; const tmplAttrName = match[1]; if (!object.hasOwnProperty(tmplAttrName)) { return; } const attrVal = object[tmplAttrName]; tmpVariable = tmpVariable.replace(tmplVar, attrVal); match = templateRegex.exec(variable); } return tmpVariable; } } export function getPropertyValue(obj, key) { try { return _.reduce(key.split('.'), (acc, el) => acc[el], obj); } catch (err) { return undefined; } } export function getLdapUsername(ldapUser) { const usernameField = LDAP.settings_get('LDAP_USERNAME_FIELD'); if (usernameField.indexOf('#{') > -1) { return usernameField.replace(/#{(.+?)}/g, function(match, field) { return ldapUser.getLDAPValue(field); }); } return ldapUser.getLDAPValue(usernameField); } export function getLdapEmail(ldapUser) { const emailField = LDAP.settings_get('LDAP_EMAIL_FIELD'); if (emailField.indexOf('#{') > -1) { return emailField.replace(/#{(.+?)}/g, function(match, field) { return ldapUser.getLDAPValue(field); }); } return ldapUser.getLDAPValue(emailField); } export function getLdapFullname(ldapUser) { const fullnameField = LDAP.settings_get('LDAP_FULLNAME_FIELD'); if (fullnameField.indexOf('#{') > -1) { return fullnameField.replace(/#{(.+?)}/g, function(match, field) { return ldapUser.getLDAPValue(field); }); } return ldapUser.getLDAPValue(fullnameField); } export function getLdapUserUniqueID(ldapUser) { let Unique_Identifier_Field = LDAP.settings_get('LDAP_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_FIELD'); if (Unique_Identifier_Field !== '') { Unique_Identifier_Field = Unique_Identifier_Field.replace(/\s/g, '').split(','); } else { Unique_Identifier_Field = []; } let User_Search_Field = LDAP.settings_get('LDAP_USER_SEARCH_FIELD'); if (User_Search_Field !== '') { User_Search_Field = User_Search_Field.replace(/\s/g, '').split(','); } else { User_Search_Field = []; } Unique_Identifier_Field = Unique_Identifier_Field.concat(User_Search_Field); if (Unique_Identifier_Field.length > 0) { Unique_Identifier_Field = Unique_Identifier_Field.find((field) => { return !_.isEmpty(ldapUser._raw.getLDAPValue(field)); }); if (Unique_Identifier_Field) { log_debug(`Identifying user with: ${ Unique_Identifier_Field}`); Unique_Identifier_Field = { attribute: Unique_Identifier_Field, value: ldapUser._raw.getLDAPValue(Unique_Identifier_Field).toString('hex'), }; } return Unique_Identifier_Field; } } export function getDataToSyncUserData(ldapUser, user) { const syncUserData = LDAP.settings_get('LDAP_SYNC_USER_DATA'); const syncUserDataFieldMap = LDAP.settings_get('LDAP_SYNC_USER_DATA_FIELDMAP').trim(); const userData = {}; if (syncUserData && syncUserDataFieldMap) { const whitelistedUserFields = ['email', 'name', 'customFields']; const fieldMap = JSON.parse(syncUserDataFieldMap); const emailList = [];, function(userField, ldapField) { log_debug(`Mapping field ${ldapField} -> ${userField}`); switch (userField) { case 'email': if (!ldapUser.hasOwnProperty(ldapField)) { log_debug(`user does not have attribute: ${ ldapField }`); return; } if (_.isObject(ldapUser[ldapField])) {[ldapField], function(item) { emailList.push({ address: item, verified: true }); }); } else { emailList.push({ address: ldapUser[ldapField], verified: true }); } break; default: const [outerKey, innerKeys] = userField.split(/\.(.+)/); if (!_.find(whitelistedUserFields, (el) => el === outerKey)) { log_debug(`user attribute not whitelisted: ${ userField }`); return; } if (outerKey === 'customFields') { let customFieldsMeta; try { customFieldsMeta = JSON.parse(LDAP.settings_get('Accounts_CustomFields')); } catch (e) { log_debug('Invalid JSON for Custom Fields'); return; } if (!getPropertyValue(customFieldsMeta, innerKeys)) { log_debug(`user attribute does not exist: ${ userField }`); return; } } const tmpUserField = getPropertyValue(user, userField); const tmpLdapField = templateVarHandler(ldapField, ldapUser); if (tmpLdapField && tmpUserField !== tmpLdapField) { // creates the object structure instead of just assigning 'tmpLdapField' to // 'userData[userField]' in order to avoid the "cannot use the part (...) // to traverse the element" (MongoDB) error that can happen. Do not handle // arrays. // TODO: Find a better solution. const dKeys = userField.split('.'); const lastKey = _.last(dKeys); _.reduce(dKeys, (obj, currKey) => (currKey === lastKey) ? obj[currKey] = tmpLdapField : obj[currKey] = obj[currKey] || {} , userData); log_debug(`user.${ userField } changed to: ${ tmpLdapField }`); } } }); if (emailList.length > 0) { if (JSON.stringify(user.emails) !== JSON.stringify(emailList)) { userData.emails = emailList; } } } const uniqueId = getLdapUserUniqueID(ldapUser); if (uniqueId && (! || ! || !== uniqueId.value || !== uniqueId.attribute)) { userData[''] = uniqueId.value; userData['services.ldap.idAttribute'] = uniqueId.attribute; } if (user.authenticationMethod !== 'ldap') { userData.ldap = true; } if (_.size(userData)) { return userData; } } export function syncUserData(user, ldapUser) { log_info('Syncing user data'); log_debug('user', {'email':, '_id': user._id}); // log_debug('ldapUser', ldapUser.object); if (LDAP.settings_get('LDAP_USERNAME_FIELD') !