# Use use the meteor-spk tool to generate a sandstorm package (spk) from this # meteor application source code. https://github.com/sandstorm-io/meteor-spk @0xa5275bd3ad124e12; using Spk = import "/sandstorm/package.capnp"; # This imports: # $SANDSTORM_HOME/latest/usr/include/sandstorm/package.capnp # Check out that file to see the full, documented package definition format. const pkgdef :Spk.PackageDefinition = ( # The package definition. Note that the spk tool looks specifically for the # "pkgdef" constant. id = "m86q05rdvj14yvn78ghaxynqz7u2svw6rnttptxx49g1785cdv1h", # The app ID is actually its public key. The private key was placed in your # keyring. All updates must be signed with the same key. manifest = ( # This manifest is included in our app package to tell Sandstorm about our # app. appTitle = (defaultText = "LibreBoard"), # The name of the app as it is displayed to the user. appVersion = 3, # Increment this for every release. appMarketingVersion = (defaultText = "0.9.0_beta1"), # Human-readable presentation of the app version. minUpgradableAppVersion = 0, # The minimum version of the app which can be safely replaced by this app # package without data loss. This might be non-zero if the app's data store # format changed drastically in the past and the app is no longer able to # read the old format. actions = [ # Define your "new document" handlers here. ( title = (defaultText = "New board"), command = .myCommand, # The command to run when starting for the first time. (".myCommand" is # just a constant defined at the bottom of the file.) ) ], continueCommand = .myCommand, # This is the command called to start your app back up after it has been # shut down for inactivity. Here we're using the same command as for # starting a new instance, but you could use different commands for each # case. metadata = ( # icons = ( # appGrid = (svg = embed "meta/icons/libreboard-128.svg"), # grain = (svg = embed "meta/icons/libreboard-24.svg"), # market = (svg = embed "meta/icons/libreboard-150.svg"), # ), # XXX We currently don't have an icon, because the bird image included in # previous version was a copyright infringement, see # https://github.com/libreboard/libreboard/issues/64. # I have an idea to replace it but it's not ready yet. website = "http://libreboard.com", codeUrl = "https://github.com/libreboard/libreboard", license = (openSource = mit), categories = [productivity, office], author = ( contactEmail = "maxime@quandalle.com", pgpSignature = embed "meta/mquandalle-pgp-sig", ), pgpKeyring = embed "meta/keyring", # screenshots = [ # ( # width = 1222, # height = 822, # png = embed "meta/screenshots/board-view.png" # ), # # XXX The UI visible screenshot is outdated, make some new screenshots # # before the final v0.9 release. # # XXX The screenshots should have a standard width and height. # ], # XXX Disabled because it seems that the PNG image is too large and causes # an exception, is it? changeLog = ( defaultText = embed "History.md", localizations = [ (locale = "fr", text = embed "meta/t9n-changelog/fr.md"), ], ) ) ), sourceMap = ( # The following directories will be copied into your package. searchPath = [ (sourcePath = ".meteor-spk/deps"), (sourcePath = ".meteor-spk/bundle"), ] ), alwaysInclude = [ "." ], # This says that we always want to include all files from the source map. (An # alternative is to automatically detect dependencies by watching what the app # opens while running in dev mode. To see what that looks like, run `spk init` # without the -A option.) bridgeConfig = ( viewInfo = ( permissions = [( name = "participate", title = ( defaultText = "participate", localizations = [ (locale = "fr", text = "participer"), ], ), description = ( defaultText = "allows participating in the board", localizations = [ (locale = "fr", text = "permet de participer dans le tableau"), ], ) ), ( name = "configure", title = ( defaultText = "configure", localizations = [ (locale = "fr", text = "configurer"), ], ), description = ( defaultText = "allows configuring the board", localizations = [ (locale = "fr", text = "permet de configurer le tableau"), ], ) )], roles = [( title = ( defaultText = "observer", localizations = [ (locale = "fr", text = "observateur"), ], ), permissions = [false, false], verbPhrase = ( defaultText = "can read", localizations = [ (locale = "fr", text = "peut lire"), ], ) ), ( title = ( defaultText = "member", localizations = [ (locale = "fr", text = "membre"), ], ), permissions = [true, false], verbPhrase = ( defaultText = "can edit", localizations = [ (locale = "fr", text = "peut éditer"), ], ), default = true, # ), ( # title = (defaultText = "administrator"), # permissions = [true, true], # verbPhrase = (defaultText = "can configure") # # XXX Administrators configuration options aren’t implemented yet, so this # role is currently useless. )] ) ), ); const myCommand :Spk.Manifest.Command = ( # Here we define the command used to start up your server. argv = ["/sandstorm-http-bridge", "4000", "--", "node", "start.js"], environ = [ # Note that this defines the *entire* environment seen by your app. (key = "PATH", value = "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin"), (key = "METEOR_SETTINGS", value = "{\"public\": {\"sandstorm\": true}}") ] );