== '') { const username = slug(getLdapUsername(ldapUser)); if (user && user._id && username !== user.username) { log_info('Syncing user username', user.username, '->', username); Meteor.users.findOne({ _id: user._id }, { $set: { username }}); } } if (LDAP.settings_get('LDAP_FULLNAME_FIELD') !== '') { const fullname= getLdapFullname(ldapUser); log_debug('fullname=',fullname); if (user && user._id && fullname !== '') { log_info('Syncing user fullname:', fullname); Meteor.users.update({ _id: user._id }, { $set: { 'profile.fullname' : fullname, }}); } } } export function addLdapUser(ldapUser, username, password) { const uniqueId = getLdapUserUniqueID(ldapUser); const userObject = { }; if (username) { userObject.username = username; } const userData = getDataToSyncUserData(ldapUser, {}); if (userData && userData.emails && userData.emails[0] && userData.emails[0].address) { if (Array.isArray(userData.emails[0].address)) { = userData.emails[0].address[0]; } else { = userData.emails[0].address; } } else if (ldapUser.mail && ldapUser.mail.indexOf('@') > -1) { = ldapUser.mail; } else if (LDAP.settings_get('LDAP_DEFAULT_DOMAIN') !== '') { = `${ username || uniqueId.value }@${ LDAP.settings_get('LDAP_DEFAULT_DOMAIN') }`; } else { const error = new Meteor.Error('LDAP-login-error', 'LDAP Authentication succeded, there is no email to create an account. Have you tried setting your Default Domain in LDAP Settings?'); log_error(error); throw error; } log_debug('New user data', userObject); if (password) { userObject.password = password; } try { // This creates the account with password service userObject.ldap = true; userObject._id = Accounts.createUser(userObject); // Add the services.ldap identifiers Meteor.users.update({ _id: userObject._id }, { $set: { 'services.ldap': { id: uniqueId.value }, 'emails.0.verified': true, 'authenticationMethod': 'ldap', }}); } catch (error) { log_error('Error creating user', error); return error; } syncUserData(userObject, ldapUser); return { userId: userObject._id, }; } export function importNewUsers(ldap) { if (LDAP.settings_get('LDAP_ENABLE') !== true) { log_error('Can\'t run LDAP Import, LDAP is disabled'); return; } if (!ldap) { ldap = new LDAP(); ldap.connectSync(); } let count = 0; ldap.searchUsersSync('*', Meteor.bindEnvironment((error, ldapUsers, {next, end} = {}) => { if (error) { throw error; } ldapUsers.forEach((ldapUser) => { count++; const uniqueId = getLdapUserUniqueID(ldapUser); // Look to see if user already exists const userQuery = { '': uniqueId.value, }; log_debug('userQuery', userQuery); let username; if (LDAP.settings_get('LDAP_USERNAME_FIELD') !== '') { username = slug(getLdapUsername(ldapUser)); } // Add user if it was not added before let user = Meteor.users.findOne(userQuery); if (!user && username && LDAP.settings_get('LDAP_MERGE_EXISTING_USERS') === true) { const userQuery = { username, }; log_debug('userQuery merge', userQuery); user = Meteor.users.findOne(userQuery); if (user) { syncUserData(user, ldapUser); } } if (!user) { addLdapUser(ldapUser, username); } if (count % 100 === 0) { log_info('Import running. Users imported until now:', count); } }); if (end) { log_info('Import finished. Users imported:', count); } next(count); })); } function sync() { if (LDAP.settings_get('LDAP_ENABLE') !== true) { return; } const ldap = new LDAP(); try { ldap.connectSync(); let users; if (LDAP.settings_get('LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC_KEEP_EXISTANT_USERS_UPDATED') === true) { users = Meteor.users.find({ 'services.ldap': { $exists: true }}); } if (LDAP.settings_get('LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC_IMPORT_NEW_USERS') === true) { importNewUsers(ldap); } if (LDAP.settings_get('LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC_KEEP_EXISTANT_USERS_UPDATED') === true) { users.forEach(function(user) { let ldapUser; if ( && && { ldapUser = ldap.getUserByIdSync(,; } else { ldapUser = ldap.getUserByUsernameSync(user.username); } if (ldapUser) { syncUserData(user, ldapUser); } else { log_info('Can\'t sync user', user.username); } }); } } catch (error) { log_error(error); return error; } return true; } const jobName = 'LDAP_Sync'; const addCronJob = _.debounce(Meteor.bindEnvironment(function addCronJobDebounced() { let sc=SyncedCron.SyncedCron; //Why ?? something must be wrong in the import if (LDAP.settings_get('LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC') !== true) { log_info('Disabling LDAP Background Sync'); if (sc.nextScheduledAtDate(jobName)) { sc.remove(jobName); } return; } log_info('Enabling LDAP Background Sync'); sc.add({ name: jobName, schedule: function(parser) { if (LDAP.settings_get('LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC_INTERVAL')) { return parser.text(LDAP.settings_get('LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC_INTERVAL')); } else { return parser.recur().on(0).minute(); }}, job: function() { sync(); }, }); sc.start(); }), 500); Meteor.startup(() => { Meteor.defer(() => { if(LDAP.settings_get('LDAP_BACKGROUND_SYNC')){addCronJob();} }); });